

71 Uppsatser om Gradient - Sida 1 av 5

Sänkta sjöars inverkan på ytvatten i Västerbottens kustland : Samband mellan sänkningsnivåer och vattenkemi i sjöar på sulfidrika sedimentjordar

Lake lowering in sulphide-rich areas is currently a major environmental impact for surface water. This study focuses on whether there is a relationship between a Gradient of lake lowering and surface water impacts in areas of sulphide-rich sediments, in order to better understand their contribution of heavy metals and sulfuric acid. Also, is it a reasonable method to use the reduced lake area in order to quantify the Gradient? The survey was conducted by collecting water samples from reference lakes and lowered lakes from south to north in coastal areas within the county of Västerbotten. Water samples were then analyzed for TOC, pH, conductivity, anions, base cations, alkalinity, acidity, sulfate, Al, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb.

Tid kontra pengar : Goal-gradient effekt vid valet mellan nettonuvärdesmetoden och återbetalningsregeln

Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera om det finns en målGradient vid investeringsbedömning som medför en preferens för alternativ med kort återbetalningstid och snabba belöningar. Vi valde att genomföra denna studie med hjälp av en kvantitativ ansats, då vi genomförde ett experiment med studenter vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. Detta motiverar vi med att utifrån vårt syfte och vår teoretiska referensram, ger det oss störst möjlighet att generera ett intressant och relevant resultat. Vårt resultat visar tydligt att beslutsfattare föredrar att använda återbetalningsregeln före nettonuvärdesmetoden i en beslutssituation, och därmed ett fokus på tidsaspekten och när en investering är återbetald. 81 % av våra respondenter valde tidsalternativet i minst ett av de två casen.

Variation in protein precipitation and phenolic content within and among species across an elevational gradient in subarctic Sweden

This project investigated how elevation and vegetation type influences variation in plant litter phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity among and within common plant species for two different vegetation types, heath and meadow, in a subarctic ecosystem in the Abisko region of northern Sweden. As nutrient availability generally decreases with increasing elevation as a result of decreasing temperature, I hypothesised that phenolic content would increase with elevation and be higher on the heath than the meadow. To test this, the total phenolic content and protein precipitation capacity was estimated in leaf litter from 13 species in both heath and meadow vegetation across an elevational Gradient ranging from 500 to 1000 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) in the study region. The results showed that elevation and vegetation type both had a strong impact on both variables. Total phenolic concentrations decreased with elevation for the meadow, and were greater for the heath than the meadow.

Elementkoncentrationer i gran utmed en markfuktighetsgradient :

One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be important to restore lost nutrients to the forest after clearcutting. In order to calculate the removal, you need to know how much of different elements you will find in different tree compartments. The aim of this study was to investigate if the concentration of elements in different tree compartments of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) were related to the moisture conditions of the site. Five plots at Risfallet (60º 21´ N, 16º 13´ E), was placed along a moisture Gradient in a 40- year spruce stand.

Vägparametrar och deras inverkan på trafiksäkerheten : Fallstudie på länsväg 360 Lycksele - Vilhelmina

The interaction between the driver, the car and the road is essential for the road safety. This case study focuses on the road condition and its effect regarding road safety issues. By studying and isolating the road condition aspect and its contributing role to the accident occurrence, the aim is to explore their relationship, as well as highlight the road parameters that are commonly associated with accident occurrence. This result will be used to develop and increase awareness of the impact of poor road alignment and poor road surface conditions on traffic safety, in order to prevent these accidents from occurring. The road parameters chosen for this study include side friction, cross slope and rut bottom cross slope, road texture, curvature, drainage Gradient and rutting.The case study was limited to lv 360 in Va?sterbotten, where all accidents with an unclear cause of the accident were studied, between 2003 and 2012 were carefully studied and assessed based on the condition of the road at the time of the accident.

Tid kontra pengar - Goal-gradient effekt vid valet mellan nettonuvärdesmetoden och återbetalningsregeln

Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera om det finns en målGradient vid investeringsbedömning som medför en preferens för alternativ med kort återbetalningstid och snabba belöningar. Vi valde att genomföra denna studie med hjälp av en kvantitativ ansats, då vi genomförde ett experiment med studenter vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. Detta motiverar vi med att utifrån vårt syfte och vår teoretiska referensram, ger det oss störst möjlighet att generera ett intressant och relevant resultat. Vårt resultat visar tydligt att beslutsfattare föredrar att använda återbetalningsregeln före nettonuvärdesmetoden i en beslutssituation, och därmed ett fokus på tidsaspekten och när en investering är återbetald. 81 % av våra respondenter valde tidsalternativet i minst ett av de två casen.

Axial- och gradientkrympning hos golv på mark enligt Eurokod 2 : Sprickbredders beroende av betongkvalité, tvångseffekter och armeringshalt

AbstractConcrete foundation slabs are usually exposed to unilateral drying during the curing process. The unilateral drying causes an axial shrinkage and a concave curvature of the construction. The curvature results from the fact that the upper part of the slab is drying and shrinking faster than the lower part. This is called Gradient shrinkage.A problem occurs when the slab is considered fully restrained by adjoining structural parts. The deformations caused by axial contraction due to the constant part of the shrinkage and the curvature caused by Gradient shrinkage of the slab are then prevented by the fact that the slab is fully restrained.

