

9 Uppsatser om Convictions - Sida 1 av 1

Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott

AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.

Minnet sviker Aldrig : Att utnyttja volatil data i Krypterade system

When the use of encryption amongst the regular computer user grows morewidespread than ever it makes the life of the IT-forensics experts difficult.Hampering the judicial investigations that otherwise could have lead to Convictions.In this report we will treat the subject of crypto analysis with a focus on decrypting files and devices encrypted with the software TrueCrypt. A solution will be presented that can facilitate the future work involving encryption. The application DFEAT that has been developed during the writings of this report is faster than the corresponding software EFDD, and attacks both partitions and bitwise copies of entire harddrives where PKF fails.DFEAT is a lightweight application that is almost 50 times smaller compared to EFDD and 200 times smaller than PKF's portable version..

Straffansvaret för yrkesverksamma inom hälso- och sjukvården

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape Convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Konstruktioner av kvinnligt och manligt i våldtäktsdomar : En kvalitativ textanalys

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape Convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Konstruktioner av kvinnligt och manligt i våldtäktsdomar : En kvalitativ textanalys

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape Convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Åh, det här klarar jag! : Samtalets betydelse för matematikförståelse

The aim of this study is to investigate into the use of discussions in the classroom to help the pupils develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and operations. The empirical data contain interviews with two teachers and observations from their lessons. The purpose of the interviews was to find out what importance the teachers ascribed to the ability of their pupils to talk about mathematics, and how they organised their classes to encourage mathematical discussions. With the observations, I was able to see the interaction in the classroom and hear discussions between the teacher and the pupils, as well as between the pupils themselves.The interviewed teachers proved to share my own belief in the results of researchers like Malmer (1999) and Löwing (2006) about the importance of verbal discussion, argumentation and reflection during mathematics classes. But Convictions derived from the research of others are one thing, the practical application of the wisdom in the classroom another.

"Barn är viktigare nu på något vis" : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem pedagoger resonerar och praktiskt arbetar med barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan

The aim of this study is to investigate into the use of discussions in the classroom to help the pupils develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and operations. The empirical data contain interviews with two teachers and observations from their lessons. The purpose of the interviews was to find out what importance the teachers ascribed to the ability of their pupils to talk about mathematics, and how they organised their classes to encourage mathematical discussions. With the observations, I was able to see the interaction in the classroom and hear discussions between the teacher and the pupils, as well as between the pupils themselves.The interviewed teachers proved to share my own belief in the results of researchers like Malmer (1999) and Löwing (2006) about the importance of verbal discussion, argumentation and reflection during mathematics classes. But Convictions derived from the research of others are one thing, the practical application of the wisdom in the classroom another.

Kvinnans rättigheter i rätten : Om våldtäktsdefinitionen i svensk sexualbrottslagstiftning

During the past 10 years Sweden has updated its penal code for sexual crimes twice. Despite this few are convicted for the crime of rape in Sweden. As the majority of perpetrators being male, this is a problem concerning women?s rights to respect for their bodies and personal integrity. A possible explanation, and this study?s point of departure is a potential discrepancy between the intention of the law and the interpretation of the same as the Swedish legal system rests on a foundation of legal positivism.

Svenska skattetilläggets förhållande till Europakonventionens artikel 6 - är den nya lagregeln (2003 : 211) tillräcklig?

Det har länge debatterats huruvida de svenska skattetilläggsreglerna är förenliga med de krav som Europakonventionen ställer upp i artikel 6. Efter att Sverige blev fällda av Europadomstolen i fallen Janosevic mot Sverige och Västberga Taxi AB & Vulic mot Sverige har regeringen gjort justeringar i skattebetalningslagen och taxeringslagen, med syfte att göra den svenska lagstiftningen förenlig med Europakonventionens krav. Syftet med vår uppsats har varit att undersöka om den nya lagregleringen är förenlig med Europakonventionens artikel 6 eller om Sverige riskerar att fällas ytterligare fler gånger av Europadomstolen rörande det svenska skattetillägget. Vi har använt oss av en rättsdogmatisk metod som innebär att vi har använt oss av lagstiftning, förarbeten, praxis och befintlig doktrin för att undersöka vårt syfte på bästa möjliga sätt. Vi undersökte den framförda kritiken mot den nya lagregleringen samt de punkter där Sverige blev fällda av Europadomstolen.