

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 26 av 69

Kalkyl för logistikkostnader; från leverantör till förbrukningsplats

The globalization that has occurred during the last few years has made it more important for companies to have a well-functioning logistics system. Customers demand more options, which lead to an increased flow that creates greater demand regarding packaging and transports. Diverse logistics costs are nowadays a substantial cost for many companies. Therefore, more effort is aimed at optimizing transportation to lower these costs.The purpose of this project is to create a user-friendly calculation of logistics costs that illustrates how the costs vary, depending on how the flow is structured. This is done by examining which aspects that affect the total logistics costs and by mapping which aspects that should be included in a calculation of the logistics costs.Literature studies have been carried out parallel with empirical studies at Scania's production unit, MC, in Oskarshamn.

Efter bankkrisen: Vad är notan för skattebetalarna nu?: En uppföljning av Peter Jennergren och Bertil Näslunds studie från 1998

During the Swedish banking crisis in the early 1990?s, the government paid out 65 billion Swedish kronor to save Swedish banks from bankruptcy. In the process, two banks left the private sector to be taken over by the state. This thesis builds on a study from 1998 in seeking to quantify the financial end result for the Swedish government from the subsidies. Taking a cash flow approach and accounting for the time difference, it starts with the money paid out during the years of crisis and subtracts the money that has since been returned to the government by successful management of the relinquished assets.

Lost World : Home of the seven and a half legged tree

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

Implementering av lean i ett gjuteri med låga volymer och hög variation

Valmets own foundry in Karlstad has during a long period of time had problems being profitable. The goal today is to turn this around. Today there are three different productionlines; engine blocks, Yankeecylinders and components for the wind turbine industry. This master thesis has focused on examining if value stream mapping is a useful tool to use in a foundry, and therefore outside the typical manufacturing industry. The target has also been to evaluate if there is a possibility to improve the flow in the foundry and also the results.During the 20 weeks this work has been done at the foundry data has been collected and analyzed.

Konstruktion av upprätningssystem för CICLoPE

Today there is no way of measuring or simulating turbulent flow in high Reynolds numberenvironments. The computational power required to simulate these conditions is not expectedto be available for several decades so instead the CICLoPE project aims at solving thisshortage by the construction of a long carbon fiber wind tunnel in which real measurementscan be made. To do accurate measurements it is of importance that the wind tunnel, 0.9 metersin diameter and 110 meters long, is as straight as possible.This master thesis treat the design and construction of a device which may be used to align thetunnel along a reference laser beam. A design is presented which allows the pipe to be alignedwithin about a quarter of a millimeter along its entire length. Contents span over severalscience fields such as physics, mechanics, control theory and electronics.The result is a theoretically correct design.

Stresshantering ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv

Title: How to manage stress seen from a leadership perspective Authors: Lina Jonsson, Kristian Olsson, Mattias Olsson, Shabnam Tahajjod Supervisor: Marie Aurell Department: Department of Business Administration, IEM Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, FEC 007 Question of issue: How can we understand stress managing at a workplace seen from a leadership perspective? Method: We have chosen a qualitative method for our thesis with inter-views as qualitative data collection. The interviews had a low grade of standardization. Result: On the basis of our question of issue we have drawn the con-clusion that it is important to create comfort at the workplace, that there are a safety and a feeling of handle the work tasks and that there is a plentiful information flow between managers and employees to manage to handle the workplace stress situa-tion..

Är goodwillnedskrivningar värderelevanta - En studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

This study investigates the value relevance of goodwill impairments for equity investors in Swedish listed companies. We provide insight on whether goodwill impairments are value relevant before as well as after the implementation of IFRS 3 and IAS 36. We express market value of equity as a function of book value of equity; net income excluding goodwill impairments and goodwill impairments, using the Ohlson valuation model and Hellström's price regression. Our findings suggest that goodwill impairments are statistically value relevant for equity investors. Prior to the implementation of IFRS 3 and IAS 36, our findings imply that equity investors respond negatively to goodwill impairments.

Lean Product Development - Will it deliver products faster, better and cheaper?

Abstract Tutor - Anders Richtnér History - Theories suggest that Lean Product Development strategies dramatically increase a company's performance through enabling faster T-T-M, Quality and Costs of Product Development. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate whether the implementation of LPD actually affect corporate performance measurements T-T-M, Quality and Cost, in a positive way. Methodology - This Bachelor thesis is an exploratory investigation of the concept of Lean Product Development within a global IT- company, performed through four case studies, interviews and complementing corporate performance data. Findings - With empirical data and subsequent analyzes in mind, we note the following; it is clear that the project that produced the best results, in terms of T-T-M, Quality and Cost, also was the one furthest in the process of implementing Lean Product Development..

