

2 Uppsatser om Apiculture - Sida 1 av 1

Challenges and Opportunities in Swedish Apiculture

Bees are of importance for the global food security. In Europe 84% and in the World 35% of all the agricultural crops are dependent of animal pollination (Winfree et al., 2011:1). In agricultural production there is a huge lack of pollinators (Azien & Harden, 2009). A problem that is widely spread. In Sweden the problem becomes clear when looking at the statistics of the number of bee colonies during the last 20 years, where it has been a decline with 63 % (Statistiska Centralbyrån & Jordbruksverket, 2011).

Honung och biodling : honungens ursprung, egenskaper och effekter på människans hälsa

This report describes honey, its origin, properties and effects on human health. Honey has been used for a long time in most civilizations and Apiculture is an important activity sector in many parts of the world. The trend is an increase in honey production but a decrease in the number of beekeepers in Sweden. Honeybees live in a highly developed society with a strong hierarchy and a well organized distribution of the tasks. They visit a broad spectrum of plants and collect nectar to store it as honey.