

19 Uppsatser om Fandom - Sida 1 av 2

Fantastisk litteratur och inskränkta fans : Tolkning och meningskapande i Science fiction forum 1960-1980

This Master´s thesis examines the conceptual ideas of science fiction and science fiction Fandom produced in the Swedish fanzine Science Fiction Forum (1960-) between the years 1960 and 1980. Science Fiction Forum was and still is a fanzine published by Skandinavisk Förening för Science Fiction (Scandinavian Science Fiction Club). Both the club and the fanzine are a part of the phenomenon called Fandom.A Fandom is a collective of people called fans who form a community by sharing a special interest in a special object. The fanzine is one of the many material products produced by fans within a certain Fandom. Science Fiction Forum and Skandinavisk Förening för Science Fiction were founded in 1959 and are a part of swedish science fiction Fandom, where the object of Fandom is literary science fiction..The primary focus of this thesis is the meta discussion on science fiction and science fiction Fandom in Science Fiction Forum.

?One Direction is not a phase like any other fandom I've been in, they're like my life? : en analys av fandom som källa till helighet

The aim of this paper is to study whether the way directioners (One Direction fans) on Twitter express self-understandings denote Fandom as a sacred experience. For this purpose, the data was analyzed in relation to Nicholas Jay Demerath III typology of the varieties of the sacred experience. The method used was discursive psychology. The data was analyzed by how the fans draw the line between ?us? and ?them?, when expressing their self-understandings and their position in relation to others. Five themes were identified: (1) positioning and demarcation for membership, (2) group identity, (3) conflict, (4) the norms for behavior, opinions and language and (5) the group?s role and function.

Fandom och upplevelse: En litteraturstudie om hur deltagande i en fandom kan fördjupa upplevelsen av TV-serier, film, böcker och liknande källmaterial

TV, film och litteratur är områden som alla ingår i de kulturella och kreativa näringarna, dvs. näringar som går ut på att på något sätt producera upplevelser. Fandom, som ofta kretsar kring källmaterial i form av t.ex. TV-serier eller böcker, har trots detta aldrig undersökts med utgångspunkt i upplevelseproduktionsteorier.Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur deltagandet i en Fandom kan fördjupa upplevelsen av källmaterialet, med utgångspunkt i två olika upplevelseproduktions-teorier. Denna första ansats till forskning kring kombinationen Fandom?upplevelse gjordes genom en litteraturstudie.I bakgrunden presenteras upplevelseekonomin, upplevelseproduktion, samt fenomenet Fandom.

Deltagande, empowerment och kommersiell mediekultur : Relationen mellan Twilight fandom och franchise

Den här studien utforskar deltagande kring det populärkulturella fenomenetThe Twilight Saga. Ett fenomen som både utgörs av Fandom och kommersiell franchise. Fokus ligger på hur praktiker utvecklats fördeltagande på Internet. Materialet är både fansidor ägda och administreradeav enskilda fans och webbsidor som representerar aktörer inom franchise.Syftet är att undersöka relationen mellan Fandom och franchise. Det för attundersöka karaktären av deltagande när fans har sina egna kanaler för attpublicera och producera material.

Sportfans, sociala medier & UFC : En studie om sociala mediers inverkan på fandom

We aim to develop knowledge of how new technology, in this case social media, can contribute to how sports fans interact with their idols. Therefore our framing of a question is to present how fans experience their contact with mixed martial arts (MMA) & ultimate fighting championship (UFC) through social media platforms. To specify our study, we also have a supplement question with in which way sports fans uses social media.We have chosen to conduct a qualitative study consisting of interviews and data observations of websites, related to the organization UFC, to approach our main question. We have interviewed nine randomly selected people with one common interest - MMA/UFC. With an implant of theories, consisting of social media, Fandom and lurking, on the result of the interview and website data, we try to come closer to a conclusion for our intention with this thesis.Our conclusion is that the interviewed fans express that through the usage of social media, they feel like they have come closer to UFC.

Kan Harry Potter-fandoms förstås som religiositet? : En analys av tre empiriska studier

The relationship between Fandoms and religion has become an increasingly popular topic to study within the field of the sociology of religion. In previous studies, there have been different views concerning whether or not Fandoms should be regarded as religious from a functional perspective. This issue is especially interesting considering the decreasing popularity of traditional religion in some aspects. The aim of this essay is to study how Harry Potter Fandoms are described in previous studies. The study aims at discerning both the empirical data and how the data is interpreted. The material in this study consists of three previous studies about the communities centered around Harry Potter Fandoms.

emotional ownership and the fan fiction community

”Fan fiction writing”, or the writing of stories based upon a popular entertainment franchise, has become a topic of academic discussion. Fan fiction writers have waked the ire of movie producers, since they often write fiction that is in direct contradiction to the movie’s plot or spirit. While most academic studies on fan fiction have concentrated on his confrontational aspect of the writers’ psyches, we have found that the writers actually have a much more nuanced approach to their work, and are not necessarily hostile towards the directors and producers. Even more surprising is the fact that the internet, beyond giving the writers a forum to post their writings, has potentially had a transformative impact on how the writers interact with each other and with the outside world. .

