

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 33 av 69

Vattennivåreglering i Avesta Lillfors : På uppdrag av Fortum Generation AB

I denna rapport utreds olika metoder för att kunna reglera vattennivån i vattenkraftverket Avesta Lillfors i Dalarna. Två kraftverk ligger endast 900 m uppströms och detta gör att svarstiderna blir korta och regleringen blir lätt nervös. Att använda sig av vattennivåreglering i ett kraftverk för-enklar dess styrning då anpassning till inflödet sker automatiskt.En flödestabell har tagits fram genom mätningar i turbinen, med hjälp av Winter-Kennedy-metoden. Denna tabell används för att kunna fram-koppla regulatorn och därmed dämpa stora variationer i inflödet. Dessu-tom har en modell av älven skapats och testats med en återkopplad PID-regulator.

Avbördningskapacitet för Traryd kraftverk: en modellstudie vid dimensionerande flöde

Sydkraft Vattenkraft AB owns and operates the Traryd hydropower plant, located in the river Lagan in the southern part of Sweden. The gravity dam is classed according to RIDAS guidelines (Hydropower Industry Dam Safety Guidelines) as a class 1B dam. This means that the dam must discharge a class 1-flow which has a return period of 10 000 years. The inflow into the dam has been calculated in an earlier report to 495 m3/s, with a waterline at an elevation of 126, 3 meters above sea level. The gravity dam has a discharge system with two rectangular weirs, which results in a smaller discharge than the necessary 495 m3/s.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärderpå Robertsfors VA-nät : En förstudie av vilka energieffektiviserande åtgärdersom kan göras på pumpstationer och reningsverk

The objective of this work was to introduce measures to reduce energy and water demand at Gävle Söder 17:10. To succeed, this energy audit has been made. The work is based on collected statistics from the property owner Norrporten, measurements, literature review and through consultation with experts in the field. Two models, one for each building, have been created in the simulation program BV2 to estimate the potential of energy measures based on the collected information. The models in BV2 have been verified against the statistics of the energy consumption.With the help of calculations and simulations, seven cost-effective measures have been identified.

"Don´t put lipstick on a pig"

Spelifiering har funnits genom historien, utan att det tidigare har definierats. Spår av användning av begreppet finns på Internet sedan 2004, men begreppet blev populärt först runt 2010. Spelifiering kan beskrivas som en process där det lånas komponenter och upplägg från spelvärlden som appliceras på verksamheter som traditionellt inte hör samman med spelande. I vår undersökning riktar vi in oss på kopplingen mellan spelifiering och lärande, alltså spelifierat lärande. Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv beskriva vad det är som kännetecknar spelifierat lärande.

Reglerbara skovlar på pumphjul

The thesis investigates if it is possible to replace several pumpimpellers with one controllable pumpimpeller, with a economical and a manufacturing analisys aspect. The studied pumpimpeller is mounted on a midrange wastewaterpump, N3127MT.In the thesis a contemplated manufacturing process is evaluated for a concept that are supposed to act as a controllable pumpimpeller. The pumpimpeller are studied in a manufacturing and flow matter and are presented in the thesis.The manufacturing cost is also estimated, and this has been compared to the storage cost and other costs that the existing pumpimpeller generates.The thesis also shows that the concept has minor losses in cutting quality aswell as the effiency comparing to the existing pumpimpeller.The concept also raises the manufacturing cost and this increasing cost makes the presented concept to expensive to carry through.An investigation of the costs that the existing pumpimpeller produces has also been done, and this shows that there is not that much expenses to earn regarding to for example the storage cost. The storage cost includes information from Flygt?s central storagecenter in Lindas, Sweden and Metz, France, and also an inventory about the pumpimpellers located at Flygt?s different distributors worldwide.The thesis shows that a controllable pumpimpeller will generally increase the cost for the pumpimpeller and the performance of the pumpimpeller will decrease..

Dokumentation av en experimentell biogasanläggning

This thesis is   focused on identifying and documenting all   electrical equipment, such as devices, power lines / cables, and connectors in the facility and also on presenting a brief   technical description and information of the systems around the reactors.   Furthermore there will be a brief description of LabVIEW - which is a   graphical programming language- and which devices / elements   are programmed. For further notification, I am not   responsible for the programming of the devices in LabVIEW   which I have only used as a tool in my work. The plant   for production of biogas consists of four reactors   of which the third reactor (Lakbädden)   is connected to another reactor (UASB)   where they cooperate with each other.   The reactors are used for producing   biogas in the form of methane gas.The reactors I and II are   connected to, various electrical devices as, flow meters, temperature   sensors, frequency converter and   more.

Ekologisk dagvattenhantering på parkeringsytor : Lösningsförslag för Eurostop köpcentrum i Halmstad

Stormwater from trafficked areas often contains high pollution levels. In traditional stormwater management design, stormwater is first transported away through piped networks, and then in most cases passes through oil separators before finally reaching the recipients. While this traditional method removes certain pollutants from the stormwater, it does not reduce the total flow, as in the case of ecological stormwater management. In the ecological method the stormwater is not simply transported away, but is recirculated through infiltration, percolation, and detention. The aim of this study is to investigate possible advantages of ecological management designs, in contrast to traditional management.

