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Tidsperspektiv som prediktor för individuella skillnader i upplevd stress : En tvärsnittsstudie av äldre vuxna
Time Perspective is related to mental and physical health. This study examines the relationship between Time Perspective and perceived stress where Time Perspective was expected to predict the level of perceived stress. Past-negative, Future-negative, Future-positive and present-fatalistic were expected to be positively associated with perceived stress while Past-positive and present-hedonistic were expected to be negatively associated. Measures from the self-assessment forms S-ZTPI, PSQ-recent and CES-D from 445 participants (242 women, 203 men) between 60-90 years were used to examine the hypothesis of the study. Two hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed that Time Perspective is associated with perceived stress and in part 2 explains it's variance, one when adjusting for demographic data (.R = .37) and the 2 other when adjusting for demographic data and depressive symptoms (.R = .13).
Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention
Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.
Marknadens implicita värde på det permanenta mätfelet på Stockholmsbörsen
This study investigates whether the permanent measurement bias (PMB) has changed over time for Swedish companies listed on the Stockholm Stock exchange at least one year during 1996-2000 or 2005-2010. By using the Residual Income Valuation-model the markets' implicit value on PMB is generated through reversed engineering, as values for all variables except PMB are entered such as the market perceived them at the specific valuation date each year. This implicit value is classified into industries and then sorted by their median. Statistical tests are performed to see if there is a difference between the industry median and the accounting-based values on PMB. The difference from period one to period two is also statistically tested for.The study finds that the implicit values on PMB have changed somewhat between the periods; however the fluctuations are not statistically significant.
Fortkörning - en inkomstfråga? : En studie utav inkomstens påverkan på benägenheten att köra för fort
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether a higher income make individuals more likely to exceed the speed limit. In addition to income the variables age, sex, perception of the speed of the average driver and offense history for the last three years are taken into account.The method used is based on a survey performed at the mandatory annual motor-vehicle inspection (Bilprovningen). 177 individuals were asked to participate, of these, 124 completed the survey which in turn left us with 117 usable observations.The analysis is based on two forms of regression, a linear regression and an ordered logit regression to confirm the results for the ordinal data.The final model indicates a result where income and age are statistically significant. Sex is considered insignificant for our data material and is excluded from the model. Age has a negative effect on the propensity to exceed the speed limit while income has a positive effect.
Varumärkesidentitet vs. Varumärkesimage : En studie av Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS och Classic
AbstractTitle: Brand identity vs. Brand image ? a study of Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS and Classic.Number of pages: 38Author: Jessika Löwling HelmerskogTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and communication sciencePeriod: Spring semester 2010University: Informatics and media, media and communication science, Uppsala University.Aim: The aim is to study the brand identity as well as the brand image for each of the brands:Löfbergs Lila, ZOÉGAS and Classic. Furthermore the aim is to determine whether the brandsidentity comport with the brands image. Ultimately the study will establish whether or not thebrands can be considered as strong brands.Method/Material: This thesis will first and foremost explain a number of theories related tothe subject which will give a deeper understanding in the subject as well as providing thereader with necessary knowledge to fully understand the study.To create a broad and correct picture of each brand interviews have been made with both thepeople behind the brand as well as with the consumers.The interviews with the brand makers have been made by a questionnaire with questionsabout the brand and its identity.The interviews with the consumers have been made through focus group interviews; twogroups with four people in each group.
Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point.
Den svenska modellen och dess framtid
This study reflects on the swedish model and the models future. The swedish modelmeans that legisilation acts with the collective agreements . The wage issue is notregulated by law instead it is managed by the social partners in the form of collectiveagreements. In 2008, a report was presented by the Commission on a joint regulation ofthe minimum wage for all EU countries. The issue has become increasinglycontroversial and was especially disccused for the election of candidates to theEuropean Parlament last spring.
En studie om införandet av expected loss model : - En mer tillförlitlig och relevant metod för nedskrivning av finansiella tillgångar?
