

126 Uppsatser om Heteronormativity - Sida 1 av 9

När jämställdhet blir problemet : Adoptionshandläggning för samkönade par

This study shows how social workers reason about the concepts of gender, gender roles and equality and if these arguments reinforce Heteronormativity that could affect the ability of same-sex couples to adopt children. The reasoning regarding equality indicates a difference between heterosexual couples and same-sex couples. What emerges in the study is that the social workers reasoning can be explained with that they have been imbued by Heteronormativity. Heteronormativity becomes a contributing part of how same-sex couples are seen in the adoption process. Arguments for equality, which erase stereotypes, do not apply in the same way for same-sex couples as for heterosexual couples.

Synliggörande eller utpekande? : En studie om heteronormens roll i förskolan

This paper describes a qualitative study of preschool teachers' beliefs about Heteronormativity and its role in preschool. The purpose of this study was to examine preschool teachers' ideas and beliefs about Heteronormativity and the ways in which it manifests itself in preschool, and to investigate how they perceive the possibility and the need to work on issues related to Heteronormativity in preschool. The study is qualitative and is conducted through interviews with preschool teachers, and analysis of information letters from preschools sent to parents. The analysis of the letters was intended to critically examine how words and language could be linked to the heteronormative and also to determine which subjects was conveyed in these everyday texts. The study is based on queer theory and social constructivism.

The implicit heteronormativity

Our society is based on a heterosexual norm. This may lead to the fact that LGBT-persons have a poorer health status than the heterosexual population. The nurse education lacks information and courses that highlights sexual identity. This is defective since healthcare staff needs knowledge on the subject to be able to treat patients in a professional and respectful manner. The purpose of this study was to illustrate how Heteronormativity influences the treatment of patients within a healthcare context.

Är alla föräldrar lika välkomna i förskolan? : En studie i hur samkönade föräldrapar upplevde deras barns start i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to see a display on how family, gender and sexuality are produced in four same-sex parents? stories about their children?s pre-school start. The question formulations that have been used were aimed to find out what expectations and concerns parents may have on the pre-school organization, if the parents have any saying regarding the organization, if the pre-school have worked with equality and how they have been treated as a family. The method used is a qualitative study based on interviews. Four lesbian women have been interviewed on their experiences of their children?s pre-school start and after finishing the interviews the content has been analyzed from different viewpoints found in the material.

Inte homofob, men... : Socialarbetares attityder till homo- och bisexuella personer

The purpose of this study is to identify and make attitudes among social workers towards homosexual and bisexual people visible, examine how these attitudes relate to their actions in their professional role and how these attitudes and actions can be understood by theories of Heteronormativity and power. The study is a cross-sectional quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire completed by social workers. The result shows that there are two groups among the social workers. One larger group that reproduces a norm of acceptance toward homosexual and bisexual people and one smaller that reproduces a heterosexual norm. This reproduction of Heteronormativity increases the risk for homosexual and bisexual people to be made invisible and treated more negatively in contact with social workers, which in turn can lead to worse health among the clients..

?And so they lived happily ever after?? : en diskursanalytisk och queerteoretisk bild- och textanalys av läroböcker i engelska för gymnasiet

This thesis consists of a discourse and queer theoretical text and image analysis of school books in English used in the Swedish upper secondary school.  The whole content of two school books have been analysed from a norm critical perspective but one chapter in each of them has been analysed more thoroughly than the rest. These two chapters form the major part of the analysis.The thesis? problem formulation and objective derive from a personal experience of being a teacher student and part time teacher in Swedish schools. This experience shows the prevalence of a strong Heteronormativity both in the schools? every day life and in the used school books.

Mamma, pappa, barn : En studie om flickor och pojkars lek i docvkrån på fritidshemmet

In this essay, I interview six users from the website darkside.se, which is an internet community for BDSM practitioners. I?m using Judith Butlers theorys about performativity and Heteronormativity, Gayle Rubins model the charmed circle; of which sexualities is regarded as approved and which is not, and Fanny Ambjörnssons explenation of queer theory. With the interviews as my material, I investigate how sex and gender is produced and used in BDSM and at Darkside. I discuss trans, Heteronormativity, sexism and hierarchies of power related to sex and gender, in BDSM and at Darkside.

Idrottsledarskap i näringslivet   - Lättare sagt än gjort? : En kvalitativ studie av idrottsledarskapets betydelse inom IKEA

In this essay, I interview six users from the website darkside.se, which is an internet community for BDSM practitioners. I?m using Judith Butlers theorys about performativity and Heteronormativity, Gayle Rubins model the charmed circle; of which sexualities is regarded as approved and which is not, and Fanny Ambjörnssons explenation of queer theory. With the interviews as my material, I investigate how sex and gender is produced and used in BDSM and at Darkside. I discuss trans, Heteronormativity, sexism and hierarchies of power related to sex and gender, in BDSM and at Darkside.

