

100 Uppsatser om Attractiveness - Sida 1 av 7

För en attraktiv centrumhandel i tillväxt: En kvantitativ studie om vad som skapar attraktiv centrumhandel i en tätort.

There is a change happening in the Swedish market of commerce. Studies indicate that the trend of the last decades; that external shopping centres are more attractive than centres of commerce, is about to turn. It is predicted that the centre of commerce will be the most attractive in the future.No matter how the market will develop, it is important for merchants to take account of their customers by understanding their behaviour and preferences concerning what constitute an attractive marketplace. A marketplace is attractive in terms of the characteristics that creates its offer, these characteristics are called "determinants of Attractiveness." This paper is based on a field study of 200 consumers in Norrtälje regarding why they are choosing to shop in the centre of Norrtälje. The purpose is to answer the question "What creates an attractive centre of commerce " in terms of a) the determinants of Attractiveness and b) each determinants' influence on customer satisfaction.

Den attraktiva stadens framväxt

The aim of this paper is to analyse how the term Attractiveness is interpreted in Swedish contemporary urban planning. The focus is to analyse how the term is discursively constructed and by this highlight the conceptions that exist around what makes a city attractive. We want to emphasize the importance of a deeper understanding of how Attractiveness is used in urban planning and how the term is a part of the development of our cities. Given the use of Attractiveness as a part of visionary goals for Malmö´s and other Swedish cities future development, our intention, therefore, is to enhance the understanding of what the use of Attractiveness means in respect of the creation and construction of power relations in time and place. The framework of our analysis is based on the discourse theory approach and used as a way of understanding how urban ideals is discursively constructed.

Skönheten i betygsättarens öga : En undersökning av utseendets betydelse vid betygsättning

This study examines the effects of a person's appearence on grading. 80 teachers in Swedish have assessed a text, illustrated with a picture of the supposed author. The pictures were varied by Attractiveness, personality in looks, and gender. Furthermore, a text illustrated by a drawing and an unillustrated text were also used in the study. The texts were sent to the teachers by e-mail and assessed on a scale from 1-10 and the Swedish grading scale IG-MVG (Did not pass ? Passed ? Passed with credit - Passed with great credit).

Värdegrundens betydelse för arbetsgivarens attraktivitet

During the past decades the competition for skilful employees has increased and companies and organizations compete to attract the right people. The Swedish municipalities and country councils need to recruit 420 000 new employees before 2020, but have a limited budget to promote themselves as attractive employers. To find a solution, many of the municipalities have started to work with fundamental values to become more attractive employers and to inspire employees to use word-of-mouth to recommend them. There are no empirical studies of how successful this strategy is, and the purpose of this thesis is to show if there are significant correlations between the fundamental values, the employer's Attractiveness and word-of-mouth. The results of the study are based on a survey with 1996 answers from employees in three different municipalities in Stockholm, Sweden.

En diamant eller oslipad sten? - Employer branding: om företagsimage och attraktionskraft

Ett av syftena med studien var att undersöka skillnader i Ingenjörsstuderande respektive Anställdas uppfattning om Lantmäteriets image som arbetsgivare. Det andra syftet med studien var att se om det förelåg skillnader i uppfattning av en Ideal arbetsgivares image och Lantmäteriets image som arbetsgivare. Studien genomfördes med stöd av en enkätundersökning med Ingenjörsstuderande och Anställda vid Lantmäteriakademin som deltagare. Totalt deltog 102 personer i studien; 55 Ingenjörsstuderande och 47 Anställda. Mätinstrumentet var Employer Attractiveness Scale (EmpAt).

Sparbankernas vara eller icke vara - En kvantitativ studie av sparbankernas bidrag till attraktivitet, företagande och regional tillväxt i de kommuner de verkar i.

This thesis investigates the 200 year old phenomena of savings banks and if they increase the economic growth (GDP) in the local region they act in. That is being done by testing three hypotheses; the savings banks increase the Attractiveness of the region they act in; the savings banks increase the entrepreneurship in the region they act in; and the savings banks increase the economic growth in region they act in. This quantitative cross-sectional study with data from the year 2010, finds that the savings banks increase the Attractiveness of the local region, most likely through the efforts and financials they put into different local projects. A positive result is also found for increased entrepreneurship in the regions that have a local savings bank. The result is explained by the savings banks relationship lending, which increase the likeliness for a company to get the credit they need to start and develop.

Hur revisionsbyråer använder sig av sociala medier vid rekrytering - Fallstudier av Grant Thornton och Ernst & Young

Accounting firms operate in environments with high competition for graduates and students today expect employers to be present on Facebook and the like. We aim to describe whether two major accounting firms use social media in their graduate recruitment. We chose to do case studies of Grant Thornton and Ernst & Young and how they use social media channels aimed towards graduates. Through a through study of how the two companies communicated through various social media, we concluded that Grant Thornton was significantly better than their larger competitor at social media use. Both companies use Facebook as their main communication channel.

