

22 Uppsatser om Bitch - Sida 1 av 2

Kastrering av frisk tik

In this work we have compiled results from various studies concerning medical conditions that may possibly be avoided by castration and the effects that may occur after castration of the healthy Bitch. The work is a literature review but it also includes a summary on the age recommendations for castration of the healthy Bitch, castration before or after the first heat and the castration method most commonly used of ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy. The summary is based on a questionnaire answered by personnel from 20 veterinary clinics and animal hospitals evenly distributed throughout Sweden.The summary showed that ovariohysterectomy was the most common method of castration and the recommendation in age ranged from 6-12 months. Regarding castration before or after the first heat 75% of the veterinary clinics and animal hospitals answered that they recommended castration after the first heat. Literature study shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages of castration of the healthy Bitch and that it therefore is important that each Bitch get a personal and individual evaluation before a decision is taken concerning a castration..

Flanksnitt som alternativ till linea-albasnitt vid ovariohysterektomi av tik :

In Sweden, the most common way to castrate a Bitch is by midline approach. In this study, flank and midline approaches are compared in order to evaluate incision by the flank as an alternative technique for ovariohysterectomy in the Bitch. The study was performed on straydogs in the central part of Thailand under field conditions. 32 Bitches were included in the study. The castration technique was by flank and midline approach, alternating with every other Bitch.

Äggstockens normala storlek och struktur hos tik :

There are only a few published studies on the normal variation in ovary size in Bitches. All of the previous studies have been made on the beagle breed. This study was performed on indian street dogs with the objective to measure ovaries and structures in the ovaries after ovariehysterectomy to decide if smaller dogs have smaller ovaries and how small and big they can be in the normal dog. The structures (follicle and corpus luteum) where also measured to get a maximum size for normal structures in the Bitch. This information can be valuable when examining the ovaries of the Bitch with ulstrasound.

Klinisk omvårdnad av den dräktiga tiken och hennes neonatala valpar

Nursing and care for the pregnant Bitch and her neonatal puppies is an important part of the animal nursing profession either if it concerns normal reproductionphysiology, pregnancies, diseases or complications at home of the animalowner. This piece of work gives a guidance of what a Veterinary nurse at a clinic should have in mind while given treatments, complications and normal physiology with the Bitch and her neonatal puppies in order to be able to perform a professional cooperation with the veterinary surgeon at emergency teatmentcases and to make the animal owners satisfied with enough knowledge to answer their questions about the subject..

Myt och vetenskap om kastration av tik

This is a literature study in which I investigate if there are scientific studies that form the basis of the Swedish dog world views concerning the spaying of Bitches. The positive impacts are said to be reduced problems with pseudopregnancy, reduced risk of pyometra, reduced risk of mammary and uterine tumors, an earlier cease of bone growth, a more active and happier dog and a Bitch who is more tolerant of other dogs. The negative consequences are said to be urinary incontinence, increased aggressiveness, lower metabolism and the increased risk of obesity, a more lethargic individual and altered coat.There are studies indicating that spaying reduces behavioral problems associated with heat and pseudopregnancy. Assuming no ovary tissue persists after the procedure, and there is no progesterone production, the risk of pyometra decreases. Early spaying, before the first heat, reduces the risk of mammary tumors.

Perioperativ omvårdnad vid kejsarsnitt hos tik ? förbättra utfall för tik och valpar

Dystocia, or difficult birth, is a commonly seen complication to natural birth in veterinary hospitals. Although other methods of resolving dystocia exist, 60 % of dystocias will need to undergo caesarean section. To perform a caesarean section, the Bitch will have to undergo anesthesia. The purpose of this literary study was to provide a deeper understanding regarding how the physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy influence anesthetic management in the Bitch and puppies. Which anesthetic drugs and drug combinations indicated was also investigated as well as how a veterinary nurse can optimize care of the mother throughout the procedure and how resuscitation of the puppies should be carried out for best possible outcome.

Effekter av skendräktighet och kastration på tikens beteende

Pseudopregnancy is a condition that is estimated to affect 40 % of all female dogs. Common symptoms are decreased activity level, weight gain, mammary enlargement, milk production, nesting behavior, anorexia and maternal behavior. The symptoms are displayed during metoestrus. Prolactin is one of the causes behind pseudopregnancy, but the full process is not yet known. Due to the fact that the condition affects that many Bitches and often is recurrent, it is relevant to examine how the condition affects the Bitch?s behavior and performance.

Rådgivning angående profylaktisk kastrering av den friska tiken

Working as a veterinary nurse includes advising animal owners, helping them to make discisions through well-based facts and experience. Preemptive spaying of the healthy Bitch brings many advantages and disadvantages. It leads to cessation of gonadal hormone production, and how the exact extent the surgery affects the dog is not yet fully understood. The sex hormones mainly control the reproductive system, but receptors of these hormones are found in many tissues of the body, and have complex relationships with other hormone systems. Spaying decreases the metabolism although the Bitch gets an increased appetite, which enhance the risk of obesity, unless the owner restricts food intake.

