

34 Uppsatser om Complaint - Sida 1 av 3

Köparens reklamationsrätt av jordbruksprodukter ? En komparativ studie mellan KöpL, CISG och DCFR

A large part of the agricultural products that are sold in Sweden are imported because Sweden cannot meet the consumers agriculture products demand all year around. One problem that can occur and become problematic when trading across boarders is if there are errors in the delivered agricultural products. What must the Swedish buyer do, for example, make for it to be considered complained fault in the goods against the seller? Another problem in international trade is that the buyer may need to apply Complaint rules they have not previously been in contact with since their domestic law is not always applicable to the contract. To avoid getting into this situation, the buyer should try to negotiate with the seller that the contracting parties shall use compensation claim rules that the buyer is familiar with, or which is even more advantageous than to the seller.

Brevhantering av anmälningsärenden - vad blir effekten för djurskyddet?

In Sweden everyone has the possibility to report deficiencies in animal welfare they encounter. They report this to the county administration in their county and such a report is called a Complaint case. Complaint cases are normally handled with animal welfare inspections, carried out by animal welfare inspectors from the county administration in the county where the animal keeper with reported deficiencies lives. The county administrations in Sweden receive a lot of Complaint cases that differ in grade of how severe the deficiency is. The Complaint cases are given priority by how severe the deficiency seems to be.

Är Kinas upphovsrättslag förenlig med TRIPS-avtalet?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has captivated global attention due to its astonishing economic growth. This development has resulted in an enormous growth in foreign direct investments, as well as the country?s new role aseconomic super power. When joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China agreed to adhere to the minimum requirements of the organization?s several multilateral agreements.

Aggregerade kundmissnöjen i informationssystem ? En fallstudie av Nordea Bank

Abstract ? ?Aggregate Complaints in banks MIS?Date:                       June 8th 2012Level:                      Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTSInstitution:                School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                  Abdulla Ahmed Ibrahim         Alexis AnderssonTitle:                       Aggregate Complaints in MIS ? A case study of Nordea BankTutor:                      Carl G ThunmanKeywords:               Aggregate, Complaint, dissatisfaction, content analysis, Nordea, MIS.Purpose:                  The paper aims to develop a model of how Nordea Bank can monitor customer dissatisfaction through aggregated dissatisfaction analysis. Furthermore, the study aims to identify improvement proposals in Nordea based on the developed model and conducted interviews.Method:                  This thesis consists of qualitative interviews. Personnel at the local office in Västerås has been interviewed as well as Nordea?s customer ombudsmen, former office employee at Nordea, data analyst, head of customer inquiries, Professor of database technology and also a researcher in language technology.

Kommunikationsstyrning vid reklamation : En studie av stormarknader

This study focuses on the internal marketing and how it affects the Complaints by companies? communication control. Our purpose with this subject is to increase the understanding of which components affects the relation between internal marketing, communication control and Complaints. We have chosen the subject, internal marketing because it caught our interest in an earlier course. On the basis of the literature of costumer Complaint there have not been so much research about it and that is why we have chosen this perspective on internal marketing.This study is based on a qualitative approach.

Vad tillför ett klagomål? : En studie ur ett styrningsperspektiv

En rad förändringar i de kommunala verksamheterna kan hänföras till tankarna kring behovet av ett nytt tänkande och åtgärder för modernisering av offentlig verksamhet, en förändringsvåg som ofta beskrivs med samlingsbegreppet New Public Management (NPM). Offentlig styrning har blivit allt mer lik den privata och med NPM har offentliga verksamheter tagit mer sikte på marknadskrafterna. En konsekvens av detta tänkande är att medborgarnas synpunkter på verksamheten tilldelas en allt större vikt.Klagomålshantering har för många privata företag under en längre tid varit ett naturligt sätt att hantera kundernas synpunkter på verksamheten. I företag som är inne i en satsning på total kvalitet (TQM) betraktas klagomålshantering ofta som ett del- eller följdmoment till dessa ansträngningar. TQM, ett koncept med grunderna i den japanska tillverkningsindustrin, har som centrala ledord att kunden ska stå i centrum, arbeta med processer och basera beslut på fakta.Idag används TQM som ett uttryck för organisationens syn på kvalitet även av många offentliga organisationer.Hur klagomålshantering ska betraktas i den kommunala verksamheten är dock inte självklart.

Hjälp utifrån? Vem behöver inte det? : Om chefers möjlighet att balansera karriär med familjeliv

This study focuses on the internal marketing and how it affects the Complaints by companies? communication control. Our purpose with this subject is to increase the understanding of which components affects the relation between internal marketing, communication control and Complaints. We have chosen the subject, internal marketing because it caught our interest in an earlier course. On the basis of the literature of costumer Complaint there have not been so much research about it and that is why we have chosen this perspective on internal marketing.This study is based on a qualitative approach.

