

3 Uppsatser om Delkvistat - Sida 1 av 1

Underröjningsgradens påverkan på förstagallringsnetto med flerträdsaggregat

I Sverige finns ca 1,2 miljoner hektar skog som bedöms ha omedelbart röjningsbehov. Skog där röjningen uteblir eller är svag kan komma att klassas som konfliktbestånd. I konfliktbestånd är stammarna många och diameterspridningen stor och dessa kan då behövas underröjas innan gallring. I denna studie jämfördes produktionen, kostnaderna och intäkterna från fyra olika underröjningsbehandlingar, oröjd, siktröjt, röjt allt upp till 5 cm i brösthöjd och röjt allt upp till 7 cm i brösthöjd. Behandlingen oröjd gav det bästa nettot och sämst hade upp till 5 cm efter gallring och uttransport av virke.

Produktionsskillnader vid olika antal sortiment

This study is done together with Sydved AB in the summer of 2012. The purpose of the study is to analyse how different quantity of assortments influence the production for forwarders and harvesters with multiple tree handling aggregate in thinning, by different tree volumes. To make this analyse a time study was performed where three entrepreneurs work has been analysed. Beside the analyse, of different quantity of assortments, has also been analysed how the tree volume and a forest fuel assortment effect the production. The result of this study shows that the quantities of assortments have a significant meaning for the production. The biggest differences are most distinct between one and three assortments in the smaller tree volumes where production goes down if the quantity of assortments increase.

Biomassauttag vid delkvistat sortiment i klen gallring

The purpose of this study was to estimate the removal of biomass in connection with thinning operations in young stands that are dominated by small diameter trees. The economy of such operations depends on the products generated as well as the performance of the harvesting systems. Conversion tables designed to predict the outcome based on harvesting method was another goal of this study. Removal of biomass affects the nutrient composition of the site. Therefore it is a purpose that this study will provide researchers with some variables that can be utilized when studying this aspect. Trees were harvested and divided into bunches based on diameter.