

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 25 av 139

Rocky och Brudarna : Hur män respektive kvinnor framställs i Martin Kellermans serie ?Rocky?

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for Young Adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that Young Adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Bosniska invandrare och bibliotek: en undersökning av läs- och biblioteksvanor hos bosniska invandrare

This thesis is an investigation of Bosnian immigrants and their use of libraries in Borås and Anderstorp. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if people from Bosnia read in their mother tongue Bosnian and if they read in Swedish too. The essay is based on questionnaires concerning both young and older immigrants' reading and library habits. The survey encompasses 30 Bosnians. In the theory I have described relevant literature and confirmed the importance of identity, language and culture for immigrants.

Fysikdiskursen på Komvux : Betydelsen av student-lärarinteraktioner

This study draws upon the framework for analyzing the discourse of a science classroom introduced by Mortimer and Scott (2003). It has been used for many studies before on high school youths, but never on adults. Therefore, this study focuses on the interaction between teacher and students in an adult education on high school level in physics, and how students can change the classroom discourse. Observations took place in two different schools for adults, in four different teaching groups. The result was analyzed by pattern of interactions, communicative approach, teaching purpose, type of student questions and their effect on the classroom discourse.

Sex, ansvar och alkoholberusning : 6 ungdomars syn på kommunikation om ja och nej till sex

The purpose of this essay was to examine young people's view of how intoxication influences the communication and responsibility in sexual situations between two heterosexual adolescents, and to explore how young people define rape.The main questions were to examine how young people describe the communication of "yes" and "no" in sexual meetings, and who is responsible for that communication. Other questions included examining how the interviewees viewed a situation where a girl shows and/or says "no" and a boy still ignores her sexual integrity.The study was based on six qualitative interviews.The interviewees considered non-verbal communication about both "yes" and "no" to sex in a sober condition superior to verbal communication. The study also showed that the sexual responsibilities for girls increase during intoxication, while the responsibilities for boys decrease. A majority of the interviewees considered that a girl who didn't want to participate in sex must be very explicit when expressing her "no", and if not, there was an understanding that a boy can misinterpret or ignore a "no". Rape was by some defined as an act done against one's will, while others claimed that several explicit "no"s had to be infringed to classify it as rape..


Människor har alltid och kommer alltid att kontrollera varandra. En del av byggandet av god intern kontroll i företag har inneburit ökad reglering i form av ramverk och lagar i många länder, vilket har medfört högre krav på företags interna kontroll jämfört med tidigare. Ett ramverk som fått stor spridning och internationellt erkännande är COSO-ramverket Internal control ? Integrated Framework. Under de senaste decennierna har det växt fram ett behov hos revisionsföretag att internt utforma funktioner som kvalitetssäkrar de tjänster de säljer.

"Fördjuparen" och "Uppdateraren" - nya mönster för nyhetsanvändning för unga vuxna

AbstractTitle: The ?Investigator? and the ?Updater? ? new patterns of news use among Young Adults.Number of pages: 48Author: Anna StrinnholmTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communications, D- levelPeriod: Fall of 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to provide an description of how daily newspaper, TV, radio and the Internet are used by Young Adults in order to contribute to Lennar Weibulls model ?a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv?.Method/Material: The method of gathering of empirical material has been conducted by interviewing eight people of how they use daily newspapers, TV, radio and The internet to inform themselves of the daily news. The empirical material has then been analysed by applying a two step method, of first making a summary of the interviews and secondly making a comparison with a model of Lennart Weibull ?a typology of the Swedish mediasystem from an audience perspectiv? .Main results:Two different types of ideal media users can be drawn from the empirical research, the ?Investigator? and the ?Updater?. The updater search for news to stay updated and relies on the Internet as main source of information.

Virtuell mobbning : Mobbning bland ungdomar genom ny teknik

The purpose of this essay is to draw attention to a rather new phenomena, virtual bullying amongst young people. Bullying has been known for a long time but today, bullying has found new ways of expression. New technology, which includes the Internet and cell phones, has given the bullies new weapons to use in their bullying.The study I have done has been qualitative and contained interviews. Represents from two communities, Playahead and LunarStorm, and two organisations, BRIS and Friends, all together five persons (two persons from LunarStorm) have been interviewed and had the opportunity to tell me their view on virtual bullying.The results show that young people see the new technologies as a valuable prolongation of their reality that they won?t give up if they don?t need to.

Livsstilar kommer och går, men valen består?

ABSTRACTTitle: ?Lifestyles come and go but your choices remain?? (?Livsstilar kommer och går, men valen består...?)Number of Pages: 42 (45 including enclosures)Author: Jenny RydqvistTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media- and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study of how Young Adults between 19-25 years are influenced by commercials.Key Questions: How are students in Uppsala influenced by commercials? Do the commercials influence the consumptionbehaviour? Do the commercials influence the lifestyle? Do the influences of the commercial construct the individual lifestyle? In which extent is it social related?Material/Method: Together with literature studies, a qualitative method has been used with 5 interviews with Young Adults in the age of 19-25 in Uppsala. I have compared these five interviews with earlier results and research.Main Results: I have found out that these Young Adults don?t want to admit being influenced by commercials even if they know they are. These Young Adults have also formed consumptionbehaviour after the commercials, which they show in for example their way of shopping and their way of acting afterwards.

