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Den aggregativa demokratin : Hur Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek och Stephen Elstub använder termen liberal demokrati
?Liberal Democracy? is a common term in political theory, and it is used as if it had a commonly accepted referent, with both normative and descriptive content. This is certainly the case in democratic theory, where it on the one hand seems to refer to a normative democratic model; on the other hand it is used descriptively, to refer to real-life democracies. The deliberative democratic sub-field is not an exception; on the contrary, the term is frequently used albeit rarely defined; yet the concept it refers to is supposedly developed enough to allow detailed propositions about its citizens?s political behaviour.This essay is an attempt to analyze how Liberal Democracy is used by three deliberative democrats (Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek and Stephen Elstub), in order to understand the democratic model (or models), whether normative or descriptive, they refer to.
Markanvändning och ekosystemtjänster i en gradient från borealt till alpint landskap ? Vilhelmina Model Forest
Begreppet ekosystemtjänster kan användas för att tydliggöra värdet av landskapets funktioner och därmed underlätta kommunikation mellan markanvändare då olika intressen konkurrerar. Emellertid finns det få studier som inkluderar en kvantitativ eller kvalitativ värdering av ekosystemtjänster på landskapsnivå. I detta arbete har markanvändning och ekosystemtjänster studerats i ett landskapsperspektiv, med Vilhelmina Model Forest (VMF) som studieområde. Den övergripande frågan i VMF är hur rennäring kan kombineras med andra markanvändningsintressen, huvudsakligen skogsbruk. Syftet med studien var att göra en kvantitativ värdering av markanvändningsintressen och ekosystemtjänster.
Beskrivningar av operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att känna sig förberedda inför det nya yrket efter avslutad specialistutbildning : - kvalitativ intervjustudie
In this study, emphasis was situated around pupils? expectations regarding body shape and physical proficiency among teachers within the subject of physical education. Additionally, possible outcomes of failure to uphold such demands were put in relation to aspects of legitimacy. To enable such study a qualitative study including semi-structured interviews was conducted and carried through, involving six pupils in the third grade of upper secondary education. The pupils were mainly selected through a convenience sample with.
Vem hålls ansvarig? : En studie av de förändrade förutsättningarna för ansvarsutkrävande med avseende på svensk krigsmaterielexport
This thesis explores the changing prerequisites for accountability in terms of Swedish arms export. The study aims to uncover what has happened with the conditions for accountability in Sweden since the responsibility for export control was transferred from the government to the public administration. By investigating how the term ?accountability? has been used in the literature of democratic theory, an abstract ideal model is being created. Comparing the changed structural arrangements, with each other and the ideal model, it is concluded that the prerequisites for accountability now seems to be in a worse state than they were before..
The Future of ABC at Sandvik Tooling
Abstract Title: The Future of ABC at Sandvik Tooling ? Incorporating ABC with information systems in order to drive business development from a cost point of view. Authors: Jenny Andersson and Camilla Salomonsson. Supervisor: Charlotta Johnsson ? Department of Automatic Control, Lund University.
Riskmodell för kabelsträckningar i mellanspänningsnätet i Sverige
The society of today is largely dependent on electricity and the dependence does not show any signs of declining. Reliability of supply will become increasingly important in the future and it is therefore important to investigate factors affecting the failure rates in electrical components.Sweden was hit by several severe storms during the 00?s. As a result of this many overhead lines in forests were cablified. In urban areas underground cable systems have been the norm for many years.
Projektmodell för mindre produktutvecklingsprojekt
How projects are managed can have a big impact on the project`s result. There are different types of frameworks on the market whose purpose is to help project leaders to pursue a successful project. Those frameworks focus on larger product development projects and both the literature and companies have addressed that the frameworks are too comprehensive for smaller product development projects. They have therefore asked for a framework that is more suitable for those smaller projects. To complete a project on time and to the planned cost is important in both larger and smaller product development projects.
Mätning av inköpsmognadsgrad: - en första ansats
This paper explores a model for self-assessment of purchasing maturity in large companies. The author adapts contemporary purchasing theory and further enhances existing tools and procedures to create a survey based instrument for maturity measurementThe paper also explores potential methodological challenges associated with conducting a more extensive study of purchasing maturity via the proposed model. A preliminary study is made and the learnings discussed.The preliminary findings of the survey indicate that the purchasing maturity varies with industry. The purchasing function average score was found to be 3,4 out of 6 with samples spread across the whole spectra ? agreeing with previous theories stating that the purchasing maturity is highly varied between different industries..
