

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 50 av 108

Samhällsorientering för nyanlända ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om integrering och ökade samhällskunskaper till det svenska samhället

Det övergripande syftet med denna litteraturgranskning är att ta reda på hur idrotten har förändrats i läroplanen från 1962 till 2011 och studien tar även upp hur läroplanerna har utvecklats ur ett samhällsperspektiv. Studien visar att ämnet idrott har genomgått en tydlig förändring och att skid- och skridkoåkningen har försvunnit ur läroplanen sakta men säkert. I resultatdelen tas det även upp hur samhället har haft en bidragande faktor till läroplanens utformning. Metoden till arbetet är en litteraturgranskning där läroplanerna sätter grunden för studien. För att stärka resultatdelen så har även en innehållsanalys använts för att förtydliga skid- och skridskoåkningens förändring..

Produktkoncept: lekhjälm i vintermiljö : ett nytt produktsortiment

A protection helmet for Young people (3-7 years) in winter environment has been developed in this thesis. The result is a concept proposal for development at STIGA Sports AB in Eskilstuna. This thesis work has been performed during 20 weeks, for a Master of Science in Product and Process development at Mälardalen University Eskilstuna Sweden in September 2009 to January 2010. The helmet is shown as a CAD model with detailed solutions to the outer shell, interior and adjustability (in sizes 50-56 cm) which are the three focused areas in the development. Also a physical model in scale 1:1 has been developed and is shown in this thesis work.To achieve the best result possible the process started with an analysis of the market and the product.

En studie för att se om de traditionella könsrollerna avspeglar sig i förskolornas individuella utvecklingsplaner.

Young children get affected and influenced by people?s thoughts and preconceived ideas about the difference between boys and girls. How they should behave and how they are supposed to play and interact with different toys.In the goals for what the school and teachers will achieve it says in the curriculum for preschool that teachers are supposed to counteract the traditional gender roles.To get answers to the question at issue, I collected 48 individual plans of development and I have performed four observations. I put all facts together and compared the results.The main result in this study shows that the traditional gender roles are being reflected in the children?s plans of development.

Kropp, sexualitet och skönhet. En studie om framställningen av kvinnlighet i fyra ?tjejtidingar?

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how femininity, Silikon, Vecko Revyn, and Darling. The study is made from a critical discourse analytical approach and text, pictures, and layout are all analysed. Some of the main characteristics of the material are the division in the categories"we"and"them", double messages, and personal address to the reader. Femininity is strongly associated with body, sexuality, beauty, and looks.

Ungdomar läser - om läs- och bokvanor i årskurs nio och gymnasieskolan

This thesis investigates Young people's (16-21) preferences in reading through a surveyincluding interviews and questionnaires. The groups attitudes towards reading and libraries,their reading and library habits, and to what extent eight libraries had bought the preferredliterature were also examined.Some reports from the 80's were used to find the changes. The result shows that Youngstersread and visit libraries somewhat more frequently. Trivial literature is not as dominant, moreteenage-books were read. Popular themes are love, history, reality, fantasy/sf, and detectivestories.

Ungdomar och datorn : Vilken roll spelar datorn i ungdomars liv?

How does the computer influence teenagers' lives. I interviewed five Young people, and gave a questionnaire to another 47, about this.What I found was that they were aware of and handled well the risks with the Internet and the computer, but had problems with the computer taking too much of their time. They wanted more time for their families and outdoor activities. It was mainly the Internet that seemed to have an influence on the teenagers, not the computer as a machine. They told me that there was a rough climate on the Internet, partly because of the possibility of being anonymous.

Studenters förhållningssätt till valet av framtida bank

Since the middle of the 1980´s the Swedish bank market has experienced a change concerning structure and pressure of competition. Before the year 1985, the market was characterized as a market with few operators but have changed to a market with many operators and seen as one of the most intense in Europe where the four major banks; Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB and Föreningssparbanken together have a strong position. Their market share has recently decreased, mostly for the benefit of foreign banks and niche banks. The Swedish market has experienced difficulties in generating profits which mostly depends on new establishments that have increased the pressure on competition, a low growth as well as weakened customer relations. The development has resulted in a growing importance of market segmentation, mainly by the fact that costumers have become more disloyal as a result of the increased competition.Students are a market segment of interest for the financial market, mainly because of the expectations of their positive financial situation in the future.

