

78 Uppsatser om Criminality - Sida 1 av 6

Vad är mänsklig utveckling? : En studie av teorier om "Human Development"

This study analyzes the political view of Criminality and crime politics in three political parties in the Swedish parliament, Socialdemokraterna, Folkpartiet and Moderaterna. The study seeks to describe which kind of view these parties present on the Criminality in our society. The material for this study is the ideologies that the parties descend from which are, socialism, liberalism and conservatism, the political programs of these three parties have also been studied as well as the parties proposals, political documents in the Swedish parliament. The current public debate shows that the crime politics is an attractive question and the parties may seem to have similar proposals on how to lower the Criminality in our society. The theory that has been used to describe the results of the study is ?actors and structures? and the results are related to this theory as well as the theory has been used as an instrument to explain and sort the material and the results.The results of the study show that the parties are different in their views on Criminality as a problem in our society.

Hårdare tag mot brottsligheten? : Tre etablerade politiska partiers syn på kriminalitet och kriminalpolitik

This study analyzes the political view of Criminality and crime politics in three political parties in the Swedish parliament, Socialdemokraterna, Folkpartiet and Moderaterna. The study seeks to describe which kind of view these parties present on the Criminality in our society. The material for this study is the ideologies that the parties descend from which are, socialism, liberalism and conservatism, the political programs of these three parties have also been studied as well as the parties proposals, political documents in the Swedish parliament. The current public debate shows that the crime politics is an attractive question and the parties may seem to have similar proposals on how to lower the Criminality in our society. The theory that has been used to describe the results of the study is ?actors and structures? and the results are related to this theory as well as the theory has been used as an instrument to explain and sort the material and the results.The results of the study show that the parties are different in their views on Criminality as a problem in our society.

Makt, kriminalitet och spelet om normalitetens gränser. Ur Foucaults perspektiv.

Power, Criminality and the gamble about bordering normality. From theperspective of Foucault. This study is about how Criminality becomes a strategy of power used by the individual to overcome difficulties and gain advantages. This strategy of power sets loose a process of identity formation within the individual that gives shape to his own norms which are opposite to the one of the society. The individual norms and the normative society cooperate with one another in a cultural teamwork.

Kriminalitet : En studie om faktorer som orsakar ett kriminellt liv bland unga män

Criminality is a very normal problem that occurs between youths within today?s society. In this study we will be accentuating and therefore be focusing on how young men are living their lives with Criminality. In this study we have analyzed the underlying factors for what the causes and reasons are for young men to be part of the criminal life. One basic and underlying factor is families, growth, friendships and economic resources.

Det växer inget träd i öknen! : En kvalitativ studie om de preventiva insatserna mot ungdomskriminalitet inom stadsdelsområdet Angered i Göteborg.

Juvenile Criminality has been widely discussed in the public debate. But what is there to do about a phenomenon like juvenile Criminality in Sweden. Many studies have shown the potential of lowering juvenile Criminality if different actors would collaborate. This research aims to explore preventive work and cooperation between different actors working with youth in risk of crime in Angered, with a focus on Hjällbo and Hammarkullen. The study is based on social and situational theory.

Sverigedemokraterna i kommunerna 2006 ? En empirisk studie av de kommunala förhållanden som gynnar partiet

The Sweden Democrats achieved great progress in the latest election in the Swedish municipals. The party is now closer than ever concerning reaching the Swedish parliament. This thesis examines the Sweden Democrats in the Swedish municipals with the aim to find out which municipal factors that led to their progress. By looking at the percentage share of unemployment, the percentage share of foreigners, the percentage share of education, average income, traditional political colour, average age, Criminality, early representation of a party hostile to foreigners, the municipal type and the sickliness in the municipals I find out which factors explain the progress of the Sweden Democrats. The thesis is an empirical quantitative study build on statistics by the help of regression analysis and diagrams.

Kriminalitetens geografi : vardagsbrottslighetens spatiala fördelning i Borlänge

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday Criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday Criminality there. The term everyday Criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday Criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday Criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used.

Grafisk design i en eTjänstekontext

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday Criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday Criminality there. The term everyday Criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday Criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday Criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used.