Den positiva hälsovågen : En kvantitativ studie om hälsofrämjande arbete

The construction of buildings and paved surfaces changes the natural water balance.Precipitation generates surface runoff and storm water instead of infiltrating into the soil.Storm water has come to be considered as a major source of pollution in lakes and streams inthe vicinity of urban areas. Reduction of pollutants in storm water is a key action in order toprotect sensitive recipients and maintain high water quality. Storm water is traditionallytransported by storm sewers to the nearest recipient. In recent years the approach to stormwater management has changed; storm water should primarily be disposed of on site, throughlocal disposal of storm water, LOD. LOD is created by a combination of the function ofseveral smaller local facilities and the general sewer system.

En undersökning av den kreativa processen

Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur människor där den kreativa processen är central i sitt yrkesutövande upplever denna process och se om det går att hitta ett mönster. Vi bestämde oss för att ta reda på vad som händer inuti människan runt det kreativa ögonblicket. Vår huvudfrågeställning är: Vad är den kreativa processen? Vi gjorde öppna intervjuer med fem verksamma kreatörer med hjälp av DV-kamera. Vårt resultat visade att det gick att se ett gemensamt mönster i den kreativa processen.

Jämförelse av två mätmetoder för mindre gasvolym

Two different methods for measuring biogas production were used, gas meter and gasbags. The gas meters were electronic and counted each time a certain gasvolume passed through them. The gasbags collected the gas that hade passed through the gas meter until a manual measuring could be done. The two different methods gave the same result for a volume at three liters but for a volume around 0,2 liters they did not. Accuracy and precision for the gasbags was more exact than for the gas meters even if the method was difficult with a lot of different elements that could affect the result.

Retoriken i estetiken : En retorisk analys av prisbelönta reklamannonser

This thesis is a qualitative study in which 12 award-winning printed adverts, awarded with either a Swedish ?Guldägg? or an international Clio Award, have been analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. Visual rhetorics were used to analyze the adverts in order to expose the rhetorical concepts and to find out whether the rhetorical concepts represented in the Swedish adverts are the same concepts represented in the international adverts. One of the conclusions drawn is that pathos-arguments, a rhetorical concept where the senders allude to the emotions of the receivers, are the most prominent in both Swedish and international adverts, but are used in different ways. Another conclusion drawn is that the adverts are overall characterized by their messages not being explicit.

Puzzles combined with horror in digital games

Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur pussel och skr äck kan kombineras i ett och samma digitala spel. Hur man som utvecklare kan f å en j ämn balans mellan skr äcken och pusslen som presenteras f ör spelaren i spelet. Den typ av skr äck som den h ar uppsatsen har fokus på är genren 'Survival-Horror' och anv änder sig av den typ av skr äck som i digital spel kategoriserats som 'Survival-Horror'-spel. Den här uppsatsen visar en analys av 'Survival-Horror', samlar information om pussel och skr äck f or att utforma en hypotes hur dessa kan kombineras. F ör att kontrollera om hypotesen st ämmer utf ördes en intervju innan pussel- och skr äckmomenten implementerades i ett digitalt spel. Efter implementationerna genomf ördes det speltester i tv å omg ångar f ör att analysera resultatet mellan de tv å omg ångarna..

Kvalitetssäkring och processtyrningav ytstruktur på lackerat objekt

To be allowed to sell Z-suspended vehicles with dipped beam Xenon or LED lighting, Scania have to develop automatic headlight level control. This master?s thesis aims to be the foundation to that development.The thesis consists of several parts; a market analysis of how competitors to Scania and the general vehicle industry solve this problem; several available principles for detecting the amount of control needed; the construction of a test station for sensors, a control unit and components connected controlled by the control unit; a further theoretical and practical development of one principle ? one rotational sensor connected between the chassis and the back drive axis; a state flow model programmed in Simulink that produces the control signal for the headlight leveling from the sensor input.Lastly the thesis gives some recommendations to the further development and implementation of automatic headlight level control on Scania vehicles..

Föroreningstransport i grundvatten : En modelljämförelse

This thesis compares different methods for risk assessment of a creosote contaminated site in Vansbro, Dalarna. In a complementary study the importance of using representative data for calibration and validation of stationary groundwater models is discussed. The time dependency between surface water levels and groundwater levels on the site in Vansbro is evaluated by step response analysis. The results show that the groundwater levels reflect only long-term variation in the surface water levels. Hence the use of such long-term means for calibration and validation of the stationary groundwater models is the only theoretically defendable alternative.As a first step in the comparison of risk assessment methods the degree of contamination is evaluated on the basis of generic guideline values for contaminated soils, developed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

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