

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 46 av 69

Inverkan av årstid för förstagallring på avverkningsskador i contorta och tall :

SCA har idag cirka 280 000 hektar beskogad med contortatall (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm). Stora delar av den arealen har kommit in i, eller är på väg in i, gallringsbar ålder.

Bioenergi från röjningsgallringar : en jämförande studie av fyra flödeskedjor från avlägg till förbrukare

When the Swedish Forestry Act was changed in 1994, brushing of young stands became non mandatory. Since then the annual need for brushing in the country has increased by about 100 000 hectares per year. In later years the price for biomass energy has increased to the same level as pulp wood. The high price on biomass energy and the large areas of stands in the need of brushing has created a new market with its own technical, economical and environmental conditions. There is a development of various techniques to manage the forestry stands with late brushing.

Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 : En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i Allsvenskan arbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.

Title: Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 I En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i allsvenskanarbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.Short explanation of the titleWe chose the title ?Nu är det dags for fotboll2.0?because it relates to the socialhabits that occurs between individuals within society today. People are moreinteractive online than before due to the development of Web 2,0 and social medias.Main purposeThe main purpose of this thesis is to describe how professional football clubs usesocial media tools to establish, maintain and develop relationships with costumerswithin the field of sports.MethodologyThe thesis is based on a qualitative research with an inductive approach to make itpossible to create a depth within the research. In addition, we have a hermeneuticperspective to build an understanding for the hard labour that is put in action byworkers in the football clubs only for the reasons of making relationships possibleand strengthening bonds by using social media tools. We have gathered theempirical information trough interviews with main leaders within chosenorganizations that use social media tools on an every day basis.

Mulesingens historia och framtid, samt desskonsekvenser för djurvälfärden.

Mulesing is a surgical husbandry procedure performed on lambs in Australia. The reason is toprevent severe fly-strike to the breech area, which otherwise risks to be soiled with faeces.This problem is mainly occurring in sheep of the Merino breed. Their fine wool is in demandworldwide due to high quality. Mulesing has been performed since the 1930?s, and eventhough alternative methods have been discussed nothing is yet generally accepted.

Värdering och redovisning av varumärken : En studie av företag noterade på OM Stockholms Fondbörs A-lista

Background: Accounting of intangible assets have increased during the last years which have created a debate about if trademarks should be accounted as assets with the uncertainty of the value in mind. Valuation and accounting of trademarks are of interest for accountants and investors. These should be able toget information about the assets that are of importance for the company. A solid brand can be of great value for a company, which should be accounted for. Purpose: The purpose of this master is to examine the function of the brand in the different companies in the study and map the definitions that the different companies have of brands.

Geografisk prioritering av CTI-utrustad virkestransportkapacitet

Previous studies of central tire inflation (CTI) in truck transport of roundwood have shown potential benefits to include more even wood flow and reduced road damage. The greatest benefits are found to be during periods of low bearing capacity such as spring thaw. No previous studies have examined geographical variations in the potential benefit of CTI-equipped trucks. The aim of the study was to develop and use a simple method for geographically prioritizing the use of CTI-equipped trucks within a forest company´s sector of activity.The host company for the study was Holmen Skog. The area studied consisted of Holmen Skog?s entire sector of activity extending from the province of Västerbotten to the province of Småland.

Visuellt typinstrument : en metrologisk studie

Visual Type Instrument - VTI, is a tool containing a typeface and a set of geometric calculations that generates numerical data in spreadsheets. The data is determined from the typefaces visual dimensions and is used to calculate leading, type size, margins and format. The aim is to offer, for all of those working with typography and design, a practical way to manage text, image and format in relationship to visual size. Instead of using point measurements, VTI uses a new device called Edo. An Edo is the same as one twelfth of a millimetre.

Ronia the robber's daughter: an analysis of the translation of Ronja Rövardotter into English

The aim of this paper has been to examine to what extent it has been possible for Patricia Crampton, translator of Ronia, the Robber?s Daughter, to capture and cling to the very personal style in which Astrid Lindgren writes. I also wanted to find out if any adaptations of the text were made and, if any, how they have affected the tone of the book. To fulfil this purpose a thorough comparison of the original text and the translation has been made. The first chapter consists of an introduction presenting the background to my choice of topic and giving a short presentation of Astrid Lindgren and her career as an author.