Samlingens innebörd och utformning ur ett arbetslagsperspektiv. : En kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this essay is to examine the construction of the norm-breaking characters Saga from the Young Adult novel Tusen gånger starkare written by Christina Herrström and Pippi Longstocking from the books written by Astrid Lindgren. In order to do this I have applied queer theory as well as theories of narrative in my analysis.To be able to study the breaking of norms, it has been essential to first examine the way the norm itself is manifested in the books. Because of this I have chosen to begin my analysis with an examination of two other characters who by their normative behavior contrasts against Pippi and Saga, namely Signe and Annika. The understanding of the normative discourse that Signe and Annika represent is crucial in understanding the way Saga and Pippi later turn against it.After that I examine in which ways Saga and Pippi breaks prevalent norms and how they as characters are constructed as being different. Subsequently I study the effects of Saga?s and Pippi?s norm-breaking, taking focus on how it influences Signe and Annika.Finally I discuss the view of Saga and Pippi as subversive characters, and however the books can be said to have a subversive effect.

Politiskt organisationsbyggande : Om ungdomars inflytande i Rädda Barnen

?Have the young members? of Save the Children Sweden got increased possibilities to influence the organization since the founding of the youth-organization?? The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if the founding of a youth-organization by Save the Children Sweden has led to increased possibility for the young members to influence the organization. I have two research assignments; change since the founding of a youth-organization? politically since the foundation of a youth-organization and how?Did the norms and values in the organizationand Did the organization change I have analyzed protocols from the general assembly between 1997 and 2008 and how the rules in the organization have changed over time. I have also interviewed four board members to get a more diversified view of how the board meetings proceed.

"Jag förstod ingenting" : En kvalitativ studie om sex ungdomars upplevelser av att ha dyslexi i grundskolan

One of the most important goals of school is to teach children how to read and write. But there are also children with great problems in reading and writing/dyslexia at school. In the Swedish School Plan you can, for example, read that one of the school?s most important goals is to give these children with special needs the help that they need.This study will investigate how six young people with reading and writing problems/dyslexia experienced the first nine years at school. There has been very little research regarding students´ experiences of having reading and writing problems/dyslexia early in school, which is strange because school is a place where children spend most of their time.

FÖRVÅNANDE KAPABEL - kroppslighet och rumslighet i fem kvinnors erfarenheter av parkour

The urban physical practice of parkour can be described as male dominated. In thispaper, however, I choose to focus on women participating in the sport. My materialconsist of interviews with five Swedish women who regularly perform parkour.Through the phenomenology of Simone de Beauvoir, Iris Marion Young and SaraAhmed, I analyze the women?s relationship to the body and (public) space. Myconclusion is that engaging in parkour has changed the way the women understandtheir own corporeality, from an ?I cannot? to an ?I can?.

?Det är böcker som är meningen med ett bibliotek?: Hur bibliotekarien i barn- och ungdomslitteraturen bemöter användare.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the librarians? perception of the users of children?s and young people?s literature. Questions posed in this study are: How are the librarians described according to appearance, personality and interaction with the users? How are the librarians described compared to former studies on the subject? Which perception can be seen, based on Douglas Rabers?s theory which describes the role the public libraries can take in the society? The study is based on content analysis. We have examined 15 descriptions of librarians in both picture books and literature for Young Adults, published between 1985 and 2006.

Luktfunktion hos vuxna med diagnos inom Autismspektrumet

Tidigare forskning visar att individer med en diagnos inomautismspektrumet (ASD) upplever en större sinneskänslighet vad gällerhörsel, syn och känsel men få studier har undersökt lukt känsligheten. Syftetmed föreliggande studie är att få en djupare förståelse för luktfunktioner hosvuxna med ASD.16 deltagare med ASD (14 kontroller) testades iluktkänslighet, fri- och stödd luktidentifiering. Samtliga deltagaresjälvskattade även den upplevda luktkänslighet samt genomgick ettscreeningtest för autism, The adult spectrum quotient, AQ. Lukt känslighet,fri och stödd luktidentifikation skiljde sig inte åt mellan de båda gruppernaSjälvskattning av luktfunktioner korrelerade signifikant positivt med AQpoäng vilket visar att personer med högre grad av ASD också upplevde sigsom mer luktkänsliga. Föreliggande resultat påvisade att personer medhögre AQ-poäng upplevde att de hade en känsligare luktfunktion.

Hur revisionsbyråer använder sig av sociala medier vid rekrytering - Fallstudier av Grant Thornton och Ernst & Young

Accounting firms operate in environments with high competition for graduates and students today expect employers to be present on Facebook and the like. We aim to describe whether two major accounting firms use social media in their graduate recruitment. We chose to do case studies of Grant Thornton and Ernst & Young and how they use social media channels aimed towards graduates. Through a through study of how the two companies communicated through various social media, we concluded that Grant Thornton was significantly better than their larger competitor at social media use. Both companies use Facebook as their main communication channel.

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