3535 Uppsatser om Yrkes- och studieförberedande program - Sida 15 av 236
En utredning av det Systemvetenskapliga programmet : En studie om kontakten program och näringsliv i Umeå har och vad de anser om systemvetare och certifiering.
Certifications is common for IT in relation to individual program languages or program applications. Certifications for educations that endures several years is not as common to see. In this paper the situation for the Systems Science programme is researched, by investigating how the programme looks around in Sweden. Also by using interviews, show how companies and people responsible for the programme in Umeå, think the contact is between them and how the knowledge of the Systems Science students are from the view of the companies that employ them. In the end the conclusions show that there are differences in the Systems Science programme, and that the companies have quite a similar view of what the Systems Science students are good and not so good at.
Kulturarv, underhållning eller personlig utveckling : En kvalitativ undersökning om gymnasielärares syn på syftet med att läsa skönlitteratur inom svenskämnet
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ett antal svensklärares syn på syftet med läsning av skönlitteratur, urval av texter, populärlitteratur och kvalitetslitteratur samt bedömningar inför betygsättning. Undersökningen berör den skönlitterära läsningen i ämnet svenska i gymnasieskolan och är inriktad på skillnader mellan yrkesförberedande respektive teoretiska program. Undersökningen består av kvalitativa, halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet har delats in i fyra kategorier, nämligen Syftet med att läsa skönlitteratur, Urval, Populärlitteratur och kvalitetslitteratur samt Bedömning.Då avgränsningen av materialet färdigställts, genomfördes en analys av materialet där informanternas uttalanden jämfördes med tidigare forskning samt Kursplanen i svenska. Gällande de flesta frågeställningar som diskuteras i undersökningen, märks inga större skillnader mellan de informanter som representerar teoretiska program och de som representerar yrkesförberedande program.
Allmän barnvaccination mot humant papillomvirus för flickor, en cost- benefit analys.
Introduction: Every year about 450 women in Sweden are diagnosed with cervical cancer, almost 200 die and thousands undergo surgery because of cell changes in the cervix. A HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer and therefor costs for the society. The implementation of a vaccination program against HPV is a way to avoid these costs. Aim: The study aimed to calculate the economic impact of the HPV- vaccination program for children in Sweden through a cost-benefit analysis. Method: In this analysis, status quo was compared with non-administration of the HPV-vaccine for the selected cohort of ten-years-old girls in Sweden.
Aldrig Färdig...
En möbel som har ett tydligt program, en tydlig funktion kan vara begränsande. I min metod har jag utgått ifrån en möbel och förbisett dess program för att vidga mitt sökfa?lt när jag har gjort om den. Jag har sett begreppen funktion, upplevd funktion och materiell funktion som värden som går att höja eller sänka. Möbelns nätverk av komponenter har tillåtits bli instabilt för en stund, för att sedan se till helheten och göra nätverket stabilt åter igen - programmet får komma tillbaka men med en ny gestaltning..
Undersökning och utformning av ett generellt datainsamlingssystem i LabVIEW
This report is the result of a diploma work made at IMT at US in Linköping. The purpose of this piece of work is to investigate the possibility to design a general program for data-acquisition using LabVIEW, suiting different hardwares and connections. Great importance has been attached to communication with serialport, using bluetooth, because different wireless PPG-instruments has been developed parallel to this project. These PPG-circuits uses this type of serialcommunication. Communication with USB, GPIB and analog connection has also been examined and analog communication has been tested practically.
Infärgning och samarbete på El-programmet : staining and cooperation in the Electrical program
This work is about collaboration and staining in the upper secondary school Electrical program. How should the coloring go to in order to increase students' motivation and thus facilitate students' learning is the main subject with the work. The study has shown that there is a functional co-operation today, and that students believe that if the cooperation would increase. It would also in-crease their motivation to improve..
Vad händer med åsikterna? : Järvadialogen som kommunikationsinsats
The area of Järvafältet in the northern parts of Stockholm is one of the many large-scale investments into Swedish residency executed in the 60?s and 70?s, and which got the name Miljonprogrammet. Not until today these buildings have been restored, and frustration has been brewing in these areas for some time. Järvadialogen is the name of a communication program connected to the housing restoration in the area of Husby, which is a part of Järvafältet, and functions as a promotional and informational dialogue between residents in the area and those responsible for the communication program. The cultural diversity in the area of Husby is significant, and with theories on intercultural communication, change communication and power we study the performed communicative process and the manner in which it is received.
StockholmsOperan, Galärvarvet : En smal sak
Galärvarvet är på många sätt en utmärkt plats för en ny och framträdande kulturbyggnad i Stockholm. Samtidigt utgöt operans komplexa och omfattande program en stor utmaning. I detta projekt löses konflikten mellan program och plats meddels en långsmal byggnad som bevarar naturvärden och rörelsemönster..
