

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 42 av 139

Unga vuxnas interaktion med mobila sociala medier i vardagen

This Bachelors exam is about Young Adults and their use of Mobile Social Network System.The use of mobile social media has become more common in today?s society, ranging fromteenagers, the dominating internet users, to the elderly. The traditional purpose of use inmobile phones, the voice communication from one place to another, has in Sweden beendominated by text communication instead. Along with the development of Smartphones andthe mobile interface, the births of mobile social media have increased in the market.Reports have shown that of all the devices with the possibility to connect to social networks,the one kept closest to our bodies is the mobile phone. One of the advantages of using thephone for mobile social media is that you can easily and smoothly update whenever andwherever, within one arm?s reach.

Lärares erfarenheter av förändrad undervisning: lärare möter övergångar mellan det lokala och det globala klassrummet

Syftet är att analysera och beskriva hur lärare erfar en förändrad lärarroll i samband med nätbaserad undervisning som bygger på relationen mellan det lokala och det globala klassrummet. Young Masters Programme är en nätbaserad global kurs inom området hållbar utveckling. Data till denna studie kommer från medverkande lärares skriftliga svar på intervjufrågor, vilka analyseras genom ett fenomenografiskt angreppssätt. Forskningsdata utgörs av lärares redogörelser av deras erfarenheter. Studien visar att flertalet av de deltagande lärarna ser komplexiteten i lärandet för hållbar utveckling i globala sammanhang, Global Learning for Sustainable Development (GLSD), och vill arbeta multidisciplinärt och ämnesgränsöverskridande med Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) i globala nätverk.

Nesligt våld mot kvinna : En undersökning kring synen på kvinnor som blivit våldtagna i Karlstad perioden år 1900-1943

The purpose of this paper is to examine the early 1900s approach to women who have been raped in Karlstad and how you looked at rape during this period. I have used criminal case files from the Karlstad criminal police to examine. The actual study is set up in that way that I have tried to answer my questions through case studies that have been categorized in three type?s perpetrators and three types of victims. The three types of offenders who I am using are the "the naughty young man," "the violent worker" and "the drunken man".

Mångkulturalism i svensk barnlitteratur?

The purpose of our master thesis was to investigate how a multicultural society is reflected in childrens books picture books, books for children and young people, published in 2002. We found this issue interesting since children of today experience a change in society, where people of many ethnicities, cultures and religions live together to a greater extent than before. Since children in their everyday life are exposed to these different cultures, we think they also should be exposed to them in the books they read. In order to enhance an understanding of why such books are important to children, especially immigrant children, we have in our thesis included a passage with childrens linguistic development, identification and stereotypes. Other passages concern libraries and their roles in a multicultural society.

Konstruktionen av kön : En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU (lagen om vård av unga)

The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Swedish care of young persons act) produce ideas about gender. We have taken an interest in the production of both boys and girls and their mothers and fathers because there are clear differences in the description of these. From a historical perspective, the differences between gender in social assessments occurred despite the fact that discrimination is prohibited by law and despite the fact that social service shall work on the basis of an gender equality perspective. In the analysis and interpretation of the rulings we have been inspired by a critical discourse analysis. 30 social-judgements have been analyzed where of 15 concerns girls and 15 involve boys.

Inkluderingens bryderier : En kvalitativ studie om fotbollsföreningars arbete med inkludering av barn och ungdomar med funktionsnedsättning

The aim of this study was to understand how three selected football associations in three counties in Sweden work to include children and adolescents with disability in the age of 7-20 in their organization.  For this study we have used a qualitative method. The data have been collected through using semi-structured interviews with coaches and representatives from the board. When analyzing the data, we used Charles Tilly's theory Durable Inequality and research within the area of inclusion within sports, the significance of activities and the inequality within sports. The conclusions of the study showed that there was a stated lack of knowledge in the associations when it comes to their work with young people with disabilities and also in their work with the policies.

Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av annat socialt nedbrytande beteende i 3 § LVU

This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite other social destructive behaviour in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that other social destructive behaviour is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty..

