

2 Uppsatser om Zionism - Sida 1 av 1

De utvalda : om antisemitism i Sverige

Uppsatsen handlar om hur fyra judiska personer upplever antisemitism i Sverige. De har svarat på frågor som rör två teman, antisemitism och Israelkritik/antisionism.Informanterna har inte personligen utsatts för antisemitism i stor utsträckning, däremot upplever de att antisemitismen finns mer utbrett på andra platser i Sverige.Israelkritik upplever de enbart som antisemitism när den är obalanserad och när media anklagar judar kollektivt för vad som sker i Israel/Palestina. Sionism ser de dock ingen anledning till att kritisera eftersom den handlar om ett judisk självbestämmande. Ett par av informanterna anser att sionism är så starkt förknippat med judisk tradition att antisionism per automatik blir judefientlig..

Historiebruk : exemplet Judisk Krönika

The purpose of this examination is to investigate how Judisk Krönika, a periodical which was introduced in 1932 with the aim of disseminating Jewish culture and tradition in Sweden, uses history to make comments about its role in contemporary history, specifically during the first two years of the First Intifada. A second purpose was to examine how this use of history differed from results shown in earlier studies comprising the 1960s and the 2000s. The method in use is qualitative; the source material has been read thoroughly and scrutinized in search of the authors open and hidden messages and intentions. The main finding shows that four major themes could be identified: anti-Semitism(anti-Zionism); memory; ethnonational and media. The most dominant theme during the 1980s, as opposed to the 1960s and the 2000s focus on Zionism and Jewish culture respectively, is memory, that could be described as hegemonic and as a part of a existential use of history, which aims for survival and preservation of the Jewish culture in times of conflict..