

69 Uppsatser om Decoding - Sida 1 av 5

Läsförmågans faktorer och deras bidrag till läsning : En jämförelse mellan barn med olika nivå av läsförmåga, utifrån The Simple View of Reading

The simple view of reading is a theory in which reading is divided into Decoding and linguistic comprehension. The theory has been used to explain and to subgroup reading disabilities. Research has also investigated if additional factors are of relevance to reading. In the present study, Decoding was divided into the factors orthographic Decoding and phonological Decoding, while comprehension was divided into word comprehension and grammatical comprehension. The purpose was to analyze these factors and their contribution to reading ability in children in fourth grade: one group with reading difficulties (n=36) and one group with typical reading ability (n=36).

Svensk normering av TROG-2 för åldrarna 8-10 år och sambandet mellan grammatisk språkförståelse och ordavkodning

The main purpose of this study was to collect norm data for thegrammatical receptive language test Test for Reception of Grammar - Version 2(TROG-2), from 144 Swedish children, aged 8:0-9:11 years. Another aim was toinvestigate whether a change in the order of the blocks was needed in the Swedishversion of TROG-2 to keep an increasing level of difficulty. Other aims included toinvestigate the relationship between receptive grammar and word Decoding, andbetween parents ratings of their children?s language comprehension and readingabilities and the children?s results on the TROG-2 and a word Decoding test. Theresults showed that the order of the blocks needs to be changed and that there wasno significant relationship between language comprehension and word Decoding.Parents were better at rating their children?s reading than language comprehension..

Jakten på en effektiv intervention : En kommuns satsning i åk 2 på intensiv lästeknisk träning för elever i lässvårigheter

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of an intervention that focuses on phonics, Decoding, reading speed and phonological awareness for 8-9 year old children in reading difficulties. Participants were selected on the basis of screening test results in grade one (Decoding and reading comprehension). The participants were divided into two groups, an intervention group (A1, n=10 children) and a control group (A2, n=10). A1 received 30 minutes of intense reading instruction every day for six weeks from special educational needs teachers on top of their usual classroom based reading instruction. The control group received only their usual classroom-based reading instruction.

Är hälsa orange? : En kvalitativ studie av Norrbottens Läns Landstings byte av färg på Vårdcentralers logotyper i Norrbotten

Colours have been proven to have both a great physical and psychological impact on human beings. This essay investigates the rebranding of 37 Health Care Centers, located in Norrbotten, Sweden, and how 10 interviewees have experienced the new choice of colour on the logotypes of these Health Care Centers.The theoretical framework used in this research process, consists of theories related to rebranding, the communication process, encoding/Decoding and Goethe?s Theory of Colours.To gather information about how the 10 inhabitants have experienced the new choice of colour, a semistructured form of interview was used. In addition to these interviews, three people employed by Norrbotten County Council (NLL) were interviewed, to get to know more about the rebranding process and the message behind the chosen colours of the logotype.Results show that the inhabitants had an overall positive reaction to the new colour choices, but that younger target groups lacked information about the new logotype and the rebranding.Due to these results, recommendations were made that NLL should expand the quantity of media channels to reach these younger target groups, and thereby be able to attract more patients to their Health Care Centers. NLL would also profit from investigating the inhabitants experiences related to the new colour choices themselves, but in a larger scale, to achieve greater knowledge of how to proceed with colour choices in the future..

Upplevelsen påverkar budskapet : En receptionsanalys av hur anställda inom handikappomsorgen uppfattar utbildningsfilm

Film is a medium which is mainly used for entertainment. It is a medium that is constantly expanding, and beside from it being a relaxing activity it can also be used for educational purposes. This is an aspect of film that should be valued, since it has the possibility to engage, educate and move its viewers. This is a study which aim is to analyze how employees within the care of disabled in Umeå have perceived educational movies. The movies that the staff has watched are a part of a basic training program, which all employees are required to fulfill.