Skiljer sig hundvalpars lekbeteende åt mellan raser och kön? :

There are many theories why animals play but none have jet been proven. During observation on Canids, play seems to be important when they learn to control the intensity of the bite and to facilitate the social structure within a group. When dogs play they perform behaviours that otherwise are used during hunting, reproduction and aggression that in another context would be for example hostile. The dog is one of the species that we humans have domesticated and they have been exposed to an intense and concentrated breeding so they can function in different areas, for example herding and hunting. This breeding has resulted in that the pure bred dogs can be very different between the breeds.

Hälsa och lärande i arbetslivet

En litteraturstudie som undersöker sambandet mellan utrymme för lärande på arbetsplatsen och den psykosociala hälsan. Hur den psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkar hälsan genom stress tas upp. En bakgrund och historik till relevanta begrepp och teorier ges. Aktuell forskning i området analyseras och diskuteras. Slutsatser om lärandets roll i det flexibla arbetslivet presenteras..

Feedback och hälsa : en studie hos ett statligt verk

Today, many discussions are taking place through different platforms concerning the huge problem of ill health within modern society. Ill health tends to affect both children and adults. For the adult sector ill health may lead to doctor?s notification of illness in the short term and on the long term permanent disability benefit. In the mass media there are often articles published that point out the rising number of people with sick pay and people being given permanent disability benefit.

Motgångens möjligheter : en studie av ungdomars upplevelse av häktessituationen

The purpose of this study is to look into how detained swedish juveniles, in the ages between 15 an 20, experience time in custody. The primary questions are; To what exctent do juveniles understand their situation? To what exctent can juveniles handle their situation? Do the juveniles find meaning in their situation and if so, what aspects of the detention is considered meaningful? The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with young men detained at a youth custody ward at Kronobergshäktet in Stockholm. The theory used to analyze the interview results is Antonovskys theory of sence of coherence (SOC). A salient feature in the young mens experiences was that all of them had the ability to regard some of the aspects of the detention as meaningful.

Resultat av tjugofem års mätningar av Cs-137-halter i älg i Uppsala län

At the end of April 1986 reactor number 4 of the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl explod-ed and large amounts of radioactive particles were then released into the atmosphere due to both the explosion as well as the consecutive fire of the graphite core. A cloud of radioac-tivity was spread over the northern hemisphere, including Sweden, due to the prevailing wind directions. The radioactive particles were washed out from the cloud by rain and snowfall in some areas of Sweden and deposited on the ground. The deposited radionu-clides, primarily cesium and iodine isotopes, were later absorbed into the soil and taken up by the roots of the plants. Some of these radionuclides, like 137Cs, still persist in some of the terrestrial ecosystems at relatively high concentrations which lead to contamination of the meat of moose, roe deer and wild boar even today.The two municipalities Heby and Uppsala, in the eastern part of central Sweden, experi-enced a relatively large deposition of 137Cs which resulted in high levels of 137Cs in moose and other game.

Upplevelser av skam och avvisande hos deprimerade unga vuxna

Depression in Young Adults is a serious condition causing serious suffering for the victim. By finding risk factors for depression the opportunity for early preventive action is increased, which, in turn, may prevent a negative course. Two risk factors which have been shown to be related to depression are shame and rejection. Therefore this study examined the relationship between shameproneness, rejection sensitivity, shame-related events and depressive symptoms. The self-report questionnaires used were TOSCA, RSQ, Shaming index and BDI-II.

Professionellas perspektiv på anorexia nervousa bland unga flickor

AbstractThe aim of this study is to highlight the professional?s perspectives and work with young girls who have eating disorder anorexia nervousa. We assume a social constructivist perspective where the professional?s interpretations and perspectives on the issue anorexia considered. The study is based on a qualitative analysis of interviews with seven professionals in the areas of work, social services, school counselor, school nurse, anorexia unit and child and adolescent psychiatry (BUP).From a thematic analysis of the interviews, three themes emerged.

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