Neuron och den demokratiska styrkedjan

On the 13th of June 2005 the Minister of Defence, Leni Björklund, was subjected to a formal Complaint addressed to the Committee on the Constitution concerning her handling of a specific co-operation project with France. The project concerned the development of a technology demonstrator for an UCAV called Neuron. The reason for the Complaint was that the Minister of Defence had failed to present the project to the parliament and thus bypassed a parliamentary decision. Such negligence might be considered unlawful under the Swedish Constitution. The issue became public during an unscheduled meeting with the Committee on Defence, a meeting that was arranged at the request of the Minister of Defence.

Hur hanterar SAS kundklagomål? : En kvalitativ studie av den interna processen

It is important that companies knows how to handle a Complaint when they receive one from a customer. This information could the company take care of and use when they develop new services. Furthermore a good complain handling leads to satisfied and loyal customers which increases the revenue for the company. We have examined how SAS handle their internal information process and if this process affects the information and in that case how. The study is performed with a qualitative method, based on deep interviews.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader i samband med reklamationsprocessen

During the 1970?s the interest for quality management and the concept of quality costs increased considerably. Business leaders noticed that there was a great potential for reducing costs of poor quality. Since up to 10-30% of a company?s total turnover may consist of poor quality costs some consider them as an unexploited goldmine.

Vad får jag egentligen skriva om min arbetsgivare på facebook och andra sociala medier? : Yttrandefrihet möter Lojalitetsplikt

In today's society the borders between work and leisure blurs out more and more, and just as we might bring our work home, we might as well take our leisure to work with the help of so called smartphones with constant connection to social networks such as facebook and twitter. But what happens when the small talk around the coffee machine in the workplace gets out in public spaces? Instead of complaining to my closest colleague when my boss is acting like a fool or when my workload sky rocketed, I might now instead update my status on facebook with my Complaint. But what am I actually allowed to write about my employer? And has the employer any possibility to act legally in respond to what I write?For the younger generation, who more or less is grown up with these social networks, I think this demarcation can be difficult to draw and understand.In this essay I deal with the issue of whether a principle of law, such as the duty of loyalty might collide with my constitutional right to use freedom of speech against my employer..

En outnyttjad guldgruva : En studie om hur fyra företag motiverar sin kontaktpersonal att lyssna på kunderna

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur tjänsteföretag med många kundkontakter samlar in synpunkter och klagomål från deras kunder. Genom att undersöka hur företag motiverar sin kontaktpersonal att ta emot synpunkter, vill vi förstå i vilken utsträckning empowerment används som motivationsteori. Studien utgår från ett ledningsperspektiv och använder ett kontaktpersonalperspektiv för att se om ledningen och kontaktpersonalens världsbild överensstämmer.Metoden har varit fyra kvalitativa fallstudier med kundserviceansvariga och kvantitativa enkäter till kontaktpersonalen i respektive företag.Slutsatserna är att vi har funnit att företagen delvis motiverar sin personal utifrån empowerment och de specifika fallföretagen kan utveckla sin synpunktshantering i syfte att anpassa sig efter kundernas krav..

Vilken vikt har ett klander? : En kvalitativ studie av hur ansvariga utgivare förhåller sig till PON:s beslut.

The purpose of this study was to find out how the responsible editors on a selection of Swedish newspapers react to a reproach from the Press Ombudsman. The method for this research was eight qualitative interviews with responsible editors on some of Sweden?s biggest newspapers, and also a few local newspapers.We based our results on the interviews and three theories ? media accountability, communicative action and consequence neutrality. We used these theories because we think that, put together they produce the most apt view of how media ethics is being handled in the printed press.We found out that in most cases a reproach doesn?t mean that much to a newspaper.

Lex Sarah : Vad händer sen?

This paper aims to find out what lex Sarah is and how the process looks like when it comes to the investigation, from reporting to registration to the IVO, the inspection of health and social care. Who investigates, the objective of the lex Sarah and how many cases of reports that comes to registration from the year between 2010-2014. Which legal consequences it can be for an employee who has been notified is investigated also. Previous research only deals with freedom of speech, criticism and the Complaint goes to the asset, and because of that, this paper focuses on individual cases where employees ' perception of a lex Sarah-registration gives a psychosocial approach. The paper is limited to a municipality where statistics are retrieved and a comparison at a national level is performed.

?I?m wondering if another woman is really the answer I need? : En tematisk studie av mannen, kvinnan och konsumtionskulturen i Chuck Palahniuks Fight Club

The aim of this paper is to answer three questions about Chuck Palahniuks novel Fight Club. The three questions were chosen because they were widely debated after the release of David Fincher screenplay based on the same book. The questions are: Is the critique on consumerculture offered in Fight Club valid? What does Fight Club say about the relation between man and woman? Can the work be considered fascist? The critique against consumer culture is found valid and not a disguised Complaint about the feminization of society. The main female character Marla is vital for Jack as a blueprint for Tyler.

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