

19 Uppsatser om Gothic - Sida 1 av 2


Although research on Gothic fiction has given limited attention to children?s fiction, the last two decades have witnessed an increasing interest. To date the focus has been mainly on English literature with a recurring tendency to define children?s Gothic fiction as a text corpus separate from Gothic fiction in general. As a result, children?s Gothic fiction has become isolated and is not considered as part of the Gothic genre, neither the literature nor its adaptations.The aim of this study is to view children?s Gothic fiction as an integral part of the Gothic genre.

Hemsökta gränser. En studie av gotisk barnfiktion och dess position i den gotiska genren

Although research on Gothic fiction has given limited attention to children?s fiction, the last two decades have witnessed an increasing interest. To date the focus has been mainly on English literature with a recurring tendency to define children?s Gothic fiction as a text corpus separate from Gothic fiction in general. As a result, children?s Gothic fiction has become isolated and is not considered as part of the Gothic genre, neither the literature nor its adaptations.The aim of this study is to view children?s Gothic fiction as an integral part of the Gothic genre.

I Norrland kan ingen höra dig skrika : En postkolonial läsning av Stefan Spjuts Stallo

The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the Gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand.

Operation Gothic Serpent och Kilcullens upprorsbekämpningsteori : En teoriprövande fallstudie på Task Force Rangers insatser i Mogadishu 1993

Den tredje och fjärde oktober 1993 sköt somaliska rebeller ner två amerikanska Black Hawk-helikoptrar i Mogadishu, Somalia. Dels på grund av ett bristande doktrinärt agerande resulterade det i en 14 timmar lång strid om att överhuvudtaget överleva och många skadades eller omkom. Inte långt därefter lämnade FN och USA Somalia och insatsen sågs som ett militärt misslyckande. Insatsen i Somalia har påverkat amerikanarnas syn på utrikespolitik och den visar tydliga exempel på den komplexitet som counterinsurgency-operationer för med sig.Uppsatsen är en teoriprövande fallstudie där David Kilcullens teorier om upprorsbekämpning prövas på Specialförbandsstyrkan Task Force Rangers insats i Mogadishu, Somalia. Uppsatsen syftar inte till att pröva huruvida Kilcullens teorier fungerar eller ej, utan till att pröva hur och i vilken utsträckning Task Force Rangers medel och metoder överensstämmer med vad Kilcullen förespråkar.Resultatet av denna studie visar att förekomsten av Kilcullens teorier i vissa fall överensstämmer men överlag är väldigt få.

Extrapoäng till de som skriker "han är inte true" : en netnografisk diskursanalys om gother och deras symboler

The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the discourse within a Gothic online community and examine how they use significant symbols to create themselves as goths and being part of a community. In order to achive this aim, eleven different forum threads were examined to amalyze how the goths created their significant symbols within the online community and through interaction with each other. The results implies that the discourse within the community describes the goths as either true or false goths and that it is important to maintain this boundary.

"Olikheter berikar" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring rektorers syn på integrationsarbete av nyanlända elever med utländskt ursprung.

In this essay, I make a queer feminist analysis of Mats Strandberg?s and Sara Bergmark Elfgren?s teenage novel ?Cirkeln?, which is about six teenage girls who learn that they are witches with a mission to save the world from demons. Using Judith Butler's theories, I examine the norms of sex/gender, ethnicity, class and sexuality found in the text and how these standards are created. I also analyze whether, and if so how, these standards may change when the magical elements enter the text.I also discuss the fact that older Gothic novels with magical elements often have been regarded as queer through history. .

"Horan, knarkaren och fettot" : En queerfeministisk analys av normer och normskapande bland häxorna i Cirkeln

In this essay, I make a queer feminist analysis of Mats Strandberg?s and Sara Bergmark Elfgren?s teenage novel ?Cirkeln?, which is about six teenage girls who learn that they are witches with a mission to save the world from demons. Using Judith Butler's theories, I examine the norms of sex/gender, ethnicity, class and sexuality found in the text and how these standards are created. I also analyze whether, and if so how, these standards may change when the magical elements enter the text.I also discuss the fact that older Gothic novels with magical elements often have been regarded as queer through history. .

BAJT : Digital teknik i hemmiljö

The northern province of Sweden has in both literature and film been depictured as something foreign and mythical, unlike the rest of the country. It has been my purpose to show in this essay that the systematic categorization of Norrland and its literature reveals multiple criteria known to define the colonial era. By reading the novel Stallo by author Stefan Spjut with postcolonial structures in mind I aim to show how the author uses Swedish mythology and through the presence of The Other criticizes colonial structures in place to this day. By examining the Gothic atmosphere I intend to indicate how the trolls in the novel figures as both a horror element as well as a representation of nature itself. It is my belief that the author by further reinforcing the mythological in relation to Norrland addresses the problem at hand.

