

14 Uppsatser om Broiler - Sida 1 av 1

Broiler production in Zambia - management, growth, diseases and welfare

Successful Broiler production in hot climates requires knowledge of how birds are affected by heat stress. It is important with access to water and good ventilation to facilitate coping with the heat. It may be useful to reduce the consumption of feed during the hottest hours of the days, which together with a few hours of extra light available could improve both productivity and animal welfare. The vision in birds is superior to that of humans and most other mammals. Continuous light and light with low intensity can cause eye injuries, affect the eye development in young chicken negatively, as well as provide increased incidence of foot pad lesions. Access to light affects the production but also the welfare of birds.

How strain and production system effects chicken welfare and quality in meat : a literature review

There are several reasons why organic chicken production is scarce in Sweden. Lack of slow growing (SG) strains combined with higher production costs, lower meat-yield and uncertainty of consumers? willingness to pay seems to be the main reasons. EU-legislations imply use of indigenous slow- or medium growing strains in organic production, nevertheless, fast growing (FG) Broilers are often used due to their effectiveness. Increased consumption of processed food creates a market for conventionally rearing of very heavy Broilers.

Ekologiskt uppfödda kycklingar : en jämförelse mellan två olika foder

Organic rearing of Broilers is not a large production in Sweden. In order to create a sustainable yet efficient production of organically produced poultry meat, at a price that the consumers are willing to pay, much more knowledge is needed. It is therefore important to do more research on organic Broilers under Swedish conditions. This report is aimed to be a base for further studies. In the study 2000 Broilers of the hybrid Ross 308 divided in to two equal groups. The Broiler hybrids that are used in Sweden are selected for a high growth rate and are normally slaughtered at the age of 5 to 6 weeks, with a slaughter weight of 1.7-2 kg.

Ekologisk och småskalig uppfödning av slaktkyckling och kalkon i Sverige :

In Sweden in January 2005, there is only one producer of organic Broilers and none of organic turkeys. But there are, on the other hand, a few small-scale producers whose housing systems to some extent are similar to what is stipulated in the organic standards. The aims of this work are to investigate what housing systems are used by the Swedish small-scale producers of Broilers and turkeys, what main challenges they are confronted with and if there is an interest and a possibility for a change-over to organic production. For the first part of this work a literature study was performed with the purpose of detecting the main health problems in conventional as well as smallscale production. A special focus was on coccidiosis and leg weakness as those were considered to be of particular importance. A study was made of Swedish small-scale poultry production units. In two groups of Broilers from the same producer and in three flocks of turkeys the level of Eimeria oocysts in faeces and litter was investigated.

Kvävemineralisering från stallgödsel beroende på olika grad av inblandning i mark

The impact of the distribution in the soil volume of two farm manures on the net mineralization and immobilization processes of nitrogen were studied in an incubation experiment. Cattle slurry and Broiler litter were placed in the soil with three procedures for incorporation including placement on top of the soil (TOP), in the middle of the soil (MID) and mixed homogenously with the soil (MIX). During the two weeks of incubation, few significant differences in net mineralization were seen between TOP, MID and MIX. However, there was a tendency that MIX led to a larger net immobilization of N than placement at one point (TOP and MID). This is also the result in the literature.

Tungmetaller i metabolismen hos värphöns och slaktkycklingar

Mussel meal is a potential source of protein, with a good composition of amino acids, for laying hens and Broiler chickens, and may replace the use of fish meal in organic poultry production. Lead and cadmium are heavy metals which occur in the environment and can be accumulated in mussels. When poultry are exposed to heavy metals, the metals are absorbed in the small intestine and distributed in the body in the form of ions, complexes or bound to proteins. In poultry, lead accumulates in bone tissue, liver and kidneys, while cadmium accumulates in liver and kidneys. Generally very low concentrations of these heavy metals occur in muscles of Broilers which have been exposed to feed contaminated with cadmium or lead.

Vaktelproduktion för ägg och kött

The aim of this study is to review the commercial quail production for eggs and meat in the world. Another aim is to review the potential for increased production. Globally the quail production is very small, except in China where it is the second largest poultry industry. The production globally is small despite the quail's rapid growth, early sexual maturity and its high feed efficiency. The quail is also used as a laboratory animal and can be reared to be released in hunting areas.

Är ekologiska slaktkycklingar sjukare än konventionella?

Den ekologiska produktionen styrs av många olika lagar och regler som den konventionella produktionen inte behöver följa. Dessa regler kan ses som en välfärdsgaranti i den ekologiska slaktkycklingproduktionen då reglerna främst är skrivna för att kycklingarna ska kunna utföra sina naturliga beteenden i en passande miljö. Rastgårdar ska finnas till de ekologiska kycklingarna för att de ska få beta, få motion och få chansen att bygga upp sitt naturliga immunförsvar. I många fall ses rastgården som en positiv aspekt av den ekologiska produktionen, men det finns även problem relaterade till utevistelsen då exempelvis vilda djur kan lockas till slaktkycklingarna och på så vis stressa upp dem, smitta dem med parasiter och patogener eller äta upp dem. Det är vedertaget att den ekologiska produktionens dödlighet är högre än den konventionella produktionens på grund av rovdjuren och sjukdomarna och de ekologiska kycklingarna utsätts i många fall för fler smittorisker på grund av utevistelsen.