We are the Harry Potter generation ? en kvalitativ studie om litteratur, ungdomskultur och empowerment.

Miljontals barn, ungdomar och vuxna världen över har läst böckerna och sett filmerna om trollkarlslärlingen Harry Potter. Några av ungdomarna har sökt sig vidare till den fankultur, eller Harry Potter-Fandom, som har uppstått runt om i världen och även i Sverige. I den här studien beskriver sju ungdomar vilken betydelse Harry Potter-Fandomen och berättelsen om Harry Potter har haft för dem. Syftet med undersökningen är att bidra med ökad kunskap om den betydelse som det ungdomskulturella fenomenet Harry Potter kan ha haft för ungdomar.Studien är genomförd med kvalitativ metod. Empirin består av sju halvstrukturerade intervjuer med ungdomar mellan 17 och 23 år som har läst böckerna om Harry Potter och som är aktiva inom Harry Potter-Fandomen.

emotional ownership and the fan fiction community

?Fan fiction writing?, or the writing of stories based upon a popular entertainment franchise, has become a topic of academic discussion. Fan fiction writers have waked the ire of movie producers, since they often write fiction that is in direct contradiction to the movie?s plot or spirit. While most academic studies on fan fiction have concentrated on his confrontational aspect of the writers? psyches, we have found that the writers actually have a much more nuanced approach to their work, and are not necessarily hostile towards the directors and producers.

?Tolkien himself would be proud? - En studie av fansens deltagande i expanderanderingen av en fiktiv värld

This essay examines fans contributions in a transmedia culture. I examine how fans relate and use the fictional worlds in the creations of their own films. The study focusing on the use of graphical elements and character design in some fan films. The examination is done by using two intertextual theories. One of the theory is Lubomir Dolezel theory on transfictional relationships and the other one is Gérad Genette theory on the realtion in transtextuality.

?Behind The Mirror? Perception och tolkning av Blutengel hos deras fans

This paper strives to answer ?What happens to the experience of diehard fans when a groupchanges an original song?? and the musical example for this are the German group Blutengeland their songs Behind The Mirror and Reich mir die Hand, which they first performed assymphonic versions at 2012?s Gothic meets Klassik in Leipzig, Germany. Theoretically thispaper is built on the idea that musical meaning conjures not only from the music itself, butalso from the perceiver and the situation.Through five interviews this paper answers who the informants are, what music means forthem and specifically, what the music of Blutengel means for them. The result shows that theinformants were acceptant to the musical change, but for some disappointment would occur ifthe band continued with orchestral instrumentation. The limit for acceptance seems not to liein musical rearrangement but instead in changed artistic identity..

Fankultur på folkbibliotek ? ett redskap för delaktighet

The aim of this essay is to examine fan culture?s role in Swedish public libraries. I have interviewed, via email, six librarians who encounter and use fan culture in their daily work. The theoretical elements of my essay are based on a modified set of theories by Dorte Skot-Hansen that identifies six ideal types of cultural political rationalities. My study reveals that fan culture is used in Swedish libraries as a tool in increasing user participation in library activities.

"They Don't Know About Us" : Fanbloggandets vad, hur och varför på Tumblr

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.

Gör det själv! Fansinet i Sverige

The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine the fanzine, a form of amateur publication, in Sweden, both in the traditional paper form and the more recent electronic form. It deals with what is distinctive about the fanzine as a publication and also as a social and cultural product. It also looks upon how the fanzine uses the Internet and the new possibilities it brings. The people behind 18 fanzines, 10 electronic and 8 in paper, have answered a questionnaire about how they produce, publish, distribute and promote their fanzines, what they think about the fanzine as a mode of expression, and how they use the Internet. The masters thesis uses theories within cultural studies as a theoretical approach to the fanzine.

Jag är ett fan, alltså gör jag... - En studie av en fan community

Syftet med det här examensprojektet var att undersöka och diskutera hur fanidentiteten konstrueras och uttrycks av medlemmarna av fan communityn prince.org. Syftet med kortfilmsfilmmanuset var att sätta mig i kontext till hur fans framställs i film och TV och ge en mer mänsklig och underhållande bild av analysen. Det teoretiska perspektiv som arbetet utgått från är Cultural Studies där mediepubliken ses som aktiv med förmågan att vara kritisk. För att samla in data användes netnografi som metod, det vill säga etnografiska studier på Internet. Förutom observationer utfördes även intervjuer med sju medlemmar av prince.org. För att hitta en bra struktur för filmmanuset kombinerades Thurlows (2008) åtta punkter med Raskins (1998) fem parametrar. Resultaten av studien visar att fanidentiteten är komplex och att det inte går att ge ett enhetligt svar på frågan vad ett fan är. Även om en del akademiker starkt framhäver Fandoms positiva sidor är det ändå problematiskt då även det kan vara stereotyperande och utesluta de fans som inte passar in.

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