Mekaniserad ungskogsbehandling för röjning och skörd :

Earlier attempts at mechanising pre-commercial thinning have been met with varying degrees of success. Most attempts have been based on techniques where residual stems are straddled. Early treatment is essential to limit damage on residual trees. One part of the present study is an evaluation of mechanised pre-commercial thinning using the new Vimek 404R. Vimek 404R is a fairly small machine that permits selective removal of stems, making it potentially suitable also for areas overdue for pre-commercial thinning. The study established the level of performance for the machine, as well as the improvement needed to make it an economically viable option.

Unga indiska kvinnors kroppsmedvetande ur ett kulturellt perspektiv: enkätstudie på universitetsstudenter i Indien

Body image is a term that refers to a person?s feelings and attitudes toward his or her body. There are many different factors that influence a person?s body image: historical, cultural, social, biological and individual. The purpose of this study was to investigate Young Indian women?s body image in India from a cultural perspective.

Renens fejskador på tall- och contortaplanteringar inom Malå samebys höst- och vinterbetesområden :

The effects of Reindeer mechanical damages on the planted regeneration of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta. Semi-domesticated reindeer can damage Young trees. In late winter reindeer rub their antlers against Young trees. The aim of this study was to quantify those damages. This study covered planted objects from three different areas in northeastern Sweden.

Att formge avatarer med hänsyn till anonymitet

This paper describes the process of producing avatars for Jiddr. Today, social media surrounds the lives of youth, and communication via the Internet is an everyday occurrence for most people. Jiddr is an app that was created to give youths a platform for engaging with adults and other youths. It is a moderated forum which gives Young people the opportunity to come i contact with adult role models who are knowledgable within various subject areas. On Jiddr, users are anonymous, and this is something I have placed much importance on during the design process.

En hjälpande hand : Medlarens metoder och förhållningssätt i arbetet med gärningspersoner och brottsoffer

The purpose of this study was to examine the mediators' views on their work; mediation by reason of the breach. The starting point was to find out the mediator's approach and attitude in relation to the perpetrator and victim, and the prevailing regulatory framework. After review of the literature, we came to the realization that knowledge of this area was very limited and thus presents an unexplored topic. It emerged from the results that the mediators emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality and neutrality in the process of mediation and that it is important to create a good relationship with both parties. The methods used by the mediators is not so different much about, but the mediators apply Crime Prevention Council handbook.

Vilka tv-glasögon har du? : En studie i hur partipolitiskt aktiva personer tolkar tv-serien Scooby Doo

AbstractTitle: What TV-glasses do you wear? A study in how party-political people decode the TVshow Scooby Doo (Vilka tv-glasögon har du? En studie i hur partipolitiskt aktiva personer tolkar tv-serien Scooby Doo)Number of pages: 47 (54 including enclosures)Author: Christopher LandstedtTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study in how party-political people, 18-25 years old, both female and male, decode the messages in the TV-show Scooby Doo from 1969. Do they decode the show differently because of their political view, their gender or, and their social background? Is there a pattern in the decoding or is it based on a more individual level?Material/Method: A qualitative method containing a total number of 16 individual interviews with Young adults, 18-25 years old, half of them female, the other half male, were used. All of the participants are members of political youth parties/organizations, equally divided in left and right wing parties.

Innebörden av att vara internationellt adopterad. Två identitetsaspekter: svenskhet och etniskt ursprung.

The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about the meaning of being internationally adopted for individuals living in Sweden. Through group discussions with Young adults data was retrieved, and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study revealed three main themes: 1) experiences of being Swedish, 2) experiences of ethnic origin, and 3) the interaction between the two aspects of the identity, how the internationally adopted individual integrate's his/her ethnical origin with his/her Swedish identity. With regards to previous studies about adoption and psychological theories the meaning of being internationally adopted in Sweden is discussed..

Could you tell us your story?

The purpose of this study has been to examine how elderly people in today?s society look upon themselves and experience their own aging. We have inquired answers to the following main questions: What main events during the life course are emphasized in the elderly?s stories about their lives, and in what way has it affected their experience of growing old? In what way have social relationships, interests and the experience of health changed during the life course? How do the elderly experience their own aging, and what emotions are expressed in the speech surrounding their life course? The results of the study have been analyzed and interpreted with the help of the life course theory, Erikson?s psychosocial development theory and the continuity theory. The results show that elderly people of today don?t feel their age.

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