

3 Uppsatser om EBook - Sida 1 av 1

Komprimering av eBooks enligt Open eBook Publication Structure

I denna rapport undersöks hur elektroniska böcker (EBooks) enligt standarden Open EBook Publication Structure kan komprimeras på ett effektivt sätt. Anledningen till att området valts är att en välanvänd standard för EBooks inte finns för tillfället. Standarden är relativt ny och senaste versionen av specifikationen har kommit ut under 2002. Med i utvecklingen av standarden finns många stora företag som exempelvis Adobe Systems Inc. och Palm Digital Media.

E-böcker på högskole- och universitetsbibliotek ? En studie kring det digitala förvärvet

This study aims to find out how the selection and acquisitions of EBooks made by university libraries is affected by vendors terms of sale. The empirical data is based on interviews with libraries working with selection and acquisition of EBooks. The interviews points out, according to Evans? model of collection development, that the collection development doesn´t work the same way with printed and electronic books. The study also finds out that the complexity of the EBook marketplace implies the application of new method of EBook selection, by libraries..

?Out of sight, out of mind? : En studie av svenska bokbloggares inställningar till e-boken

There are experiential products that through a digital transformation wholly or partially have taken new place in our everyday lives. Just a few years ago, we had music on CDs, movies on tape and books in bookshelves. In Sweden, we are now facing a transformation when the e-book begins to take place alongside the printed book.This paper focuses on what values play a role in the attitude towards EBooks among a selected group of Swedish book bloggers. A qualitative content analysis was performed on blog posts concerning the EBook from twelve different Swedish book blogs. The posts were then coded into categories and values.