

112 Uppsatser om Erosion - Sida 1 av 8

Vegetationens roll i erosiva vattendrag : en review och fältstudie av två nyckelområden i Rönne å

The vegetation?s impact on Erosion control is widely explored, even though research? results are scattered where it suggests a both positive and negative relationship between roots and Erosion tendency. Research has measured the roots? impact on Erosion by many different methods, hence the aim of this study is to offer a clearance of what factors play an important role in the choice of appropriate species controlling river bank Erosion. I have therefore studied 17 articles concerning vegetation and Erosion control, which were found in different databases such as: Web of Knowledge, Biological Sciences, Academic Search Elite and Google Scholar.

Ungdomars kunskaper om dental erosion och deras konsumtionsvanor av sura drycker- en enkätstudie i åk 2 vid en gymnasieskolaAdolescents? knowledge of dental erosion and their consumption habits of soft drinks -a questionnaire study among secondary school

The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of dental Erosion and the consumption habits of soft drinks among secondary school students. Differences between the sexes should also be investigated. The study consisted of 102 students, 60 women and 42 men, in the eleventh grade from a school in the south of Sweden. A questionnaire with 25 questions, divided in two parts with focus on knowledge respective consumption pattern and behaviour, was handed out and collected by the authors. The data showed that more than 50% of the participants had knowledge about dental Erosion.

Vegetationslösningar och andra metoder mot stranderosion :

Today 70 percent of the world's sand beaches are under recession due to Erosion. The global warming may have the effect upon the sea level increasing and the Erosion increasing on the sand beaches. To save these sand beaches, the Erosion must be prevented. Coast Erosion shelters like gabions and sea walls are functioning extremely well to protect the land behind the sand beach, but due to the wave reflections, created in front of these so called hard Erosion shelters, the Erosion of the front beach is accelerated. During the last decades, artificial sand supply (beach nourishment) has been the adopted praxis.

Registreringsmetoder för initial och avancerad dental erosion : Litteraturstudie

Introduktion: Dental Erosion definieras som förlust av tandens hårdvävnad genom en kemisk process som inte involverar bakterier. Dagens förändrade livsstil och kosthållning medför att våra tänder oftare utsätts för kemisk påverkan som kan leda till Erosion. Det är flera faktorer som samverkar och dental Erosion har en multifaktoriell etiologi.Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva olika registreringsmetoder för dental Erosion.Frågeställningar: Vilka metoder kan användas för registrering av initial Erosion? Vilka metoder kan användas för registrering av avancerad Erosionsskada? Vilka metoder är kliniskt beprövade på patient?Metod: LitteraturstudieResultat: Ett flertal registreringsmetoder fanns beskrivna i litteraturen, merparten var inte applicerbara kliniskt. Registeringsmetoderna som framgick i den beskrivande litteraturstudien var: 3D scanning microscope (IFM), Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), Digital photography (DP), Focus-variation 3D microscopy (FVM), Longitudinal microradiography (LMR), Non-contact confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), Optical assessment, Optical profilometry (OP), Quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Stylus profilometry (SP), Ultrasound, White light interferometry (WLI) och X-ray diffraction (XRD).Konklusion: Vid registrering av initial Erosion krävs analys av tandytans mineralinnehåll samt optiska analyser med hjälp av instrument.

Erosionsproblematik vid dagvattenhantering : vegetationens betydelse

Erosion är en ständigt pågående naturlig process som kan bli ett problem när hastigheten överstiger vad som är hållbart för naturmarken eller den urbana miljön. Denna uppsats första del behandlar Erosion som naturfenomen och produkt orsakad av människan. Erosionshastigheten och omfattning-en påverkas av jordens egenskaper, graden av täckande vegetation och markens lutning samt de naturkrafter som eroderar jorden. Tyngdpunkten i arbetet ligger på Erosion i vattendrag. Texten skildrar vidare ingenjörsbiologi som lösningsmetod vid släntstabilisering.

Fotogrammetrisk analys av kornstorleksfördelningeni erosionsskydd vid kraftverksdammar

This master thesis was made to investigate the possibilities of using the Matlab-basedsoftware Basegrain to determine grain size distributions of Erosion protections onhydropower dams. Basegrain is a photogrammetric tool developed to generate grainsize distributions and other information about coarse flood sediments by analyzing adigital photo of the stone bed. The investigation was made by validating the ability forBasegrain to assess grain size distributions of various materials smaller than the blocksused in an Erosion protection by comparing sieving results or manual measurementswith the results obtained by the program. A statistical comparison was then made bycomparing the results from sieving and the program. The possibilities of using thesame method on existing hydropower dams were then investigated by determiningwhether the method was practically viable or not.The results showed that Basegrain generated grain size distributions for coarse gravelthat were very close to the sieving results.

Stranderosion i Skåne

Erosion är en ständigt pågående process som formar om vårt landskap. Längs med kusten pågår ett samspel mellan vind, vågor, strömmar och sediment. Ett område kan sägas vara utsatt för Erosion om mängden borttransporterat material är större än den mängd som avsätts. Det omvända kan också inträffa, det vill säga att stränder växer. Detta kallas för ackumulation.

