

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 22 av 108

"What does music mean?" : En underso?kning av Leonard Bernsteins pedagogiska metoder i hans fo?rsta Young People's Concert

Dirigenten och komponisten Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) var en av sin tids ledande kulturella celebriteter i Amerika. Bernsteins berömmelse vilade på hans mångsidighet inom skilda artistiska områden. Särskild uppmärksamhet fick dock hans banbrytande verksamhet som musikfolkbildare i tv. En allmän uppfattning är att Bernsteins personliga karisma och affinitet för tv-mediet var anledningen till programmens succe?.

Ungdomars musikvanor : En studie i hur och var svenska ungdomar upptäcker och konsumerar musik ur ett mottagarperspektiv.

This essay is a study of the various attitudes and behavioral habits for music consumption and discovery of new music amongst Young people in Sweden from a receivers perspective. The aim of the study is to review and map out the current trends, habits and cultural views on music consumption. An online survey was posted and spread on Facebook with 195 respondents as a result. The analyzed result and conclusions of the survey was then to be of use for understanding how to market and spread new music more efficiently. The study showed that there are three dominating sources of music for youth in Sweden.

Ungdom och inflytande en diskussion om hur ungdomar upplever sina möjligheter till makt och inflytande i samhället

The purpose of this master's thesis is to discuss how Young people view their possibilities of exercising power and influence in Swedish society and politics. To accomplish this we have used several different sorts of relevant material. As an introduction, we review the development of the Swedish research concerning youths, with focus on the development in the last two decades of the twentieth century. We continue with a study of important Swedish youth-political documents, especially of the Government Bill På ungdomars villkor: Ungdomspolitik för demokrati, rättvisa och framtidstro On the terms of the youth: Youth-policy promoting democracy, justice and hopes for the future. The Bill is the foundation of a new youth-policy in Sweden.

Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrott

This master thesis examines sport habits among Young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are Young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the Young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework.

?Hjärtat känns inte svart längre? : En kvalitativ studie om hur den kriminella bakgrunden kan påverka ungdomars identitet

The aim of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how Young people's current identity is affected by their criminal background. We also want to understand the impact of resources in these Young people?s social networks (that is their social capital) on their life course and formation and reformation of their identity. The theoretical frameworks used (as a tool to be able to analyze the empirical data) are theories of stigma, identity and social capital. The empirical study was conducted using semi-structured interviews that focused on questions about the life-story of informants.

Arbetets värde. Om ungdomars uppfattningar kring arbetets betydelse.

The aim of this study is to examine the perception of work of Young men and women. A central problem that the study focus on is how Young men and women value work, what do they expect to get out of work, and what are their experiences of work. The study also examines what work value and work mean for them. Eight Young men and women between the ages of 22-25, currently working in different field, were interviewed. The individuals interviewed had different educational backgrounds.

Identitetsskapande : en analys av sex ungdomsromaner med homosexuella huvudpersoner från 1977-2003

The purpose of this study is to analyze how homosexuality is portrayed in Young- adult novels. I use books published in Sweden from 1977- 2003. Three of the books have female main characters and the other three have male main characters. My purpose is therefore to compare the different results between the sexes.I will examine and discuss the homosexuality in the novels with focus on the homosexual identity of the Young characters and how it is formed. I relate the results to a queer discussion about identity.

Vilken ställning har dagens ungdomsbok? En studie om hur dagens ungdomslitteratur bemöts av sin målgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate Young teenagers 13-16 reading habits and attitudes concerning todays modern teenage literature especially written for the Young teenagers. The study also includes the readers apprehension of the literature and how the target group is reached. The study is based on results from questionnaires, interviews and by compiling summaries of literature relevant to this study. Earlier research has been compared with results from this study. Reflections made by teachers and librarians concerning the youths reading habits are an integral part of the study.

Millennials- Den nya och krävande generationen

Psykologisk forskning visar på att unga medarbetare, den så kallade Millennialgenerationen, efterfrågar en annan typ av ledarskap än deras äldre föregångare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga medarbetares föreställningar om transformativt ledarskap samt i vilken utsträckning dessa föreställningar motiverar dem i arbetet. Hypotes: Transformativt ledarskap är gynnsamt för unga vuxnas motivation på arbetsplatsen jämfört med andra ledarstilar så som laissez-faire och transaktionellt ledarskap. Undersökningsmetoden som använts var en webbaserad enkätdesign med 28 deltagare i åldrarna 20-38. Resultatet stödjer studiens syfte och hypotes, det transformativa ledarskapet var det som motiverade unga vuxna mest på arbetsplatser.

