

40 Uppsatser om Hunters - Sida 1 av 3

Den riktiga jakten : ett livslångt lärande

This thesis in social anthropology is based on interviews with four Hunters from the middle of Sweden. It is about how the Hunters get their traditional knowledge and how important it is to grow up and live in rural areas for the knowledge and understanding of hunting. The essay is also about the difference between the Hunters from rural areas and the Hunters from urban areas. It also examines how the rural Hunters speak about the true and real hunter..

Den erfarne ripjägaren : Optimalt födosök hos homo sapiens?

The purpose of this study is to examine some factors that make a human grouse hunter to prolong and increase its hunting effort. The theory of optimal foraging is used for explaining their behavior.The data of this study is collected from a web-based inquiry from 2007 answered by grouse Hunters in Sweden. The method that has been used is mainly bivariate statistics and logistic regression analysis.Key findings shows that an experienced grouse hunter has more than 5 times the chance of prolonging hunting effort when grouse density is high, compared to a beginner grouse hunter. On the same time experienced grouse Hunters also stop hunting in advance when grouse density is low to a larger extent than inexperienced Hunters. Other factors of importance for prolonging the hunting effort for a day are age and the travel distance to the hunting area.

Användande av avskjutningsstatistik i förvaltning : påverkar tidigare jakt CPUE?

In fisheries, there is a long tradition to use catch data when evaluating changes in the stock and effects from harvesting. It is a common practice to use Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) as an index of population size, and several studies have investigated the properties of CPUE in relation to population abundance, spatial distribution and efficiency of gear. In research, catch rate on trap-transects is used as an index of abundance for wildlife species but CPUE is rarely applied as a tool in harvest management.In 1993, more than 60 000 km2 of the state managed mountain range in Sweden was opened to the public for small game hunting, under the responsibility of the county administrative boards in Jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten. The total area is now divided into 332 hunting units (median=73 km2) and an internet based system is used to administer licences and reporting bag statistic. Each hunter has to register the results within two weeks after the hunt.

Mjölkraskorsningar i avelsvärdering av tillväxt hos svenska köttrastjurar

The concerning issue of declining number of Hunters in North America is also apparent in Europe and Sweden. When the bulk of research found on human dimensions and hunting participation has almost exclusively been done in the United States, this report seeks to add to the needed knowledge on a national level focusing on the causes of hunter declines related to social factors within Sweden. Using hunter data reaching from commune, county to National level, this report describes the correlation between a number of variables and the hunting participation in Sweden.The typical Swedish hunter lives in an area with low population density, the person usually has higher education, the living situation is stable with no recent moving and there is relatively good access to forest land. Persons with weaker connection to the Swedish culture such as foreign citizens, people with foreign background and people born outside ?the Nordic countries? are less likely to start hunt or participate in hunting.A strong relationship was found between the favorite game, moose (Alces alces), and the amount of Hunters participating in the hunting.

En analys av faktorer som kan påverka viktförändring - statistisk bearbetning av material från studien Health Hunters

Uppsatsen är en statistisk bearbetning av material från studien Health Hunters som genomfördes i Göteborg på unga kvinnor som befann sig i en högriskgrupp för att utveckla övervikt eller fetma. Barn till överviktiga har en ökad risk för att utveckla övervikt därför är det viktigt att arbeta preventivt då behandlingsresultaten vid fetma ofta är otillräckliga. Det är viktigt att förebygga övervikt och fetma då detta kan resultera i bland annat typ II-diabetes och hjärtkärlsjukdomar samt så ger behandling av fetma och dess följdsjukdomar höga sjukvård- och samhällskostnader. Health Hunters har visat att preventivt arbete mot viktuppgång kan ge resultat. Information kring deltagarna har vi fått via Health Hunters där de fick ge information om sina vanor och genomgå mätningar.

Tidningen Dagens Nyheters uppfattning om vildsvinen (Sus scrofa)? : en innehållsanalys av en rikstäckande nyhetstidning

Since the wild boars (Sus scrofa) escaped from their enclosures in the 1970s, their numbers has increased dramatically. It is an animal that is currently involved in many traffic accidents. The wild boar is a popular animal to hunt. As the population has grown so has the hunting. But, unfortunately, there have also been an increased numbers of attacks on Hunters.