Övervakning och integritet ? en omöjlig möjlighet? En studie av de svenska riksdagspartiernas syn på förhållandet mellan övervakning och integritet 2006

There is an ongoing discussion amongst Swedish politicians about how the Swedish police will be able to handle increased organised Criminality represented in the growing threats of terrorism. In May 2006 representatives from the seven parties of the Swedish parliament debated the question whether the Swedish security service and Swedish police should be permitted to use increased surveillance with the purpose of preventing severe Criminality.The question of increased surveillance is a matter often connected to matters of personal privacy. The aim of this master?s thesis is to study which arguments are being used for and against the proposed law that would permit surveillance with the purpose of preventing crime, as well as examine members of Parliaments view on privacy.The methodology used in this thesis is both argumentation analysis and rhetoric analysis. These two tools are used to examine the minutes from a parliamentary debate about the bill mentioned earlier.

Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, Criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point.

Om ekonomiskt bistånd och kriminalitet - En studie om socialt stöd och dess effekter på misshandel och stöld

Since Criminality started to rise steeply in most western welfare states following the second world war the relationship between welfare support and Criminality has been debated. For a period of time thought to be an effective preventive measure against crime welfare support has since from time to time come to be seen by some as ineffective and in some cases even as a contributing factor to the rise in crime. It remains a contested issue as new theories, such as social support theory, which is employed here, attempt to contribute to the understanding of what effects general welfare has on overall crime levels. As a connection which is relatively well-researched in the USA, altough still not yet fully understood, this study strives toward a better understanding by testing the relationship in a swedish context. The relationship might not function in the same way considering that the US is a fundamentally different welfare-regime than Sweden, liberal and social-democratic respectively.Untangling the relationship is attempted by employing a multivariate regressionanalysis on a crosssectional dataset consisting of data from 2012 covering 247 of Swedens total of 290 municipalities.

Saving the young; Social workers' Perception of Juvenile Crime Prevention in Sweden

This study sought to explore the juvenile crime prevention in Sweden which for the purpose of this report is seen as efforts towards preventing youth Criminality and all forms of anti social behaviour by young people.In the study, interviews with six social workers working directly or indirectly with young offenders were conducted. The interview results were analyzed and subjected to transnational comparison with the practice in Kenya. The report explores existing literature on situational crime prevention, restorative justice, the link between drugs and crime, attachment to parents, peers and involvement in convectional activities, gender differences in Criminality, partnerships in crime prevention and the juvenile justice system. It uses control, strain, feminist and social disorganization theories to explain the causes of delinquency, analyzes the perceptions of social workers and discusses what works in juvenile crime prevention. The report identifies the causes of delinquency in Kenya and in Sweden as well as the prevention programs that social workers perceive as effective in addressing youth crime.

VÄG, VAL OCH VILLKOR : Individer som tidigare begått kriminella handlingar berättar

This thesis, titled ?Change, choice and conditions?, is written by Lina Skantze and Bianca Zandén. The study explores the process in which individuals? attempt to end their criminal career, focusing on the interplay between path of life, choices, and conditions. The method is qualitative, and the empirical material consists of interviews with four young adults that all have experience of Criminality.

Empowermentprocesser på ett screentryckeri : en studie av det sociala arbetskooperativet Young surfers

The purpose of the study is to investigate the significance of organizing social- cooperative in relation to individual empowerment; and how this empowerment can be used to better the situation of others. Young surfers is a social- cooperativ that is run by cooperators with experience of substance abuse and Criminality. The social- cooperativ is built on the premise that the cooperators are to set up and run a screen-printing shop where they will print t-shirts and sweatshirts. The purpose of this business is that the cooperators are given the opportunity to work and that youths with social problems such as substance abuse and Criminality are given the opportunity to work-train. My study is comprised of a series of interviews and observations that I have conducted in relation to the cooperators of Young Surfers.

Åt var och en efter behov? Kriminalitet som markör för olika behandlingsalternativ

The aim of this study was to, using previously collected data from self-declared antisocial behaviour questionnaires, examine if the crime frequency has been different between adolescents that have either been referred to two different forms of open care in social service, child and youth psychiatric inpatient care or have been sent to Homes for Specialised Supervision. The Criminality frequency and the most common crimes committed were compared between the study groups and further between genders in each particular study group. Statistical significance testing was used and the results of the survey revealed that juvenile delinquents that had committed severe criminal acts were represented in all four groups. The study group with adolescents in national care was the most different from other groups. These youths seemed to have had a lower crime frequency than the other groups with the exception assault and robbery.

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