Medverkan och inflytande : om brukarnas roll i socialtjänstens kunskapsutveckling
The main purpose of this essay was to study the program "Nationellt stöd för kunskapsutveckling inom socialtjänsten" ("National support for knowledge development within the social services") from the National Board of Health and Welfare on the basis of how such a development, as represented by the program, could affect clients' possibilities to participation and influence within the social services.To respond to the purpose I used the following questions at issue:* How is client participation and client influence defined in the program?* What arguments for and/or against client participation and client influence are stated?* Which patterns and similarities/differences are possible to discern between the municipalities and universities that participated in the program when it comes to client participation and client influence?The study was conducted as a document analysis. I studied documents from the program both on a national and a local level. The essay uses empowerment theories and theories concerning client participation and client influence. The main conclusions were that on the national level the authors of the documents spoke with caution about their view on client participation and client influence and expressed that it had to be balanced against the rights of the citizens and the social workers for example.
Lärlingsutbildning som skolform : Hur ställer sig lärare, elever och handledare till det?
 The purpose with my study was primarily to illuminate the students' expectations on gained knowledge during their studies at the upper secondary school Hotel- and Restaurant program, and to what extent these expectations were fulfilled. Secondarily, the purpose was to compare the students' expected and perceived knowledge with the program goals set by the Swedish government and the knowledge requirements expressed in a pilot study made by the Education council of the Hotel and restaurant business (UHR, 2007).I chose a quantative approach and I used an anonymous group enquiry among students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program at two different upper secondary schools to carry out my study.Tendencies in the result suggested that the students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program expected high knowledge level within the competence areas of Guest reception and communication, Cleaning and hygiene, Cooking of cold and hot dishes and Waiting. The expectations were not big within the areas Computers and Internet and Business economics and management.Fulfillment of expected knowledge tended to be high within the areas where the expectations were big. It might therefore be a good investment for schools to work on the student expectations to increase motivation within the low expectation areas.A confrontation of the tendencies in the result with the program goals and the competence requirements expressed in the UHR study, suggested that the upper secondary Hotel- and Restaurant education might focus some more the areas of Guest reception and communication, Beverages and Organization of banquets. Business economics and management should be given much more weight..
Personlighets och självkänslas samband med psykisk ohälsa hos studenter vid Lunds universitet
The purpose of this study is to examine whether personality traits, self-esteem, performance-based self-esteem and demographic data relate to, and can explain the variation in psychological ill-health among students at Lund University. A questionnaire was distributed to students attending the Psychology program, Bio-technology program, Theologian program and Law program. There were 247 respondents to the questionnaire, mainly attending their second or third semester. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Rosenberg's Self- Esteem scale, Hallstens scale measuring performance-based self-esteem, questions relating to demographic data and a short version of the personality inventory scale Big Five were included in the questionnaire. Positive correlations were found between psychological ill-health and the variables neuroticism and performance-based self-esteem.
Patienters upplevelse av multimodal smärtrehabiliteringsprogram : En intervjustudie
Background: Chronic pain is a condition that approximately 18% of the Swedish population suffers from. This condition affects many aspects of a person´s life and causes psychological, physiological and social suffering. Multimodal treatment is considered the most effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. Patient participation and motivation are very important to treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients´ experience of a multimodal chronic pain treatment program regarding their experience of patient participation and interaction with the rehabilitation team.
En Jämförelse mellan EnCase och BackTrack : Examensarbete på programmet IT-forensik och informationssäkerhet, 120 hp.
Denna rapporten är en jämförelse av forensiska verktyg, i detta fallet är verktygen EnCase och BackTrack. Vi kommer i den här rapporten att jämföra vissa utvalda verktyg som representeras i båda programmen, och analysera resultatet av detta. Analysen och jämförelsen kommer därefter ligga till grund för om man kan få fram lika bra resultat med ett open-source program som med ett program man betalar för. Vi kommer att utföra analysen genom att använda en bevisfil och utföra tester på den i både BackTrack och EnCase. Resultatet kommer att diskuteras och presenteras i denna rapport.För att få fram bästa möjliga resultat kommer vi även att intervjua vissa utvalda personer med erfarenhet utav att arbeta med dessa program, för att få fram deras synpunkter.
Lyftkraftsberäkning för vingprofiler: Virvelpanelmetoden
The problem presented in this report is that of finding a method to calculate the lift force from a single-element airfoil of arbitrary shape. A number of restrictions are used in order to simplify calculations while retaining reasonable accuracy. The problem is solved for the two-dimensional case only and no finite-wing effects are taken into account. Furthermore, inviscid and incompressible flow is assumed. The method used to solve the problem is the vortex panel method, with vortex singularities distributed over simplified airfoil geometry.
Konfliktfyllt? : Sverigedemokraterna, demokrati och skolans va?rdegrund
The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the content of the democratic values tolerance, personal development and political equality, in relation to the Swedish school?s systems fundamental values, and from there problematize the schools approach towards the Sweden Democrats. By using a qualitative text analysis upon the party program of Sweden Democrats, we have been able to fulfill the aim of the thesis. We have motivated and defined our chosen democracy values from the schools fundamental values and from democracy theory. With the use of an analyze schedule we have been able to go through with the interpretation and analyze of the party program of the Sweden Democrats.