EN OMGÅNG TILL? : Dynamisk svårighetsgrads påverkan på återspelningsvärde och inlärningskurvor inom casualspel

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka hur användandet av dynamisk svårighet i jämförelse mot användningen av statiska svårighetsgrader påverkar ett casualspels återspelningsvärde och huruvida spelare upplever inlärningskurvan annorlunda. De teorier som ligger grund för arbetet fokuserar kring två områden, där det ena är hur dynamisk svårighet utformas på bästa sätt och vilka fördelar det skulle kunna bidra med. Det andra kretsar kring casualspel och varför casualspel har haft den framgång och vad det är som tilltalar spelare att spela dem samt vad det är som ger spel återspelningsvärde och väl utformade inlärningskurvor. För att utföra undersökningen har två versioner av ett casualspel, vars spelmekanik fokuserar runt skrivhastighet på tangentbord, utvecklats där den ena använder sig av dynamisk svårighet medan den andra använder sig av tre statiska svårighetsgrader. Resultatet från undersökningen visar inte på ett direkt samband att dynamisk svårighet skulle ge ett spel högre återspelningsvärde men att några av de problem som uppstår vid statiska svårighetsgrader kan lösas.

Kromatografi av polära läkemedel och metaboliter med HILIC-teknik

The purpose of this project was to investigate if retention of polar compounds that are given to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and childhood leukemia could be obtained with HILIC separation. By varying different parameters for different types of columns the compounds were analyzed with the aim of finding guidelines for future method optimizations. To perform these analyzes three different columns were tested ? ZIC-HILIC (silica-based with zwitterions), ZIC-pHILIC (polymer-based with zwitterions) and XBridge Amide (amide functions). The results were evaluated with selected quality measures.

Sociala medier ? strategier,möjligheter och risker

Social media, with its immense and continuous flow of information, has in recent years growntremendously in terms of users and content. This increase has led companies and organizations keen to be seen within these channels of communication, but do they always have a clear idea of how andwhy, and are they aware of the risks that are associated with it? Current research on social media is somewhat divided in two. The debate concerns, among other things, what value the information on social media has, and whether the media is really a good communication channel or not. This raises several questions, for example can a company really afford to remain outside of social media with allthe information it generates? This research aims at answering these questions in order to further understand how organizations discuss social media presence and strategies.

Problem med lageranknytning hos en bilåterförsäljare

In this paper we have looked closer on a car-retailer in the middle of Sweden. We have chosen to dig deeper in the different problems that can occur, related to the supply. Soon we realized that that the problems weren?t related to stock management. Through studying the whole of the company, we have identified reasons to why details aren?t in the stock.

Upplevelseproduktion i praktiken: en studie av gästers upplevelse vid eventet Rock'n roll Piteå

Syftet med uppsatsen är att presentera utvalda teoretiska modeller i litteratur inom Upplevelseproduktion, samt att genom en produktion testa huruvida dessa teorier är relevanta. Syftet är även att undersöka karaktären hos gästens eventuella upplevelse vid produktionen för att avgöra om de teoretiska modellerna även gjort upplevelsen meningsfull för gästen. Med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt och en deduktiv ansats har vi med hjälp av ett antal teoretiska modeller först planerat och sedan genomfört en reell produktion vid namn Rock n? roll Piteå och med det som grund gjort en kvalitativ intervjustudie baserad på tre fokusgrupper. Endast individen kan avgöra om en upplevelse varit meningsfull, då detta är subjektivt, men med stöd i det resultat fokusgruppintervjuerna visat kan vi konstatera att det för en stor del av informanterna varit en meningsfull upplevelse.

Thinking of you - att skapa kundorientering med intern marknadsföring

The companies of today figures on a hardly competitive market. This makes it necessary for the company to find new way to create competition advantages. Since it is no longer enough to compete with the technical quality of the product the companies are forced to also enhance the functional quality. To accomplish this it becomes necessary for producing companies to be customer oriented. A customer oriented company culture can be reached with the help of internal marketing in which different activities work to inform and teach the employees about the company strategy and also about their own role as part-time marketers.This thesis examines Electrolux, a company which is currently striving to develop a customer oriented company culture.

Urinsorterande toaletter : rensning av stopp samt uppsamling och attityder

It is important that the current urine separating systems are evaluated to allow improvements to be made and consequently increase their future propagation. In order to increase the knowledge about urine separating systems this study was made. It included, among other things, measurements of amounts of urine as well as of the composition of urine collected at Nytorgsgatan 4 in the city of Hallsberg. The study was increased after an inquiry that also included the district of Understenshöjden in the city of Stockholm. In the inquiry, the users were asked questions about odour, cleaning of toilets and occurrence of blockages in the urine water locks etc.

Setting the Stage : - 0m att motivera träning med hjälp av SportIT.

The last few years a lot of media air time has been devoted to training, sports, health and weightloss on a more personal level then before. The new media arena is beeing used at its´ maximumto broadcast wievs on how we should eat, look, exercise and live. This thesis is trying to makebetter understanding on what people in general think is important when it comes to physicaltraining and motivation with the aid of digital media and IT systems. The thesis describes aworkshop that was conducted within the frames of Participatory Design and the outcome of thatworkshop. The workshop was conducted with a group of lead users (in this case instructors at avery large fitness center in Umeå, Sweden) and the main question was ?How can IT be used toachive a positive effect on physical exercise if motivation is the focus??.

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