Studie samt reglering av luft- och massflöde för en barkpanna
This report treats two assignments that concerns the biofuel furnace at Billerud Skärblacka AB and how these assignments were solved. The assignments were: reducing the number of CO-spikes and tuning the overfire air control loop. To reduce the number of CO-spikes the possibility that skewness in mass distribution affects the number of CO-spikes were study. The skewnwss of mass distribution was controled and adjusted with two experiments. The conclusion that was made is that the skewness of mass distribution were not sufficient enough to affect the number of CO-spikes.
Varför läxor? : En studie om några mellanstadielärares tankar om och syfte med läxor
The aim of my study is to get an idea of how some teachers use homework, what they consider a good homework is, and what considerations they take to the students' home circumstances. I have made a qualitative interview study with four middle school teachers. The results of my study show that teachers can flip the classroom and use so-called preparatory tasks. The time saving aspect is a strong reason they choose that model. That students are able to practice their own responsibility and perform meaningful homework seems to also be in focus, but the biggest reason they use flipped classrooms seems to be because it is a more equivalent homework then traditional homework, and that students and their guardians also appreciate the flipped classroom model as they become more involved in their children's schoolwork..
FE-modellering av hjullast på sandwichpanel
This bachelor thesis in mechanical engineering was performed during the spring2015 in collaboration with Composite Consulting Group in Laholm. TheComposites Consulting Group works mainly with design and details of differentcomposite projects, their main area is FE-calculations, 3D-modelling andmechanical tests with composite materials.The aim of this bachelor thesis was to simplify the calculation process of solidmechanics for sandwich panels by simulation with computer software. The goalwas to decrease the time for the design and calculation process of the constructionand the cost of the practical tests. Our task was to build a static three dimensionalmodel with the computer software Abaqus, where the result should correspondwith the practical pressure tests in laboratory.The project started with collection of material data from Composites ConsultingGroup and by learning the software Abaqus, simultaneously a specification wasdeveloped in corporation with the company. Later on, a static wheel pressuremodel in the software Abaqus was produced which simulated the behavior of thesandwich panel during static wheel-pressure by a pallet truck.
Ägarstrukturens påverkan på skolkvalité - En jämförande studie över friskolor före och efter uppköp
Sweden's school voucher reform has made the Swedish school system into one of the world's most liberalized. The debate concerning the ownership of Swedish schools is intense and the Swedish Minister of Education is open to restricting private equity owned companies from running schools. Interestingly, fewer calls are heard for restricting smaller profit-driven companies from owning schools. This essay aims to examine whether or not the quality of education provided by an individual school changes if it is acquired by a large private equity owned school group. This is done by conducting a comparative study on four independent schools recently acquired by AcadeMedia, Sweden's biggest private equity owned school group.
Analys och modellering av ljusbåglängdsregleringen i pulsad MIG/MAG-svetsning
This master thesis deals with problems in the arc length control in Pulsed MIG/MAG Welding. The main problem is that it is not possible to measure the arc length. In the present solution the voltage over both the electrode and the arc represents the arc length. To improve the arc length control a model of the electrode melting has been built. One output from the model is the voltage over the electrode and with this voltage together with the measured voltage it is possible to calculate the voltage over just the arc.
Den svenska fotbollens supporterkultur, huliganism och l?ktarv?ld. En kvantitativ inneh?llsanalys om hur svensk nyhetsmedia framst?ller supporterkultur inom fotboll
The aim for this study was to investigate, analyze and compare the way Sweden's
main five news outlets portray and frame Swedish supporter culture surrounding
football. In order to do so we formulated four research questions, all with the purpose
to operationalize both the questions and the theories into data and results. The
questions reads as follows:
1. What are the dominant portrayals in Swedish news outlets presentation of
supporter culture?
Folkbibliotek och TV-spelande ungdomar en studie i bibliotekariers attityder och värderingar när det gäller ett nytt medium på biblioteket
The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine librarians attitudes and values when it comes to the question if a new media, video games, should be introduced at the library or not. Video games are here seen as media primarily for youths. In our study we also wanted to study the discussions of quality and purchase, when computer games were introduced at the library. In order to answer our questions we conducted nine interviews with librarians working with children and youths, in eight libraries. By analysing their statements, using Maj Klassons theory where she defines the librarians role in three different strategies, we could demonstrate how the librarians reason when it comes to video and computer games, youths, quality and purchase.