Historien om jägarna : En fallstudie om rapporteringen av Kalixhärvan i lokala medier

This study focus on how two local news papers in the northen part of Sweden reported about the investigation of illegal hunting, called Kalixhärvan, in the years of 1983-1984. The study also adress how this newspapers presented the agents that is mentioned in the newsarticles, who played an importent part during the investigation. The study is based on the analysis of eight articles involving the investigation. The aricales is selected from march 1983 to march 1984. The analys is made using the method of critical linguistics and with the theoretical ground in theories of masculinity and stereotypes.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the Hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

Hunter demography, trends and correlates of hunting participation in Sweden

The concerning issue of declining number of Hunters in North America is also apparent in Europe and Sweden. When the bulk of research found on human dimensions and hunting participation has almost exclusively been done in the United States, this report seeks to add to the needed knowledge on a national level focusing on the causes of hunter declines related to social factors within Sweden. Using hunter data reaching from commune, county to National level, this report describes the correlation between a number of variables and the hunting participation in Sweden.The typical Swedish hunter lives in an area with low population density, the person usually has higher education, the living situation is stable with no recent moving and there is relatively good access to forest land. Persons with weaker connection to the Swedish culture such as foreign citizens, people with foreign background and people born outside ?the Nordic countries? are less likely to start hunt or participate in hunting.A strong relationship was found between the favorite game, moose (Alces alces), and the amount of Hunters participating in the hunting.

Human attitudes toward large carnivores bear, wolf, lynx and wolverine : a case study of Västerbotten County

Management of large carnivores involves more than just the management of animals, people also have a large influence. The Swedish parliament decided in 2009 that the county boards should use co-management to a greater extent in management. This shows how important human dimensions are.We know from previous research that the majority of people in Västerbotten are positive toward large carnivores and the management done by the state, however there is a negative minority which should not be neglected. This paper contributes with an examination of attitudes toward large carnivores, wolf, bear, lynx and wolverine, in Västerbotten County. The data for this study were derived from a survey that was sent out to 150 randomly selected persons in every commune in following counties: Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland, Västernorrland, Dalarna, Gävleborg and Stockholm.

Den öländska älgstammens förvaltning : en granskning av förvaltningsplanerna och jaktens upplägg

To Swedes in general and, to Hunters in particular, there is a great interest for moose (Alces alces), witch is Sweden?s largest deer species. In the province of Öland (Sweden?s second largest island) the local people show a great interest for the moose existence, both for consumptive (hunting) and non-consumptive use (tourism). This became apparent in 2002 when the moose Hunters on Öland voluntary agreed to temporarily postpone the moose hunt on the island.

Externa kostnader för viltolyckor

The objective of this paper is to estimate monetary and non-monetary costs for the huntercaused by deer-vehicle collisions in Sweden. These costs include losses in hunting value as wellas time and money efforts related to the handling of wildlife casualties. The calculations arebased on available statistics from 2004 on deer-vehicle collisions involving moose, deer, roedeerand wild boar and on telephone interviews with Hunters involved in the tracking of injuredanimals. Altogether, the annual loss in hunting value for moose was assessed to approximately30 million SEK based on the 2004 accident statistics. For roe-deer and fallow deer, thecorresponding figure was approximately 56 million SEK and 1.2 million SEK, while wild boaraccounted for 1.3 million SEK, respectively.

Social and economic consequences of wolf (Canis lupus) establishments in Sweden

Wildlife contributes with many benefits to humans but also brings economic costs. From being eradicated in Scandinavia the grey wolf (Canis lupus) is returning to South-Western Sweden and people are not used to its presence. In Scandinavia carnivores have to co-occur with humans in a landscape used for many different interests. Consequences of wolf establishments are e.g. competition for moose, depredation on sheep and attacks on hunting dogs.

Spillningsinventering för bestämning av älgbetesbelastning på ungskog

In the 1980?s the moose population in Sweden grew explosively due to big changes in the silviculture with clear cuttings instead of single-tree selection. Clear cuttings brought big areas of young forest and therefore a lot of fodder in one place. Since this change, the discussion about how to manage the moose population has grown into a very big problem. Forest owners think that the population needs to be strongly reduced because of all the damage that is done to the young forest when the moose seeks its food, and the economic losses because of that.

Att döda en mansnorm : Att döda en mansnormJakten ur ett genusperspektiv -den kvinnliga jägaren i den manliga jaktkulturen

Hunting is considered as the most masculine activity in our society. Historically, man has been described as the provider for his family, this in the forms of hunting and gathering. Today hunting is still associated with a male hunter, but women have started to infiltrate the hunting culture. In this study hunting culture is analyzed with a gender perspective. In a modern society with gender and equality as a big subject of debate it is interesting to examine this impact on a culture so linked with masculinity.

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