

4756 Uppsatser om Young children - Sida 3 av 318

Perspektiv på barn och barns inflytande : - Några pedagogers berättelser om sitt arbete med barn i en förskola i Indien

The aim with this study is to study how Young children?s influence expresses itself in some educators? stories about their work with children. The study also looks at the relations between pedagogues? approaches to children and aims at identifying the educator?s perspectives of children. To get to know more about this I have interviewed five pedagogues who work with children in the ages of 3-6 years in different fields at a preschool area in India.The result shows that childrens? influence and participation for the educators involves children selecting activities.

Fyra barns erfarenheter via interaktion - ett nedslag i tiden

The purpose of my study is to examine how children through interaction are recognized and understood by other children and teachers at the preschool for one hour in the afternoon. This study gives voice to what Young children in preschool do after snack. The overall purpose of this study is to find out what Young children's experiences will be in preschool through interaction. The purpose of my research is to gain knowledge about how the time and opportunity for interaction exists between children 1;7-2;5 years, and educators as well as other children, and how this interaction appears during afternoon activities in the preschool.My research questions are:1) What experiences do children get in terms of their development of identity for one hour in the afternoon? 2) How does the interaction that the youngest children are involved in during the afternoon appear? And how long time does every occasion last? The study is based on the interactionist perspective and systems theory.

Sexualeducation for young people with autism

This essay is about the sexual- education at special schools for young people in the ages thirteen through sixteen with the diagnosis autism. The study aims to identify, describe and understand the teachers? experiences in how the education is practiced in their daily work with these children. The way of procedure we have used in the study is qualitative interviews with teachers at special schools. The result show that how the teachers practice the education depends on how the student group is constructed and the students? qualifications.

Om rätten till utbildning för psykologiskt och socialt utsatta barn och ungdomar: ett juridiskt perspektiv

This essay is about children who have psychological and social problems. An increase part of children and young people in Sweden describe this kind of difficulties. These problems are at the same time a concern for the school as well as the social welfare. The purpose in this essay is to explore if children with psychological and social problems have the same legal rights to education as other children. The main questions are to describe the legal rights in this area and explore how schools and social welfare cooperate in order to achieve better possibilities for the children.The facts take a legal aspect as a starting point.

Riskbilder och kontroll av ungas IKT-användning: En fallstudie

The use of Internet by children and teenagers has become a special field of interest. Certain risks are associated with young peoples use of this media and national and international measures have been taken to assess and counter these risks.Library and informationscience have approached the subject of risks by looking at different software´s, so called Internet filters, that is used to control and censor the access to Internet based resources. In the USA, where public services and institutions that provide Internet resources to children and youth have started to require censorship of the Internet, a debate has arisen concerning the use of so called Internet filters.The theoretical basis of this master´s thesis is related to the conception of risk, gender and childhood. The focus of the paper lies on young peoples use of information and communication technology (ICT) and how risks associated with young peoples use of the Internet is constructed by different parties involved in supplying Internet resources. By means of a case study at a primary school in Skåne and at the company Netscan in Malmö.

Lyssna på mig! : Barn & ungdomar med funktionsnedsättningar vill vara delaktiga i möten med samhällets stödsystem

Children?s participation in their planning in health and social services is important. To make children?s needs more considered they need to be involved in the cision-making processes. Children have the ability to reflect.

INVOXICATED. En interaktiv lek med ljud

Invoxicated is an interactive play sculpture where children can explore the wonderful and playful opportunities of sound. Talk into one end of the sculpture, and the sound will travel through the sculpture and come out in the other end. On its way, the sound gets distorted by a number of sound effects. By bending the sculpture?s body, and pressing the sculpture?s buttons, the sound effects gets altered in real time.

Barns lek och hälsa -ur ett föräldraperspektiv : "Det krävs balans för att få ett tryggt barn i en sund kropp"

Background: Children are different and they live under different conditions, but one they have in common - the desire to play. Children's play is important for their health and wellbeing. The aim: was to highlight the knowledge and issues that preschool children's parents have about Young children's health and wellbeing, with a focus on physical activity and play, to promote health. A further aim was to highlight the obstacles and opportunities that parents experience regarding physical activity for Young children. Material and Methods: The main study two focus group interviews were used with eight parents of children of preschool age.