Kunskap om dental erosion hos en grupp fotbollsspelare

Introduktion: Erosionsskador är ett växande problem bland barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna. Dental Erosion har en multifaktoriell etiologi som består av endogena och exogena orsaker. Att Erosionsskador på tänderna ökar kan bero på den höga konsumtionen av sura drycker bland barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna. Personer som idrottar kan löpa risk för dental Erosion på grund av frekvent intag av sura sport/energidrycker men även till följd av påverkat salivflöde. Få studier har undersökt fotbollsspelares kunskap om dental Erosion och dess konsumtion av sport/energidryck.Syfte: Att studera kunskapen om Erosionsskador bland en grupp fotbollsspelande kvinnor och män.Frågeställningar: Vilken kunskap har fotbollsspelande kvinnor om Erosionsskador? Vilken kunskap har fotbollsspelande män om Erosionsskador? Vilken konsumtion har fotbollsspelarna av energi/sportdryck?Metod: Studien är en kvantitativ, empirisk, tvärsnittsstudie.Resultat: Totalt deltog 44 personer i studien, 29 kvinnor och 15 män.

Erosionsskydd i strandzoner :

Erosion in coastal areas is a common problem all around the world. The range of the problem depends on several factors, i.e. type of bed-rock and soil, wind and wave climate. Another factor is whether the area is of high interest, i.e. if the area is important for tourism and recreation, if there are houses and other buildings close to the shoreline or if it is a site of special scientific interest.

Skydd mot yterosion i slänter av finmorän

Slopes in fine till soils are exposed to surface Erosion due to rainfall, snowmelt and upland water sources. Large areas of road slopes are therefore covered for surface Erosion protection. Preventive methods like ditches and trenches are also being used. Silt tills are particularly troublesome since the water can bring the soil into suspension and cause mudslides. Different methods for Erosion protection have been studied in this work, with the emphasis placed on rockfill covering. The need for and the dimensioning of this type of covering has been examined in literature and field studies.

Erosionsskador hos barn och ungdomar

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine and explain the various methods available to rate the Erosion damage, and on which teeth and tooth surfaces of Erosion damage mostly occurs in children and adolescents.Method: A literature review was conducted, based on 15 scientific articles that have been reviewed, evaluated and analyzed. Articles were searched for in the database PubMed.Result: Six of the articles used the TWI (tooth wear index), which is an index to diagnose the tooth wear in the primary and permanent dentition. Eight articles used other indices as they considered that the TWI was not sufficiently developed to register the degree of tooth wear on some teeth. Tooth wear in the primary dentition occurs most often in the canines and incisors. Tooth wear in the permanent dentition was found in the literature to be mostly occurring on the occlusal / incisal surfaces of all teeth and tooth surfaces.LyssnaConclusion: There is no common index in the articles but many of them use the TWI.

Identifiering av områden med risk för fosforförluster genom ytavrinning : metodutveckling med GIS

The eutrophication of lakes and seas with the algal bloom and deficiency inoxygen that follow, has been given priority by the Swedish government as oneof 16 environmental objectives. The purpose of this project was to develop a toolbased on a simple model, limited amount of data and geographic informationsystem (GIS) to identify areas with risk for phosphorus losses due to surfacerunoff. This tool can act as a decision support to decide where appropriatemeasures should be applied with the aim of reducing phosphorus losses and bythat the eutrophication.The method that has been used is a combination of two models, one calculatingthe potential Erosion while the other one identifies areas of Erosion (net Erosion)or deposition. This ability is of great importance because potential Erosionshould be calculated on areas with net Erosion. Areas with high potential Erosionhave an increased risk for phosphorus losses due to surface runoff.The potential Erosion was calculated based on factors which describe how topography(LS), land use (C), soil type (K) and precipitation (R) effect the Erosion.All of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent.

Predicting spawning bed erosion and longevity : a case study in tributaries to river Vindelälven, northern Sweden

Timber floating operations in Scandinavia during the 19th and 20th centuries has contributed to severe negative impacts on riverine ecosystems. Increase in water velocity and lack of stream bed heterogeneity as a result of stream channelization lead to increased bed load transport. Since availability and recruitment of new suitable spawning substrate in Scandinavian watercourses is sparse, spawning habitats for salmonids has become a scarce commodity. Lately, increasingly more attention has been given to the recreation and improvement of brown trout (Salmo trutta) spawning habitats in restoration projects. While much of the research on spawning habitat has been focused on evaluation of the influence that the constructed spawning grounds have on fish populations, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the persistence of these constructions over time. I evaluate Erosion of constructed spawning beds as an effect of sediment transport attributable to water discharge.

Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :

Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the Erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.

Kost-och munhygienvanor hos en grupp skiftarbetare : Tvärsnittstudie

Introduktion: Erosionsskador är ett växande problem bland barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna. Dental Erosion har en multifaktoriell etiologi som består av endogena och exogena orsaker. Att Erosionsskador på tänderna ökar kan bero på den höga konsumtionen av sura drycker bland barn, ungdomar och unga vuxna. Personer som idrottar kan löpa risk för dental Erosion på grund av frekvent intag av sura sport/energidrycker men även till följd av påverkat salivflöde. Få studier har undersökt fotbollsspelares kunskap om dental Erosion och dess konsumtion av sport/energidryck.Syfte: Att studera kunskapen om Erosionsskador bland en grupp fotbollsspelande kvinnor och män.Frågeställningar: Vilken kunskap har fotbollsspelande kvinnor om Erosionsskador? Vilken kunskap har fotbollsspelande män om Erosionsskador? Vilken konsumtion har fotbollsspelarna av energi/sportdryck?Metod: Studien är en kvantitativ, empirisk, tvärsnittsstudie.Resultat: Totalt deltog 44 personer i studien, 29 kvinnor och 15 män.

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