?Behind The Mirror? Perception och tolkning av Blutengel hos deras fans

This paper strives to answer ?What happens to the experience of diehard fans when a groupchanges an original song?? and the musical example for this are the German group Blutengeland their songs Behind The Mirror and Reich mir die Hand, which they first performed assymphonic versions at 2012?s Gothic meets Klassik in Leipzig, Germany. Theoretically thispaper is built on the idea that musical meaning conjures not only from the music itself, butalso from the perceiver and the situation.Through five interviews this paper answers who the informants are, what music means forthem and specifically, what the music of Blutengel means for them. The result shows that theinformants were acceptant to the musical change, but for some disappointment would occur ifthe band continued with orchestral instrumentation. The limit for acceptance seems not to liein musical rearrangement but instead in changed artistic identity..

Det är förstås lite konstigt att vara flicka : En queerfeministisk läsning av fyra Sigge Stark-romaner

In this essay, I make a queer feminist analysis of four novels written by the Swedish author Sigge Stark. The novels are: Uggleboet, Manhatareklubben, Cirkus Demonio och Baskerflickan. Using Judith Butler's theories I examine the relations between sex/gender and sexuality in the four books and show how the construction of gender is performed and the heterosexual normativity is jeopardized. I also examine whether, and if so how, Sigge Stark uses the romantic and the Gothic genres to include transcending gender identities and sexualities in her work. The essay also includes a contextualisation of her prerequisities as an author and the necessity in performing a critical analysis of mass produced romantic literature..

Förändringar och Förvillelser : Skriftspråkets modernisering mellan år 1895 och 1938 i en roman av Hjalmar Söderberg

This essay ? Discourse and Dissonance ? deals with Mary Shelley?s Gothic novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818). The focal point is the construction of ?Them and Us?, as defined by scholars such as Stuart Hall, viewed in terms of the following categories: race, gender and family, class, and sexuality. Rather than applying an outside perspective, e.g.

Psykopaten i garderoben : En queer läsning av Bret Easton Ellis American Psycho

The novel American Psycho was first published in 1991. It recieved harsh criticism and was viewed as a work of heterosexism, misogyny and pointless violence. Despite the criticism, the protagonist, a wealthy serial killer yuppie namned Patrick Bateman, fascinated the readers. He hides his monstrosity behind a façade of heteronormativity, but this essay shows that the norms in American Psycho are fragile. Batemans relationships are shallow, his identity is constructed out of traditional masculinitynorms and even though he?s homophobic there?s a homoerotic undertone in the text, as well as Gothic patterns that give the novel a fair amount of queerness too.

"Jag slog honom flera gånger och kysste honom mellan varje slag" : Incest, pedofili, sadomasochism och gotik i Carina Rydbergs roman Månaderna utan R

I denna studie undersöker jag Carina Rydbergs skildring av "dålig" sexualitet. Jag gör en närläsning av Rydbergs roman Månaderna utan R. Läsningen utgår från Michel Foucaults och Jacques Derridas dekonstruktionsteorier samt från Judith Butlers genusteorier. Jag undersöker huruvida romanen kan läsas som gotisk, huruvida Rydberg kan sägas luckra upp gränsen mellan "god" och "dålig" sexualitet, samt huruvida hon skildrar sadomasochistiska kvinnor som subjekt.Jag kommer fram till att Rydberg kan sägas luckra upp gränsen mellan "god" och "dålig" sexualitet och att hon, genom att skildra sadomasochistiska kvinnor som subjekt, stör könade sexualitetsnormer. Häri ligger Rydbergs subversiva potential.

"Awful apprehension" och "sickening realization" : Om begreppen "terror" och "horror" i den gotiska litteraturen

Gothic literature has a tradition of dealing with dark subjects, themes and motifs, as well as depicting fear in different shapes and forms. Dani Cavallaro describes dark fiction in terms of the "aesthetic of the unwelcome". The philosopher Edmund Burke separates the beautiful from the sublime and writes that everything that is capable of producing a terror of pain and death is a source of the sublime. In her essay "On the Supernatural in Poetry", Ann Radcliffe draws a clear line between the concepts of terror and horror and distinguished them as fundamentally different. In this essay, I define the terms horror and terror by following up the research surrounding Radcliffes statement.

Diskurs och dissonans : "den Samme" och "den Andre" i Mary Shelleys Frankenstein ; or, the Modern Prometheus

This essay ? Discourse and Dissonance ? deals with Mary Shelley?s Gothic novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818). The focal point is the construction of ?Them and Us?, as defined by scholars such as Stuart Hall, viewed in terms of the following categories: race, gender and family, class, and sexuality. Rather than applying an outside perspective, e.g.

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