

3535 Uppsatser om Yrkes- och studieförberedande program - Sida 3 av 236

Implementation av iterativ rastreringsmetod för fÀrgbilder

This report describes the procedure in which we accomplished our task, which was to implement a present algorithm. This was made using C++. The algorithm is developed by Sasan Gooran, who is our examiner in this project. The algorithm uses an iterative method to produce the halftoned images. The reason for this project is to speed up the existing program which is made in Matlab.

Historia för alla? : HistorielÀromedel för gymnasieskolans yrkes- och studieförberedande program

I de den nya lÀroplanen för gymnasieskolan GY11 blir historieÀmnet dels gymnasiegemensamt, det vill sÀga obligatoriskt, och dels delas det in i tvÄ olika kurser. 1a1 för de yrkesförberedande programmen och 1b för de studieförberedande programmen. Syftet för denna undersökning Àr att se vilka skillnader som finns mellan olika lÀromedel för de tvÄ olika inledande gymnasiekurserna i historia. Speciellt fokus lÀggs vid att jÀmföra de olika böckerna inom samma förlag. En textanalys görs av hur de hanterar epokbegreppet och tydliggör epokindelningen, hur de hanterar kÀllkritik och hur de presenterar den franska revolutionen.

En lÀrarutbildning för en mÄngsidig vÀrld : En historisk genomgÄng av den interkulturella lÀrarutbildningen pÄ Södertörns Högskola

The aim of this essay is to describe the historical development of the intercultural teacher training program at Södertörn University in Stockholm. I have also examined how the intercultural teacher training program was started, how and why it became intercultural and how the people in charge of the development of the teacher training program discussed intercultural science. The teacher training program has been an active part of Södertörn University since 1998, but it became intercultural in 2002. I have studied these questions through documents from the Södertörn University archives and literature by the funders of the education. The study shows that the university profile, ambitions and motives have been a key factor in the decision to make the teacher training program at Södertörn a multi-cultural one..

Att förÀndra och förÀndras med tecken : En kvalitativ studie om uppleveser av teckenekonomi

The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

Korrosion i insamlingsfordon

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

BluetoothlÀnk mellan PC och CAN

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Automatiserad fasadrenovering

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Hantering av specialservice för DHL

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Open Source i svenska folkbibliotek

Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att sammanstÀlla vad Open Source Àr och försöka kartlÀgga hur anvÀndningen av Open Source-program ser ut pÄ de svenska folkbiblioteken.Jag tittar Àven pÄ vilka Open Source-program som kan vara aktuella för ett bibliotek att titta nÀrmare pÄ. Resultatet visar att Open Source inte anvÀnds i nÄgon större utstrÀckning men att man Àr positivt instÀlld till rörelsen. NÄgra fÄ program har börjat anvÀndas men man Àr orolig för hur supporten fungerar för Open Source-program, sen verkar biblioteken inte ha nÄgon större kontroll över vilka program som faktiskt anvÀnds utan Àr styrda av de regler som kommunens IT-avdelning har satt upp..

Med mÄlet att nÄ en förbÀttrad leveransprecision

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Simulering för optimering av produktionsflöden

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Multiposionskontroll för generiska mikroskop

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Optimering av produktion med vÀrdeflödesanalys

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Utveckling av en pekskÀrmsterminal - Produktutveckling i 3D-CAD

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Ytfinhetens inverkan pÄ vridutmattningshÄllfasthet

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

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