Säljytan - En studie om hur butikschefer arbetar med butikens säljyta

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

"Jag förstod ingenting" : En kvalitativ studie om sex ungdomars upplevelser av att ha dyslexi i grundskolan

One of the most important goals of school is to teach children how to read and write. But there are also children with great problems in reading and writing/dyslexia at school. In the Swedish School Plan you can, for example, read that one of the school?s most important goals is to give these children with special needs the help that they need.This study will investigate how six young people with reading and writing problems/dyslexia experienced the first nine years at school. There has been very little research regarding students´ experiences of having reading and writing problems/dyslexia early in school, which is strange because school is a place where children spend most of their time.

"Att hjälpa är att lära" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av socialt stöd för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar

Every year a great amount of unaccompanied children flee their homelands without their parents or guardians. This means a journey filled with danger and difficulties. The difficulties don?t only exist during the road ahead but also when the children arrive to the new country. Even if Sweden?s work in receiving refugees is one of the best in the world, it still exist problems.

Små barns lärande i skogsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagogerna inom I ur och skur arbetar med de yngsta barnens lärande i skogen

The purpose of the survey was to find out how early childhood teachers work with the curriculum of I Ur och Skur with children between 1-3 years in the forest and how such educators are using the outdoor pedagogy in the forest environment in preschool.In order to answer the study's aim and objectives interviews were performed with six teachers in I Ur och Skur kindergartens.What emerged from this study is that forest excursions are a central part of the curriculum and is seen as their educational place. The teachers are working to create a feeling of security among the youngest children of enjoying the woods and also to raise an interest in the children. Natural materials are used during the forest stay and no other toys or materials.The results reveal that educators work to get the smallest children to use and develop their imagination at play and at the same time they are involved with the children in their discovery of the woods. With the smallest children in kindergarten it involves being on the level of children and as a teacher to have the flexibility to change the forest stay environment if needed..

Diskursen kring "ungdomsrån" : En studie av Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets framställning av unga rånare

The aim of this study was to examine the existing discourse of youth robberies from year 2003 to year 2013 in DN and Aftonbladet. By using discourseanalysis as theory and method I have studied newsartikles from these two newspapers.The study shows that the portrayal of youth robberies is focused on the young muggers as a group and not as individuals. The groups that are mentioned are young men and women, children and muggers with another ethnical background than swedish. Girls, children and ethnical background are given more attention in the articles, and are portrayed as more problematic. The youth robberies are described as brutal and are focused on the young muggers as unrestrained, evil individuals with no future.The analysis also shows that a change in the discourse is taking place during the studied period.

Den som vinner barnen, honom tillhör framtiden - Valfrid Palmgren och Stockholms barn- och ungdomsbibliotek 1911-1927

In 1911 Valfrid Palmgren founded the Children's Library of Stockholm, the very first in Sweden.She was a well-educated woman, who believed in social and educational equality for all.During a journey to the USA in 1907, she was deeply impressed by the public libraries, andshe put many of the public library ideas to use in the Children's Library of Stockholm. Palmgrenstrongly opposed to the Swedish libraries not allowing admission to children, since shefirmly believed that educating the people had to start with the children.Other reasons for opening a children's library were to give children an alternative to roamingthe streets, to give children a quiet place to read, to give an alternative to the cheap trashliterature that flooded the market and to teach the young ones how to extract information frombooks. Of great importance was that the library should be equal to all classes in society.In 1927 the children's library was taken over by the new public library of Stockholm..

Vilken relation har fosterföräldrar till sina fosterbarn. : En kvalitativ studie av fosterföräldrarnas upplevelse av fosterföräldrauppdraget.

The purpose of this study is to explore the relations between foster parents and their foster children, what kind of motivation there is behind their involvement in foster children, how they experience the commission and what good parenting mean to them. The study is including eight foster parents. They have experience of both long and short placement of foster children. The results show that all these foster families have at least one child that they have a good relationship with. It is important to know that those children either have spent many years in foster families or arrived to foster families when they were very young or as infants.

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