Hjärtfrekvens och kortisolkoncentration hos valpar under olika typer av valptest :

The aim of this study was to find possible relations between behaviour and physiology for puppies during different parts of a puppy test. This work deals mainly with the physiological part of the study. Thirtysix puppies, från five litters, were tested in a behaviour test where heart rate was measured and saliva samples were collected before and after each part in the test. Saliva and urine samples were analyzed for corisol concentration as an indicatior of stress. The tests were performed during two consecutive days in the breeders' home when the puppies were seven weeks old. In addition, heart rate and cortisol levels were also measured in the Bitch since we were interested in finding out if there were any relations between physiological levels in Bitches and puppies.

Fruktsamhet och fruktsamhetsproblem hos chow-chow : En inledande studie över situationen i Sverige

The chow-chow breed is considered to have a low fertility and this report is an in depth study of the reproductive functions of this breed in Sweden. Only 53 % of the Chow-chow matings results in litters. Previous studies of other breeds in commercial kennels shows mating results around 85-90 %, but this has not been investigated in hobby kennels and most Chow-chows which are bred from in Sweden, are kept as family pets. Contrary to most other breeds, Chow-chows show a seasonal reproductive pattern and most litters are born in the autumn. The influence of the month of mating on pregnancy rate and litter size was found to be not significant, but can be considered a trend. Thirty-nine females with previous known fertility problems where studied. Some of them had reached puberty extremely early, at an age between 4-5 months, and many of the Bitches showed great fluctuations in intervals between oestrus cycles. Some of the females showed abnormalities such as very short oestrus intervals of only 2-3 months, probably without ovulating.

Valpens utveckling : ur ett fysiologiskt och etologiskt perspektiv

The first two weeks in a pup's life is called the neonatal period. This period is dominated by growth and development of organs and senses. The puppy is born blind and deaf and the physiological disability makes it unable to move properly. The neonatal period is characterized by a lot of sleeping. The pup receives the important milk and warmth from the Bitch.

Bitch eller bög: en studie av ungdomars syn på kvinnligt och manligt

Denna uppsats behandlar ungdomars syn på manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. För att få klarhet i detta har vi genomfört tre gruppintervjuer, där ungdomar i åldern 15-17 år deltog. Vi har i huvudsak använt oss av Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genus och Simone de Beauvoirs tankar om kvinnors underordnade ställning i samhället. Vårt resultat visar att ungdomar inte är så jämställda som de själva anser. Deras svar tyder på att de är polariserade och har tydliga uppfattningar om hur män/kvinnor, killar/tjejer ska bete sig för att bli accepterade av de övriga.

"Bitch with Style" - En diskursanalys av tre e-shopar för hundkläder

SammandragJag har analyserat hur hundkläder presenteras i tre svenska e-shopar. Inspirerad av det relativt nya fältet Human Animal Studies ville jag undersöka hur hundens kön, ras och subjektsstatus görs. Jag använder diskursanalys av texters och bilders samspel.Det är få hundplagg i min analys som uttalat sägs vara för tikar eller hanar men en möjlighet att markera kön på sin hund finns ofta närvarande i och med färger eller tryck Tik- och markeringsskydd, som är avsedda för ena eller andra könet, uppvisar också skillnader. Dock verkar även en något feminin klädsel vara accepterad för hanar och det mönster jag tycker mig se av att mindre, mer pälsklädda raser framställs feminint är inte entydigt.Kontroll av hunden verkar förhandlas genom att vikten av bekvämlighet poängteras. Jag drar därmed slutsatsen att hunden ses som subjekt men visar att det är på ett antropomorfistiskt sätt där människor tillskrivs föräldrarstatus.

Lånord i ungdomsspråk ? coolt eller för jävligt? Engelsk slang i översättningarna av Richelle Meads Vampire Academy och Frostbite

Den här uppsatsen behandlar ungdomsslang och översättningen av den i ungdomslitteratur. Två böcker ur serien Vampire Academy har undersökts: Vampire Academy (2007) och Frostbite (2008) samt deras svenska översättningar Törst (2009) och Fruset blod (2009). Språket i serien är ofta tal- och ungdomsspråkligt, och slang förekommer frekvent. De båda böckerna har översatts till svenska av två olika översättare (Torun Lidfeldt Bager och Ylva Spångberg), vilket möjliggör en jämförelse mellan de två olika översättarnas val och strategier. De slangord som valts ut till analysen är fyra ord som används som direktlån i svensk slang och de har delats in i två grupper: etablerad slang (cool, Bitch) respektive icke-etablerad slang (badass, whatever).

Varumärke och univetsitet - Varumärkeskapital ur tre målgruppers perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to outline an appropriate model in order for companies to successfully act and compete physically as wholesalers at the same time as acting on the virtual market by selling directly to the end consumer. The approach of this thesis is hermeneutical and abductive with elements of hypothetically deductive approach. Our research has a qualitative research strategy based on case studies and interviews as well as on secondary data. Interviews were conducted with the case company JaymJay Wear AB as well as with other companies, so called mini cases. The secondary data consists mainly of textbooks, web sites and journals.

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