?Vem sjutton vill ?ga? pa?? en reklam?? : En studie om avkodningens betydelse ur ett mottagarperspektiv inom marknadsfo?ringsmetoden celebrity endorsement

Celebrities used in advertising has recently been something that consumers have come in contact with on a daily basis. Corporations use celebrities and their attributes as positive reinforcement and association towards the company or their marketed product.Through increased usage of media, the consumers to this advertising technique have been given an opportunity towards better insight into celebrities? daily life. People are not only receivers of advertising, they are also media producers for the medias agenda. This makes everyone significant in the distribution of advertising.

Läsflyt : En interventionsstudie på två läsmetoders effekter på läsförmågan.

Sammanfattning Syfte: Att undersöka två läsmetoders effekter på tolv elever från skolår 2, 3 och 4 avseende fonologisk och ortografisk läsförmåga, läsflyt, läsförståelse och RAN (Rapid Automatic Naming) samt jämföra resultaten med en grupp elever som fått traditionell specialundervisning under samma tid. Metod: 52 elever genomförde en screening med avseende att mäta läsflyt och läsförståelse. Av dessa valdes 12 elever ut som hade svårigheter i läsflyt och korrekt läsning, fyra elever från varje skolår, 5 pojkar och 7 flickor. Eleverna delades i två lika stora grupper som tränade ordavkodning med två olika metoder i en-en-undervisning, 20 minuter tre gånger per vecka i sex veckor. De 18 eleverna fick utföra ytterligare fem läs- och skrivtest före och efter interventionen. Resultat: De båda interventionsgrupperna förbättrade sina resultat på flera test mer än gruppen som fick traditionell specialundervisning. Elever som tränat Rydaholmsmetoden fick bättre resultat i alla högläsningstest utom ett.

Vilka tv-glasögon har du? : En studie i hur partipolitiskt aktiva personer tolkar tv-serien Scooby Doo

AbstractTitle: What TV-glasses do you wear? A study in how party-political people decode the TVshow Scooby Doo (Vilka tv-glasögon har du? En studie i hur partipolitiskt aktiva personer tolkar tv-serien Scooby Doo)Number of pages: 47 (54 including enclosures)Author: Christopher LandstedtTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study in how party-political people, 18-25 years old, both female and male, decode the messages in the TV-show Scooby Doo from 1969. Do they decode the show differently because of their political view, their gender or, and their social background? Is there a pattern in the Decoding or is it based on a more individual level?Material/Method: A qualitative method containing a total number of 16 individual interviews with young adults, 18-25 years old, half of them female, the other half male, were used. All of the participants are members of political youth parties/organizations, equally divided in left and right wing parties.

Hur tolkar du? : En studie om reklambilder utifrån sändar- och mottagarperspektiv.

  The study aims to gain a better understanding and explore how a selected group (receivers) perceive two elected advertising images from Indiska and Vila and then compare their opinions to what Indiska and Vila themselves want to communicate. We base the study on theories of encoding / Decoding, which deals with how the companies charge their advertising images with values and how recipients decodes these values.A qualitative study was carried out based on analytical induction (planning, collection and analysis). Through the analytical method of induction, we created categories based on the collected data and put them in relation to each other. The result showed that the overall impression of the images' and the context are of great importance for how our respondents perceive the advertising images. The overall impressions convey emotion that reinforces the expression and the message.

Läsförmåga hos vuxna med intellektuell och/eller kommunikativ funktionsnedsättning som deltar i daglig verksamhet

The aim of the study was to examine the reading ability of adultswith intellectual and/or communicative disabilities. The group adults withintellectual and/or communicative disabilities consisted of 66 individuals.One control group consisting of 36 children aged 7 to 12 years and onereference group consisting of 14 adults were used. Participants were given anumber of language and reading related tests. Adults with intellectual and/orcommunicative disabilities had significantly lower results than the adultreference group regarding all tests and significantly lower results than thechild control group regarding phonological processing. There was nodifference between adults with intellectual and/or communicative disabilitiesand the child comparison group regarding word Decoding and readingcomprehension.

