

41 Uppsatser om Dataset - Sida 1 av 3

Prestandajämförelse av krypterade XML-databaser

I detta arbete undersöks hur kryptering påverkar prestandan hos en XML-databas. Detta görs med hjälp av ett inom litteraturen populärt Dataset, XMark. Kryptering genomförs med hjälp av standarden XML Encryption. Okrypterade Dataset jämförs med krypterade Dataset genom att ställa Xpath-frågor och mäta tiden för dessa frågeställningar. Resultaten presenteras i tabeller och grafer och analyseras utifrån ett prestandaperspektiv.

Remitteringar och minskad fattigdom : Finns det ett statistiskt signifikant samband?

Samtidigt som fattigdomen runt om i världen stadigt minskar så växer sig remitteringsflödena allt större. I denna uppsats undersöks om remitteringar kan anses vara en bidragande faktor till detta. För att kunna undersöka vår frågeställning har vi genomfört en regressionsanalys på ett Dataset vi sammanställt bestående av olika mått på fattigdom och andra variabler som rimligen kan antas ha en effekt på fattigdom från 83 utvecklingsländer. Resultaten från vår studie tyder på att viss diskrepans råder inom forskningsområdet då vi inte har lyckats finna något statistiskt signifikant samband mellan remitteringar och minskad fattigdom. Det är tvärtemot vad tidigare forskning har kommit fram till.

Representativitet av snödjup vid marktemperaturmätningar under snö för permafrostmodellering i området kring Tarfaladalen, norra Sverige

Snö och permafrost är två interagerande komponenter i Kryosfären. Studien undersökersnödjupets representativitet vid marktemperaturmätningar under snötäcket (BTS) föridentifiering av permafrost i Tarfala, norra Sverige. Snödjupsmätningar har utfördes itvå korsande 20 m transekter i nordsydlig (NS) samt östvästlig (ÖV) riktning utifrån enBTS-punkt. Totalt har 37 BTS (snödjup > 80 cm) med tillhörande snödjupsmätningarregistrerats och analyserats. Snödjupet varierar både lokalt kring mätpunkten ochregionalt i mättransekter men är ändå ett representativt snödjup för en punkt.Representativa BTS, sett ur ett snödjupsperspektiv, bör registreras på platser medmåttlig snödjupsvariation som på platser med homogent markunderlag, vindskyddadeområden, lä bakom ryggar och sluttningar vinkelräta mot den dominerandevindriktningen.BTS provplatser bör också ta hänsyn till de mest förekommande klasserna avparametrarna altitud, sluttning och slutningsriktning för att erhålla representativa BTS.Detta baserat på jämförelse mellan två strategier för insamling av BTS genompermafrostmodellering mellan två Dataset.

Jämförande studie av LEM2 och Dynamiska Redukter

This thesis presents the results of the implementation and evaluation of two machine learning algorithms [Baz98, GB97]based on notions from Rough Set theory [Paw82]. Both algorithms were implemented and tested using the Weka [WF00]software framework. The main purpose for doing this was to investigate whether the experimental results obtained in [Baz98]could be reproduced, by implementing both algorithms in a framework that provided common functionalities needed by both. As a result of this thesis, a Rough Set framework accompanying the Weka system was designed and implemented, as well as three methods for discretization and three classi cation methods. The results of the evaluation did not match those obtained by the original authors.

Den effektiva institutionen

I uppsatsen prövas om medborgerlig gemenskap och socioekonomisk utveckling kan förklara institutionell effektivitet även i icke-demokratiska länder. Med teoretiska utgångspunkter i Putnams numera klassiska teori från Den fungerande demokratin (1996), som efter modifikationer och med inslag från Linz och Stepans ?fem arenor? från Problems of democratic transition and consolidation (1996), testas teorin genom regressionsanalyser och med ett Dataset från The Quality of Government Institute. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att det går att förklara den institutionella effektiviteten genom medborgerlig gemenskap och socioekonomisk utveckling oberoende av om landet är demokratiskt eller ej..

Implied Dividends and Equity Returns

This paper studies the option market?s implied dividend as a predictor of future equity market returns. We introduce this variable in the simple total return framework and discuss some complications of using it as a proxy for the expected dividend. We construct some regressions using the price-dividend ratio and the implied dividend growth, and test them on six years worth of data on the EURO STOXX 50-index. The main result is that implied dividend growth exhibits some forecastability over two-year horizons, but that the Dataset is too short to draw any definitive conclusions about long-horizon forecastability.

Finanskrisens påverkan på konkursprediktion

Prior research on the ability of financial ratios to predict bankruptcies has shown a significant difference between the companies that went into bankruptcy and those that survived. This paper investigates whether there is a difference in the prediction ability of financial ratios during the last financial crisis compared to relatively normal macroeconomic environments in which most previous studies have been conducted. We use univariate analysis to compare companies that went into bankruptcy during 2010 and 2011 with companies that remained active. Our Dataset consists of 51 failed companies that are matched with 102 companies that remained active. All companies were Swedish limited companies with more than 50 employees and the comparison is made with 26 financial ratios.