Accounting has been critized for being one of the leading factors in the latest financial crisis. One of the primary problem areas was identified as delayed recogonition of losses on financial instruments. Consequently, a new impairment model is being developed and is to be namned expected loss model. The difference from the present model, incurred loss model, is that it takes losses into consideration on an much earlier level. Even though the model may be theoretically feasible, in practice it may implicate a number of issues.
Modellering av hydrauliskt aktuatorsystem
This report treats a Master Thesis performed at Scania CV AB. The task was to create a computer model of a hydraulic actuator system in the software AVL Hydsim. The system consists of two spring-loaded masses with surrounding hydraulic components. The purpose of the model is to study phenomenon and problems in the system, as well as to be a support in the development of the system. It is not supposed to be used to study absolute values in its current form.
Totalkostnadsmodell för distributionsnätverk med internationella containertransporter
Purpose ? The purpose of this thesis is to develop a total cost model for container transports and create a tool that calculates a suitable transport quantity from an economic view, which fulfills the demands on delivery service. To achieve this purpose the following questions will be answered:Which costs are affected by the decision between the two transport alternatives LCL and FCL? How does the decision of sending product LCL or FCL influence the delivery service? How can a tool be constructed to simplify the decision-making process regarding the choice of sending products LCL or FCL? Method ? A total cost model was developed. This model is supported from existing literature.
Kommunicera mera! En kvantitativ studie om begreppet CSR och effekter av CSR-kommunikation på konsumenter inom konfektionsindustrin.
Companies in the apparel industry are becoming increasingly responsible with regards to the social and environmental issues related to textile production. Despite these tendencies, there are great insecurities surrounding the concept of CSR and the effects on consumers of CSR communication. There is currently no model for breaking the concept of CSR down into smaller elements, specific for the apparel industry. In the first part of this thesis, we create such a model, applicable in a consumer communication context. In the second part, we investigate the effects on consumer attitudes and intentions of communicating the different elements of CSR presented in the model.
A Long Day?s Journey into Night ? examining the Swedish model, present and future
In this essay we strive to examine how the social work in Sweden will be affected if the Swedish welfare model goes through fundamental changes. The study illuminates the close connection between the Swedish collective bargaining model and the Swedish welfare system. The questions we present in this essay, and hopefully answer satisfactory, are: is the Swedish welfare model subject to thorough changes? How will such a change alter the social work in Sweden?, is the Swedish collective bargaining model in a state of modification? Would a modification in the collective bargaining model have effects on the Swedish welfare model?We have used a qualitative method in collecting empirical material. We interviewed three representatives, who worked for Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, IF Metall and The Swedish Municipal Workers respectively.
Kära barn, det här handlar om din barndom : 9 vuxna berättar om sina erfarenheter av en utsatt barndom och samhällets insatser
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how adults who grew up in an exposed habitat experienced their upbringing and society's efforts and how it affected them in adult life. The method that we used was qualitative interviews. This method has given us a rich material, we believe. The results were analyzed by means of the theory we used and past research in the field. All of our respondents have in common that they were insecure in childhood. And everyone has had negative consequences of their childhood into adulthood.
Jämförelse mellan MultiScat och konventionell beräkning av intensiteter till koncentrationer vid analys med röntgenflourescensspektrometri
In this master thesis work, a new method called MultiScat, is compared with the conventional method with alfa-correction, for computing concentrations from intensities in X-ray spectrometric analysis. The conventional model is a linear model, which only takes the photoelectric effect into consideration. It doesn't consider Rayleigh and Compton scattering even though it has a great impact on the measured intensities. Here MultiScat differs a lot. MultiScat is based on a solution of the Boltzmann transport equation.
Barns tolkning av en modell för vattnets kretslopp : -förståelse och tillämpning
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how pupils give expression of a water cycle model and if the model causes any misunderstanding. Two problems constitute the starting point for this investigation. The first question is: how do the pupils explain the water cycle with the help of the jar model (can of glass). The other question is: can the children see any similarities between the can of glass and our earth. Qualitative semi structured interviews with seven pupils in the ages of 8-9 have been used to show the pupils? own thoughts and how they express them.