Guldlock och de tre björnarna, en saga utan familj : En intervjustuide med sex personer verksamma inom förskolan angående skönlitteraturens roll i verksamheten och behovet av icke-heteronormativ skönlitteratur

Literature is an important part of the daily activity in preschool and it is also a powerful tool for reinforcing different norms.The purpose of this study is to explore, through qualitative interviews, for what purpose pedagogues in preschool use literature in their daily activity and what needs these pedagogues see for non-Heteronormativity literature. The study also relates the needs that pedagogues see with the basic values presented in the Swedish National Curriculum for preschool.Literature is used in preschool for a wide range of purposes including; enriching the language, getting familiarized with the written language, show diversity, reinforce norms on how to be a good friend, as a starting-point for discussion, working with a theme or to have a fun time.The needs that the pedagogues see for non-Heteronormativity literature can be divided in to three categories namely there is always a need, there is only a need when somebody requires that kind of literature to identify themselves with or there is only a need when somebody is being discriminated because of not belonging to the heteronorm.The need for non-Heteronormativity literature being there always corresponds with the basic values in the Swedish National Curriculum for preschool and the recommendation that the basic values are visible in the daily activity of the preschool. The other needs doesn?t correspond with this, but it matches other parts of the Swedish National Curriculum for preschool..

Önskvärda positioner och skamstrategier : En kvalitativ intervjuanalys om hur kön görs och används i BDSM

In this essay, I interview six users from the website darkside.se, which is an internet community for BDSM practitioners. I?m using Judith Butlers theorys about performativity and Heteronormativity, Gayle Rubins model the charmed circle; of which sexualities is regarded as approved and which is not, and Fanny Ambjörnssons explenation of queer theory. With the interviews as my material, I investigate how sex and gender is produced and used in BDSM and at Darkside. I discuss trans, Heteronormativity, sexism and hierarchies of power related to sex and gender, in BDSM and at Darkside.

"A Queer Fish" : En Queerläsning av John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga.

This paper aims to examine the Heteronormativity that is present in John Galsworthy?s The Forsyte Saga. This is achieved by performing a queer reading of the text with the help of Swedish Queer theorists Fanny Ambjörnsson and Tiina Rosenberg. I study the norm and how it is enforced by law, society and family. To get a complete image of the Heteronormativity I also need to analyze the gender presented in the saga.

Osynliga offer : En kritisk idéanalys av riksdagsdebatten kring barnpornografilagen.

In this essay, the aim is to empirically and theoretically study the parliamentary debate of the child pornography law. The empirical part is an attempt to discover eventual underlying gender stereotypes in the debate. A text analysis is conducted with material consisting of motions from members of parliament and of protocols from the parliamentary debate. In this material we try to find latent and manifest expressions of gender stereotypes. There are several stereotypes, which effects the argumentation and prejudice of the debate, like stereotypes of the victims, the perpetrators and their characteristics.

Tysta flickor och högljudda pojkar : Observation om pojkars och flickors könsroller med utgångspunkt från likabehandlingsplanen

This study is about gender in classroom situations. The purpose is to examine if gender still exist although the government has educated gender teachers. I have been observing students during lessons and taken notes on teacher´s comments, which analysed. I have come to the conclusion that the students are awase of the power roles conserning gender and gender. In this classroom the Heteronormativity still is a common phenomenon.

Regnbågen har många färger, så låt oss se dem alla! : Om förskolepedagogers attityder, normer och värderingar kring regnbågsfamiljer

The purpose of this study is to find out which attitudes, norms and values exists about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) families in preschools. Based on five qualitative interviews with teachers that work at a LGBT-certified preschool and one that is active in their work with norm critical pedagogy. To be able to fulfil my purpose of this study I concentrated on why these teachers believed that it was of importance to counter society?s Heteronormativity, to prevent discrimination and mistreatments towards children and their LGBT parents in preschool. I wanted to find out what the teachers thoughts were on the concept of what a family is and how the diversity of families is shown in the preschools material and pedagogy.When I analysed the results of my qualitative interviews I used queer theories that include Heteronormativity and norm critical pedagogy.

Bara nästan som gifta : En diskursanalys om bröllopstidningars föreställningar om homosexualitet i relation till partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskap

I have used a discourse analysis as a method and queertheori for the theoretical. In this paper I have analyzed how different wedding magazines write about partnerships, gender-neutral marriage and wedding between homosexuals. I have for some time been interested in the beliefs wedding magazines have about homosexuality and how newspapers maintain Heteronormativity implicitly and explicitly. Bridal magazines are anxious to have the marriage as a design and standard when they write about partnership. When they write about the two different forms of marriage, they glorify the religious marriage and pay no attention to civil marriage.

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