

1 Uppsatser om Identitetsomformning - Sida 1 av 1

Professionella ex inom missbruksvården : En kvalitativ studie om vägen från drogmissbruk och kriminalitet till en karriär inom behandling

The aim of this study was to examine how "Professional Exes", individuals that have exited a drug abuse and a criminal career and further are educated to work in the addiction field, transformed their identity and which factors that were significant in the process. The result of this study are based on semi-structured interviews with five Professional Exes and shows which specific factors in the process that contributed to the transformation and what kind of difficulties and barriers that existed during the process. The study suggests that, among other things, identification with others exes and the 12 Step Program are significant factors in the process. Furthermore, the study suggests that a difficulty in the transformation is that residues from the previous identity such as a poor self-esteem occurred in some situations..