Mer än bara pengar? - En kvantitativ undersökning om huruvida U-länders statskapacitet påverkas av multinationella företag

This thesis takes as its starting-point the different stands on the ever ongoing growth of multinational corporations (MNCs) and its consequences. Two opposing branches of theories, arguing that the establishment of MNCs in developing countries is good respectively bad for these countries, are tested for the aspect of state capacity. A quantitative method is then used to test if there exists such a relationship at all and if so, which of the two notions that are right.The presence of MNCs is measured as FDI of GDP while state capacity is defined as a combined index for three of ICRG's Political risk indicators. The two variables are analysed, mainly by cross tabulation, using an extensive Dataset of 130 developing countries measured for a period of 20 years.The outcome is though ambiguous: No solid correlation can be found, but countries with a higher rate of FDI of GDP tend to have a slight worse rate of state capacity throughout the analysis. Thus the result points in favour of the notion that MNCs are bad for developing countries? state capacity.

Det ansiktslösa ägandet, en pådrivare av utdelningar?: En studie i hur det institutionella ägandet påverkar svenska börsbolags aktieutdelningar

This paper investigates the relationship between dividends and institutional and foreign ownership in Swedish firms. We use a Dataset which covers the Swedish stock market over the period 1999-2009. The institutional ownership is defined as mutual funds, pension funds and insurance companies and these are analysed separately. The study confirms the expected positive relationship between the level of institutional investors in a firm and the size of dividends. We also confirm? the expected negative relationship between foreign investors and the size of dividends paid by Swedish firms.

Riskkapitalets inverkan på operationella investeringar - En jämförande studie av svenska portföljföretag

This thesis seeks to explain the effect of private equity ownership on the amount of invest- ments made in a company. We use three capital expenditure based key ratios to determine if there is a tendency for private equity owned firms to invest more or less than comparable companies. Our Dataset involve 27 Swedish buyout companies that were sold by a private equity fund between 2001 and 2009. Each buyout is assigned a peer group of two firms in similar size and in the same industry. Firstly, we compare the key ratios to determine potential differences in the level of investment.

Värdedrivare i buyout-investeringar av noterade private equity-bolag - En empirisk studie av 15 svenska buyout-investeringar 1998-2012

Sweden is a world leader in listed private equity and ranked fifth in the world in market capitalization. The sector is attracting increasing interest from the investment community. However, the private equity industry in Sweden has historically poor reputation and is criticized for creating value through high leverage, multiple riding and severe cuts. This study analyzes value creation drivers in buyouts from the perspective of the private equity firm using a Dataset of 15 realized buyouts by private equity firms listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm. The methodology used separates the value contribution of leverage on the private equity firm's return from internal operational improvements and external variations in transaction multiples.

Under vilka betingelser vinner stater mellanstatliga krig?

Det finns en uppfattning att antalet stater i en koalition har en negativ inverkan påsannolikheten för seger i krig. Flera författare beskriver de koordinations- ochinteroperabilitetsproblem som finns mellan stater i en koalition. Interoperabilitetbeskrivs som nyckeln till framtida krigföring. Denna uppsats bedömer dettapåstående genom att med en statistisk metod undersöka problemet. Syftet meduppsatsen är att med utgångspunkt från en teoretisk diskussion kvantitativtundersöka huruvida antalet stater utgör en betingelse för seger i ett krig.

Mapping of clear-cuts in Swedish forest using satellite images acquired by the radar sensor ALOS PALSAR

This study presents results for observing forest changes in Sweden using multi-temporal L-band satellite data and is a part of the JAXA?s ALOS Kyoto and Carbon Initiative. An extensive Dataset of images acquired by the Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) is investigated for clear-cut detection in boreal forests in northern Sweden (Lat. 64°14? N, Long.

Integration in the Supply Chain - use of Real Options to mitigate the costs of the Bullwhip Effect

Purpose: During the last years Real Options have been established in many areas of the day-to-day business. Recent literature also tries to address Supply Chain problems with option theory, since an efficient Supply Chain increasingly gains in importance as a significant competitive advantage. This thesis tries to answer the question, if Real Options can mitigate the costs induced by the Bullwhip Effect as one of the major problems in Supply Chains. Methodology: The authors of the thesis used a deductive approach. Based on a theoretical model utilizing Real Option contracts and under the usage of a randomly created Dataset the influence of the Bullwhip Effect on the company?s business and financial structure is examined and subsequently analyzed.

Effektivisering av urvalsprocesser vid analysering av björnspillning : Ett förslag till den svenska förvaltningen av brunbjörn Ursus arctos

The aim with this report is to formulate a strategic method to optimize selection processes of DNA-samples from a faeces inventory to identify as many individuals in as few analyzes as possible, and by that keep down the costs of brown bear management. Brown bear management in Sweden founds today on results from faeces inventory and is substantially led by the county administration boards. Data from the years of 2004 and 2009´s inventories in Västerbotten was used to test and evaluate different methods in selection processes of which faeces that should be sampled. Comparison were made between making selection by chance, by spatial distribution and by calculating variations in logistic regressions coefficient b, in other words bear density and probability in finding same individual in several faeces. We can show making selection by chance is the most uncertain method.

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