Simulering av vindkraftverk och närliggande elnät vid Risholmen i Göteborg i SimPowerSystems

With background in the rapidly growing need to find solutions for sustainable energy production and the increasing interest for wind power, this report was written. With take-off point from the wind power plant Big Glenn, which has been built in the harbour of Gothenburg, a model of the adjacent power grid has been created in Simulink/SimPowerSystems. Parameters for the power grid and its components has been provided by Göteborg Energi Nät, that has also been the supplier of measurement data of produced power, the power need from loads in the vicinity, voltage levels, current values and also the variation of power factor at the wind power plant.The SimPowerSystems model has been used to perform simulations of power flow in the grid. These simulated values have then been compared to the measured values to verify the functionality of the model. Further, the model has been used to perform simulations of a grid fault, which causes a voltage drop.

Evaluation of RCM implementation process in Vattenfall
Service and Vattenfall, Hydropower organizations: a study and
analysis of its current status

Vattenfall AB is a large producer of electric energy where approximately half of the energy comes from hydropower. Vattenfall Hydropower has got almost a 100-year old history and the company has developed a lot since 1909. After that the number of power plants increased and the competition got more intense, there were higher demands on the reliability. One way to secure the reliability with a good satisfaction at the power plants is to implement a maintenance method named Reliability-Centred Maintenance. RCM is a result of the introduction of the complex aeroplane Boeing 747 in the 1960?s.

Återvinning av näringsämnen från hushållsspillvatten med omvänd osmos

Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district in Stockholm with high environmental standard. Stockholm Water Company evaluates a local wastewater treatment plant with cutting edge technology. The first step is an experimental treatment plant (Sjöstadsverket) with four parallel lines of treatment, each with a capacity to treat wastewater from 150 persons. Within the membrane technology subproject the possibility of using reverse osmosis (usually called RO) to regain nutrients is examined.Reverse osmosis separates the incoming water in a clean permeate and a concentrate that, as the name indicates, is a more concentrated version of the incoming water. Using this method in wastewater treatment, a solution high in nutrients can be obtained without the use of chemical precipitation agent and with no production of sludge.

En jämförande studie kring några av dagens produkter inom Store and Forward och Live

SVT is Sweden?s largest TV-network and broadcasts more then 22 000 hours of TV each year. SVT is a public service company where the basic idea is to reflect the world from different perspectives and news is very important for providing neutral and versatile information in a variety of areas. An important part of the flow of information is to continuously receive reports from all corners of the world around the clock. This places very high demands on the technology used and it is important that it function and develops to meet current and future growing needs.

Effektivisering av ekologisk dagvattenhantering i stadsmiljö

I Jönköping har problemet med översvämningar, erosion och materialtransport varit ett stort problem i Strömsbergsbäcken i Jönköpings kommun. Detta har tillviss del orsakats av ett ökat dagvattenutsläpp i bäcken, vilket skapar kraftigaflödestoppar då den ursprungliga fåran inte är ?dimensionerad? för den ökadevattenmängden. Syftet med arbetet är att effektivisera ekologisk dagvattenhantering i stadsmiljö med högt dagvattenutsläpp. Målet med arbetet är i sin tur att framställa underlag för hur ekologisk dagvattenhantering i stadsmiljö kan genomföras och att rapporten skall kunna ge värdefull kunskap till liknande sammanhang.

Produktivitetsförbättringar : - förhöjning av produktiviteten vid mekanisk verkstad genom förkortade transportsträckor och standardiserad bearbetning

The aim of this project has been to raise the production efficiency of Daliff Precision Engineering through reduced transportation time and a more standardized manufacturing process. The problem has upraised because of a big and diversified product flora without any standard products and with just small batches ordered. The report also tries to show the work procedure with general analytical methods and be an example of how a similar problem can be resolved. The transportation time is being proposed to be reduced through a change in the layout of the factory. By moving a few manual machines, dispatch and burring to more efficient locations, the total transportation time will be reduced by 55 %.

Utvärdering av fosforläckageefter stallgödsling med hjälp av lysimeterteknik : Evaluation of phosphorus leaching aftermanure application using lysimeter techniques

Based on laboratory studies with lysimeters, the concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus(DRP) and particulate phosphorus, which is the main part of other P (OVRP), has been studied inpercolating water. The experiment was conducted through irrigation of small soil columnscontaining clay topsoil from an experimental field in Västergötland. Three rain simulations wereconsecutively performed. DRP concentrations in the percolating water ranged between 0.2 - 0.3mg·Lclearly related to the phosphorus concentration in the soil, measured in a soil extract ofammonium lactate (P-AL). Concentrations of OVRP were relatively low and ranged between0.12 and 0.16 mg·Lwas not proven and the experiment may reflect how a relatively slow percolation of water mayrelease DRP.

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