Kromatinstabilitet som grund för kvalitetsbedömning av hingstsperma :

This study is part of a project to evaluate and develop metods to control the semen quality in stallions. The study was carried out in cooperation between SLU and Flyinge AB. The objective of the study was to analyse -if there are individual differences in sperm chromatin integrety between different stallions -if there is a correlation between subjectively evaluated sperm motility and sperm chromatin integrity -if sperm chromatin integrity is changed after selection of the semen with a centrifugation method through the silica-spheres, Gradient or a single-layer, i.e to use the chromatin integrity analysis as a method to evaluate the selection method. The use of chilled transported semen has increased a lot during the last 10 years, especially among the Swedish warmblood breed. Because the foaling percentage has decreased with the increased use of chilled transported semen, there is a need to develop methods to control the sperm quality. Evaluation of the chromatin integrity could be one way to evaluate the quality of the semen. Chromatin is the DNA in the nucleus of the sperm.

Tillväxt hos Husmossa (Hylocomium splendens) i boreal skog och växthus : effekter av ökad vattentillgång

Hylocomium splendens (Glittering wood-moss) is a common species in the Nordic countries and can be found in many different types of boreal forests. It usually forms dense moss carpets on the forest floor. The shoots grow in segments and new segments form annually on the previous years growth. The size of the segments is probably regulated in a high extent by local micro environmental conditions. Previous experiments suggest increased growth of H.

Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :

Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.

Bokhögstubbar i Klåveröds strövområde : utbredning, egenskaper och betydelse för rödlistade vedlevande skalbaggar

Lack of dead wood is the main cause of decaying or loss of populations for many forest species. To increase the amount of dead wood is a prerequisite to maintain biodiversity in forests of northern Europe. In summer 2006 the recreation area Klåveröd, at Söderåsen in Skåne, Sweden, has been inventoried for high stumps (snags) of beech, (Fagus sylvatica). The result of the inventory has been compared with data of the real estate and forest management directories from the owner, region Skåne. The results have also been matched with the results from an inventory of saproxylic beetles in 2005, performed with windowtraps on selected snags both in the area and the adjacent national park Söderåsen. 594 snags were found on 747 ha.

Epiphytic lichen flora in a boreal forest chronosequence

Epifytiska lavar utgör en viktig del av floran i den boreala zonen. Några miljövariabler är kända för att styra artrikedomen och artsammansättningen av epifytiska lavar på beståndsnivå, såsom träddiversitet, beståndsålder, fuktighet och trädens barkstruktur. Skogsbränder utgör den viktigaste störningen i boreala skogar men studier på brandeffekter på epifytiska lavar är mycket få. Detta arbete undersökte artrikedomen, diversiteten och artsammansättningen av epifytiska lavar på basala delar av björkar längs en Gradient av 30 skogsbeklädda öar som skiljer sig i storlek och brandhistorik i den norra boreala zonen i Sverige. Målet med studien var att undersöka hur lavfloran påverkades av östorleken och miljövariablerna längs Gradienten.

Termisk analys av kompakta jordvärmesystem - Sensitivitetsanalys och korrektions faktorer baserat på fältmätningar i referensanläggningar i Östergötland

Chapter 1 defines the aim of the project and gives a general orientation about ground heat extractors. In chapter 2 physical processes that could be expected to be involved in the heat transport around a ground heat exchanger are discussed. It is shown from a literature study what amount of moisture transport due to thermal Gradients there could be expected in a ground heat exchanger. The conclusion is drawn that the moisture Gradient (Sr) is of same magnitude as the driving temperature Gradient (°C). At the expected amount of increased moisture around the pipes the moisture transport could be considered to have a little effect on the brine temperature.

Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskikt

Studie av koldioxidGradienter i havets ytskiktSofia SöderholmDenna studie bygger på ett nyligen utvecklat instrument som har mätt koldioxidkoncentrationer på tre olika djup i vattnet samt en nivå i luften. Då detta instrument var oprövat i vatten har en utvärdering av mätmetodens lämplighet för vattenmätningar utförts. Syftet med mätningarna var att undersöka ytvattnets vertikala koldioxidGradient för att med hjälp av denna kunna beskriva flödet av koldioxid mellan hav och atmosfär bättre. Detta flöde är en viktig del av den globala kolcykeln och en djupare förståelse för koldioxidflödets beteende kan i framtiden bidra till mer noggranna klimatprognoser. Hur de beräknade flödena från profilinstrumentet påverkas av temperaturGradienterna i vattnets ytskikt har även det studerats.

Hydrauliken i Ångersjöns fosforfällor : bestämning av flödesvägar och åtgärdsförslag för optimal fosforbindning vid avloppsrening med reaktiva filter

Discharge of untreated wastewater leads to unnaturally high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers, lakes and the sea, which results in unbalanced ecosystems with eutrophication and lack of oxygen. Part of the phosphorus in surface waters is coming from on-site wastewater treatment from scattered households with unsatisfactory purification. Blast furnace slag is a by-product from iron production, and has in laboratory trials showed good phosphorus binding capacity. To test blast furnace slag as a reactive filter media for phosphorus separation in a full scale experiment, a wastewater treatment plant has been built behind the picnic area at Ångersjön alongside the road E4 in central-eastern Sweden. The plant contains two parallel lines, one with blast furnaces slag and the other with Filtralite-P as phosphorus sorbent. Both filters have showed decreasing phosphorus purification effect with time in spite of a low wastewater load.

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