Liason Dangereuse - en receptionsanalys

Undersökningens syfte är att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar och tolkningar underklädesföretaget Liaison Dangereuse skapar genom sin senaste reklamfilm, ?Sexiness for everyone. Everywhere?, och om dessa uppfattas olika beroende på tolkarens bakgrund.  Frågeställning: I studien har jag ställt frågor kring hur kvinnan framställs i reklamfilmen och om publikens olika kulturella ursprung och bakgrundsideologi har någon påverkan i deras tolkningsprocess.   Metod/Teori: Med hjälp av tidigare forskning om utformning och berättelsens form av reklam och Stuart Halls encoding/Decoding modell har jag genomfört en receptionsanalys.

#Förstårdumig? : En kvalitativ studie om hur digitaliseringen påverkat kommunikationen och relationen mellan yngre och äldre generationer

Purpose/Aim: Our purpose with this study is to examen the differences in communication between digital immigrants and digital natives, how the digitization has changed our way to communicate in an interpersonal matter.Main Results: Through our study we have concluded that barriers do exist between students (natives) and teachers (immigrants), but not to the extent we first predicted. The digitization has resulted in a change in the way we communicate and our relation to each other. But in a purely communicative matter, the digitization hasn?t made it harder for natives and immigrants to understand each other, but it has contributed to new vocabulary and the use of the language. New codes has been developed, but thanks to the younger generations ability to adapt to change - this linguistic difference it is not a problem for the understanding of the code used by the immigrants.

?Ja, det är ju de det handlar om, det är ju kommunikation, annars kan man ju låta bli.? : -en studie om kulturhistoriska museers syn på kommunikation i utställningssituationer

Purpose/Aim: Exhibitions in cultural-historical museums have traditionally been object-centered and associated with one-way communication. The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how exhibition producers ? and educationalists at swedish cultural-historical museums today relate to communication in exhibitions from a communication scientific perspective.Material/Method: The method of the thesis is interviews exhibition producers ? and educationalists at five swedish cultural-historical museums about how they work with communication issues in exhibitions. The empiricism gained from the interviews have been analyzed from a communication scientific angle, using two communication theories as idealtypes for communication processes; Shannon and Weaver´s model and Stuart Hall´s encoding/Decoding-theory.Main results: Communication in exhibitions have developed, much due to the use of more channels for communicating with the visitors and the acknowledgement of the visitor as an active subject in interpreting the exhibitions and their message.Despite this development, communication in exhibitions still have features of a one-way communication. The main feature is the lack of possibilities for visitors to communicate their interpretations and point of views of the exhibition back to the exhibition producers.

Språkliga förmågor och deras relation till läsförståelse hos barn i 12-årsåldern med lätt till måttlig sensorineural hörselnedsättning - en jämförelsestudie

The aim of this study was to examine language abilities and their correlation to reading comprehension in 12 year old children with mild tomoderate sensorineural hearing impairment. Eight children with mild to moderate hearing impairment were tested in listening comprehension, grammatical comprehension, receptive vocabulary, phonological short termmemory, word finding, semantic relations, reading comprehension, comprehension of written words and Decoding of words and non-words. The results were compared to results from a comparison group. The children with hearing impairment had significantly lower results in phonological short term memory and Decoding. No significant difference was found between groups in reading comprehension.

Reklamfilm eller skräckfilm? : En kvalitativ studie om unga flickors tolkning av Apolivas TV-reklam.

Under sommaren och hösten 2009 fick Apolivas reklamfilm stor uppmärksamhet av såväl det svenska folket som i media. Uppståndelsen grundades i att en stor andel människor som tagit del av reklamen uppfattade den som skrämmande, medan Apolivas avsikt var att skildra de svenska, något melankoliska, väderförhållandena.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka tolkningsskedet av Apolivas reklamfilm, hos flickor i nionde klass. Vår specifika frågeställning utvecklades till att ta reda på om den utvalda gruppen tolkar budskapet och känslan som förmedlas i reklamfilmen, på det sätt som Apoliva avsett, med utgångspunkt i Halls (2009) encoding/Decoding-teori. Enligt denna modell finns tre olika sätt att tolka ett budskap; dominant, oppositionell eller förhandlande tolkning. I en dominant tolkning godtar mottagaren budskapet, medan den oppositionella tolkningen innebär att mottagaren vänder sig mot budskapet.

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