Bakom okunnighetens slöja - En studie av religiösa attribut i kundmötet

The thesis is aiming to investigate what happens in the customer-service worker interaction when the service worker is wearing religious attributes. In order to operationalize this the Muslim head scarf, hijab, is chosen as stimuli. Reviewing previous research and theory in this field, it is clear that people have a preference for people that they perceive to be like themselves, this is referred to as homophily. Further on, the study investigates the ethnicity dimension of the service worker customer interaction. Theoretical areas of Attractiveness and color are also investigated.

attraktrivitet och regionplanering : Hur ska osby kunna ha en positiv ekonomisk tillväxt och befolkningsutveckling i region skåne?

 AbstractAttractiveness may be defined by a variety of factors but you should see it in the public planning as it is to have a positive population growth and economic growth, through working with communications, service, housing, to name a few. This is done primarily through direct projects both within the municipality and through various partnerships between local and regional level. The progress we have seen in recent years has gone more towards a clear shell level, particularly a regional level where these have had a much greater freedom with clear geographical boundaries in between each other. Within these regions there are also clear regional groupings that have common interests and competing between each other. In my thesis, we have been distinguished including three levels of scale levels.

Våga ta steget!: En studie om de attraktiva produktkategorierna

This paper studies patterns of consumption within a product category. Using make-up as a base for the study, we applied the Mokken Scale to examine if consumers follow a hierarchical pattern when buying items within the product category. Based on a survey of 250 female respondents, we establish a hierarchic scale for consumption. Assuming generally accepted attributes for determining physical Attractiveness, the results of the Mokken Scale study were cross referenced with a survey among 200 male and female respondents. Students were asked to evaluate pictures of a model using different combinations of make-up, i.e.

Attrahera och behålla ung personal : En fallstudie av unga medarbetare i IT-branschen

Efterfrågan på arbetskraft har ökat inom IT-branschen samtidigt som den svenska arbetsmarknaden står inför en generationsväxling. Därav har konkurrensen om arbetskraften ökat och det har blivit viktigare för arbetsgivarna att arbeta mer fokuserat med att attrahera och behålla unga medarbetare. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vad unga som redan arbetar på ett IT-företag anser är viktigt, både för att attrahera och behålla unga framtida medarbetare. Detta gjordes genom en fallstudie och tio djupintervjuer genomfördes med unga medarbetare på företaget. Detta har resulterat i ett utkast till en modell som visar vilka aspekter som är viktiga för att attrahera och behålla unga medarbetare.

Attrahera och behålla ung personal : En fallstudie av unga medarbetare i IT-branschen

Efterfrågan på arbetskraft har ökat inom IT-branschen samtidigt som den svenska arbetsmarknaden står inför en generationsväxling. Därav har konkurrensen om arbetskraften ökat och det har blivit viktigare för arbetsgivarna att arbeta mer fokuserat med att attrahera och behålla unga medarbetare. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vad unga som redan arbetar på ett IT-företag anser är viktigt, både för att attrahera och behålla unga framtida medarbetare. Detta gjordes genom en fallstudie och tio djupintervjuer genomfördes med unga medarbetare på företaget. Detta har resulterat i ett utkast till en modell som visar vilka aspekter som är viktiga för att attrahera och behålla unga medarbetare.

Rörelsemönstrets betydelse : Att öka attraktiviteten i en galleria med Space syntax

The functional connection between the building and the streetscape affects the city and its Attractiveness. Stores located in shopping malls with their entrances facing internal walkways, creates segregation between the mall and the streetscape. This segregation implies that the shopping mall loses some of its Attractiveness, which may result in a so-called Greyfield mall. The expression Greyfield mall is used for shopping malls that have lost its visitors. Competition from new modern malls and a lack of investments are examples of factors that influence the development of Greyfiled malls.

Skönhet kommer från Photoshop - En studie om effekter av retuscherade modeller i reklam

There are widespread discussions about the use of retouched models in media, ranging from bloggers to legal decision-makers. Research shows that there are negative psychological effects on especially females being exposed to idealized, retouched model images. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of using retouched models in advertising from a marketing perspective, based on attitudes, perceived quality and purchase intentions.Based on theories about Attractiveness, halo-effects and social comparison, an experimental study was done, investigating the different responses on above mentioned parameters to advertisements showing either retouched model images or non-retouched model images. Initially it was also tested if the retouched models were seen as more attractive than the non-retouched models. The results showed almost no differences between the reactions to the advertisements with retouched models compared to the advertisements with non-retouched models, when all respondent groups were analyzed together.

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