

19 Uppsatser om Heritability - Sida 1 av 2

Arvets betydelse för mjölkkors beteende :

It becomes more important to consider different behaviour traits in the selection for dairy cows to be suitable in the production systems of today. The purpose of this investigation was to study the genetic background to behavioural traits and the heritabilities for temperament, rank order, aggressiveness, feeding behaviour and for learning behaviour. Moreover, the genetic correlations to other traits were studied. To be included in a breeding programme a trait needs to have enough genetic variation, a moderate to high Heritability or to be correlated to another measurable trait. Behaviour is a quantitative trait affected by many genes and the environment.

Patellar luxation - a genetic study

Visas inte innan 1 juni 2015..

Jaktprov hos brittiska stående fågelhundar

In 1996 a hunting test for British gun dogs was started in Sweden, based on a similar one al-ready in place in Norway. The aim of the new test was to describe the hunting ability of the dog and to use the results as a basis for selection. However, up to now, no genetic study of these data has been done. Therefore the aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for the traits measured in the hunting test and to investigate whether the traits can summarized into fewer overall measures. Data from trails of British gundogs between 1996 and 2005 in Sweden were used to estimate genetic parameters and environmental effects in hunting performance. British gundogs consist of five different breeds: Pointer, English setter (ES), Gordon setter (GS), Irish red setter (Irl S) and Irish red and white setter.

Genetisk variation i brunststyrka hos svenska mjölkkor :

When cows in Sweden are inseminated the heat strength is reported to the Swedish milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Cows that show strong signs of estrus are desirable and the trait is included in the Swedish breeding goal. A strong heat makes it easier to inseminate at the right time and to avoid long and expensive days open. Since ten years the heat strength is scored from one to five by the farmer and reported to the milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Earlier the score was from one to three and the decision was made by the AI technician.

Populationsstruktur och genetisk analys av exteriöra egenskaper hos svensk ardenner :

The purposes of this study were to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for conformation traits in Swedish Ardenner, a heavy draught horse, and to investigate the inbreeding status of the population. Additionally, a breeding scheme proposal was created, based on the results achieved in the study. The data studied were obtained from the Swedish Horse Board and from the Swedish Ardenner Association. The data included 1632 three-year-old horses, mainly mares, and 356 stallions, judged between 1986 and 2005 at conformation shows. The traits studied were type, head-neck-body, legs, walk and trot at hand, total score and height at withers.

Studier av mjölkbarhet automatiskt mätt i mjölkningsanläggningar :

Milkability or ease of milking, has higher importance today for Swedish dairy cattle producers after the introduction of milking parlours and automatic milking systems. Milkability is the cow?s ability to quickly milk out and be completely milked. There are several measures of milkability available. Today the farmer measures the traits subjectively in relation to the conformation scoring of the cow 30-270 days after her first calving.

Registrering och avel för brunstvisningsförmåga hos mjölkkor

Dairy farmers using artificial insemination (AI) are dependent on effective oestrus detection. In Sweden, AI is used for a majority of all dairy cows and oestrus synchronisation with hormones is not allowed. There are reports of declining ability to express oestrus with higher levels of milk production. This makes oestrus detection more difficult. Several aids for oestrus detection have been developed, for instance pedometers and mounting detectors.

Genetisk variation i säsongsbunden reproduktion hos får

The purpose of this literature study was to describe the seasonal reproduction in sheep and the presence of genetic variation in fertility traits. Methods to induce oestrus are described and the possibilities to change the reproduction season through breeding are discussed. Sheep have a pronounced seasonality in their reproduction. Mating season starts in the fall and the lambs are born during the spring because this is the most beneficial time. The market request for lamb meat has increased and therefore it is desirable with ewes that could get pregnant all year round.