Salmonellasmitta från ägg till människa

Salmonella kan infektera de flesta av våra husdjur och produktionsdjur och är en av de vanligaste livsmedelsburna infektionerna hos människa. Salmonella smittar fekalt-oralt men vissa serotyper som Salmonella Enteritidis kan även överföras från hönan till nästa generation genom äggen. I denna litteraturstudie sammanfattas hur Salmonella, särskilt Salmonella Enteritidis, kan få en omfattande och snabb spridning inom hela fjäderfäproduktionen på grund av att bakterien inte bara sprids med avföringen utan även med äggen från infekterade djur. Smittspridningen kan bli särskilt snabb och omfattande om djuren i avelspyramidens topp infekteras. Därigenom kan smitta hos exempelvis några tusen avelsdjur spridas till miljontals kycklingar och ägg i konsumtionsledet med en massiv exponering för konsumenten, människan. Studien innehåller även hur man ska gå till väga för att minimera risken för smittspridningen. Spridningen av Salmonella Enteritidis ökade kraftigt under åren 1979-1987 och utvecklade sig till en global pandemi av Salmonellainfektion hos människor.

Åkerböna till slaktkyckling - effekt av enzymtillsats

I Sverige är soja det vanligaste proteinfodermedlet inom fjäderfäproduktionen. Att utfodra med inhemska proteinfodermedel istället för soja kan göra slaktkycklingsproduktionen mer hållbar. I Sverige är åkerbönan ett alternativ att ersätta sojan med då den är rik på råprotein och skördarna i landet har ökat de senaste åren. Åkerbönan innehåller dock antinutritionella substanser (ANS) så som tanniner, trypsininhibitorer och lektiner, som försämrar näringsupptaget hos kycklingen. Vitblommig åkerböna innehåller låg mängd av tanniner, men innehåller däremot trypsininhibitorer och lektiner, vilket kan medföra att det blir svårare för kycklingen att tillgodogöra sig protein, vilket kan leda till försämrade produktionsegenskaper.

Inverkan av SPC på induktion av protein AF och produktionsresultat hos slaktkyckling

This study was a degree in Master of Science in agriculture with specialization in animal science for the Department of animal nutrition and management at SLU. The subject was created by AS-Faktor, a small company for science and development within the company Lantmännen AB. It was a test of the effect of SPC (Special Processed Cereals) on induction of the endogenous protein AF (an antisecretory factor) in plasma and intestinal lumen in Broilers. Previous results have shown positive effects on different intestinal diseases in pigs, horses, dogs as well as in humans. Beside the induction we also studied the effects on results in a conventional slaughter chicken production, including the ability of SPC to compete with or be affected by the coccidiostat, Salinomax.When diarrhoea occurs, it's because there is an imbalance between the secretion and the absorption and it can be caused by for example toxins.

Agroprotein som fodermedel till slaktkyckling

Destillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS) is a by-product when producing ethanol. DDGS from wheat has a high crude protein content and a good amino acid profile, which makes it an interesting feed ingredient for poultry. The disadvantage of feeding DDGS from wheat to poultry is that it also contains a high fiber content that chickens don?t have the ability to break down. Lantmännen Agroetanol has developed a new protein feedstuff from DDGS by extracting wheat protein from DDGS, the product name is Agroprotein SD.

Strötorvsanvändning i djurstallar : en litteraturgenomgång

Peat litter has been used in animal houses for a long time. Because of its good ability to absorb liquid and nutrients from the manure it can create a dry surface for animals and a valuable manure product. Through changes in agricultural practises the use of peat litter has diminished and is to a great extent replaced by straw, sawdust and cutter shavings although Sweden is rich in peat-findings. The aim of this work was to summarize the presented knowledge about the used of peat litter, techniques, advantages and disadvantages and to compare with other commonly used litter materials. Articles on peat litter have been searched for in magazines, databases and books at SLU library. Visits to peat industries, interviews with peat producers and with peat researchers contributed to the material. Peat is not a uniformly material.

Veterinär- och läkarstudenters kunskaper och värderingar om storskalig slakt och slaktmetoder ? en enkätstudie

I Sverige idag är normen att man ska äta kött. Om man blir bortbjuden och är vegetarian, vegan eller något annat som innebär att man inte äter alla sorters djur, förutsätts det vanligen att man som gäst meddelar denna specialkost i förväg på samma sätt som man förväntas informera om eventuella allergier. Många vet inte hur den mat som vi äter blir till, trots att det enligt skolans läroplan ingår vissa grundläggande kunskaper om kost. Man ska veta hur bröd bakas, principen för hur växter planteras och skördas och hur en fläskkotlett ska stekas. Men inte någonstans i grundskolans undervisning, varken på hemkunskapen, naturkunskapen eller i något annat ämne får man veta hur kött blir till.