Unga Vuxna med psykisk sjukdom : Att våga prata om sin sjukdom

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of the social network in regard to Young adults, with psychological disorders, and their possibilities to be open about their disease. In addition the study aimed at identifying possible causes to perceived difficulties by Young adults to talk about their disease. Method: The survey was a quantitative study with descriptive design. The data was collected using a study-specific questionnaire on a clinic for Young adults with psychological disorders, between 18 and 25 years of age. Out of 123 potential participants 79 (64 %) answered the questionnaire, of which two were excluded because they did not see themselves as suffering from mental illness. Results: The results showed that the participants of the study stated that they had a social network and the majority (90%, n=69) considered they had someone to talk to about their disease, but most of them wanted to be more open about their illness.However, the majority had some form of difficulty to talk about their disease with their social network. The most common specified causes were to feel ashamed of their disease and that the mentally ill persons did not think they would be properly understood.Almost the half of the participant experienced that they had some form of difficulty to be open about their mental disorder in front of health professionals and the most common specified causes was that the participant did not thought that they would be properly  understood  or that they did not felt confidence before the health professionals. Conclusion: Young adults with psychological disease have difficulty to be open about their disease, partly because of stigma.

Det kan alltid bli bättre: Bibliotekens tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade barn och ungdomar

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility and barriers of public libraries to intellectual and mentally disabled children and Young people. This we will do by examining whether the library staff acts according to policies of the libraries. Our method has been qualitative interviews with library staff and we have also observed the environment, media and marketing of these libraries. As a theoretical starting point of the analysis we use Michael Buckland?s different aspects of access to information.

Vem är jag? : En jämförande studie i presentation och självrepresentation

Today's Young people increasingly tend to sit at home and relax, instead of being out and meet friends. This is based on my observations from my experience as a teacher. They are more and more in front of their computers and living their lives through their various Internet sites. There I was, stuck on how they behave in their environment, both private and public but also to their friends and their families versus their "internetlife". Young people are more and more at home and even the daily discussion are now placed on the internet instead of face to face communications or on the phone.This essay deals with the subjects selfrepresentation and self-identity that Erving Goffman handled in his bookThe self in everyday life respectively Anthony Giddens in Modernity and Sef-Identity.

Mötet med det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie med fem unga vuxna som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande asylsökande barn

The aim of this study was to reach an understanding of how Young adults with permanent residence permit, who came to Sweden as unaccompanied asylum seeking minors, experience their confrontation with the Swedish society. Another purpose was to understand how these Young adults view Sweden and its inhabitants, as well as the experience of starting a new life in Sweden. In order to investigate these questions, a qualitative method consisting of five interviews with five Young men was conducted.The results showed that the respondents feared the meeting with the immigration board and that they feel that school is divided in two groups, Swedes and immigrants. People with nonethnic Swedish background who have lived in Sweden for a long time are seen as Swedes, and in that meaning assimilated. One important conclusion we made was that the division between Swedes and immigrants have a negative influence on the immigrants´ integration in the society.

Insatser för arbetslösa ungdomar i Glasgow och Malmö : ur ett socialpolitiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to compare Glasgow/ Scotland and Malmö/ Sweden concerning their efforts towards youth unemployment, in sense of the social policy related to the organization. We have particularly concentrated on; the direct and indirect political strategies for Young unemployed; what specific efforts that are provided on a local level; finding explanations to the design of these efforts and describing the development of youth unemployment and labour market- policies in each country. We have based our study on literature studies and six qualitative interviews conducted with representatives from different organizations and the municipality in Glasgow and Malmö. The outcome of our essay showed some differences in the political strategies. Scotland work closer to the employers and labour market compared to Sweden whose policy more promotes education.

Ungdomars syn på könsroller : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur ungdomar uppfattar vad som är manligt respektive kvinnligt

This paper presents a study of the attitudes and values related to gender Young people have. Five people, four women and one male, all about eighteen years old, were interviewed about their attitudes and values related to gender.Although the study is relatively small, the results are compatible with other published studies and indicate that Young people, without consideration to their sex, has a very traditional view on gender. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established very early in life. Probably the most important factor to determine the attitudes and values of the child is the parent's opinions. The result show that the interviewed persons did not think their attitudes and values towards gender where influenced by media, TV etc...

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