Genetisk och etologisk analys av vallningsbeteende hos border collie :

The ability of a dog to perform some kind of practical work, for example hunting or herding, depends among other things on its behavioural characteristics. In animal breeding it is not always easy though to select for behavioural traits. It may, for example, be difficult to identify traits that are not only heritable but also of importance for the dogs' ability to perform the practical work of interest. Moreover, it is often difficult to accomplish accurate measurements of behavioural traits. When selecting dogs for breeding, it is usually preferable to evaluate them using an objective and standardized bahavioural test, rather than results from field trials.

Personlighetstyper och stressrespons hos djur ? med fokus på hund och häst

Animals living in captivity are often subjected to various kinds of stress. Individuals within species can respond differently to the same stressor depending on differences in coping style and physiology. Active and passive coping is a common way to describe different coping styles in animals and it is likely that these strategies have a high Heritability. Individuals with an active coping style are characterized by an urge of control and a higher level of aggression than individuals with passive coping style, who in general are more flexible and respond to stress by immobilisation to a greater extent. The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to investigate the presence of different coping styles and personality types in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and horses (Equus ferus caballus) and to find fields of application for this information.

Gener som påverkar fjäderdräktens färg och mönster hos höns

I naturen har färgen på hönans (Gallus) fjädrar en betydande roll för dess överlevnad och reproduktion. I början av domesticeringen handlade det om att selektera ut individer för produktion, religiösa seder och tuppfäktning. De senaste århundradena har även det estetiska utseendet fått en större betydelse i vårt samhälle, både när det gäller färg och mönster på hönans fjäderdräkt men även när det gäller färgen på dess äggskal. Man har genom studier visat att pigmentet melanin har en betydande roll för fjädrarnas färg och mönster. Genom forskning har man kunnat identifiera olika gener som är inblandade vid uttrycket av fjäderdräktens färg och mönster och några av dessa loci är E, C och I.

Avel för hållbarhet och livslängd hos köttdjur

The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the possibilities to improve longevity and stayability of beef cattle with breeding. The breeding goal for beef breeds is to produce animals with high capacity for growth and good feed efficiency. Longevity and sustainability are two important features to include in the breeding goal. If longevity is increased each cow can produce more calves and the number of female calves used for recruitment can be reduced and only the best heifers need to be selected for breeding. The benefits of longer life is that it lowers the costs of recruitment animals, it increases the number of young animals that become available for slaughter, and it increases the proportion of high producing animals in the herds.

Genetic study of cryptorchidism in Swedish Icelandic and Standardbred horses

Samodling är en odlingsmetod som kan användas för att förbättra dagens odlingssystem. Metoden innebär att två eller flera kulturer odlas tillsammans under en större del av växtsäsongen. Samodling kan användas på flera olika sätt för att förbättra odlingsförhållandena för antingen huvudgrödan eller hela odlingen. Den har en bevisad effekt på olika skadegörare och kan minska angreppen i odlingen. Samodling kan även användas för att minska ogrässpridningen, förbättra mikroklimatet, samt öka antalet maskar och naturliga fiender i odlingen.

Avelsarbete med mjölkproducerande getter ? fokus på Norge och Frankrike

The main part of the goats in the world is located in developing countries, whereas active breeding programs are mainly restricted to Northern America and Europe. Goat milk can be processed to several products and goat cheese is the main product. An organized breeding program is carried out in France and Norway but is not present in Sweden. Important selection traits for milk producing goats include milk, protein and fat yield along with protein and fat content. Functional traits have been more important the past years and they have large economic importance for the farmers.

Genetisk bakgrund och avelsstrategier mot osteochondros hos hästar

Osteochondros (OC) och osteochondrosis dissekans (OCD) är en störning i den indirekta, endochondrala bentillväxten hos unga snabbt växande hästar. När prestationskraven på hästen ökar vid en högre ålder kan det leda till att den utvecklar hälta. Flera studier har visat att ostechondros har en genetisk komponent. Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie är att ta reda på hur osteochondros nedärvs, hur olika selektionsstrategier påverkar prevalensen samt hur problemet kontrolleras inom aveln. Arvbarheten för OC och OCD i femorpatella leden var 0,07 respektive 0,02.

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