

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 18 av 139

Representationer av döden i ungdomsfilm utifrån analyser av Hungerspelen och Jag saknar dig

Regarding death in youth movies,analysis of Hunger Games and I Miss You  Today, death is not as present in our everyday life as it was before when everyone knew how death both looked and smelled. This means that media today has a different role and that media can help their viewers to mourn and become aware of death in a completely different way. In this study, death is analyzed as an representation; how it affects and is experienced in two selected youth films, The Hunger Games, (Gary Ross, 2012) and Jag saknar dig/I Miss You (Anders Grönros, 2011).Previous studies mostly analysis death as a figure, and in accordance with these studies have concentrated on different physical descriptions of death; often about diseases or how death is portrayed in the news. In my opinion, these studies lack the perspective of how death is presented, but also how young people respond to these deceptions of death. This essay highlight different perspectives and show more of how death occurs, how the cinematic look is described and how young people react to what is happening on the screen.

Polisens arbete med unga prostituerade : en kvalitativ studie om polisens syn på och arbete med unga prostituerade

Prostitution is a large and multifaceted subject. In this study, the purpose is to gain an insight into how the police officers work and act when they get in contact with young prostitutes. The study contains answers and opinions from five police officers which were conducted through semi-structured interviews in this qualitative study. The results were analysed based on a social constructive perspective and Goffman?s stigma theory.

Mobbning i vuxenlivet

Bullying is a widespread problem that currently exists in many places and in different age groups. In our paper we intend to focus on bullying in adult life. As many as 340,000 adult persons are subjected to victimization in the form of bullying, which is about 9 % of the working population. Between 100 and 300 cases of all suicides committed in Sweden can be linked to bullying. Bullying is a social problem that should be taken more seriously than it does.

En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer i socialt arbete ser på sitt ledarskap

The aim of this study was; from a group of boys and girls description and interpretation of interaction with other young people, personnel and the environment of the youth centre illuminate how the social gender are constructed and maintained at the youth centre. In this study we have tried to analyse the phenomena from an intersectionalistic perspective. Except gender, the analytic category social class have been tried to capture. Our theoretical standing point is social constructivism. Institutionalized structures in our society are constructed by humans, gender is not only a biological construction it is also a man created construction.

Att skada sig med sex : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på och arbete med unga som har ett destruktivt sexuellt beteende

The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior.

UNGA MÄN OCH DEMOKRATI : En fallstudie på en högstadieskola av teorin om unga män som demokratisk destabiliseringsfaktor

This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.

"They Don't Know About Us" : Fanbloggandets vad, hur och varför på Tumblr

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.

Ungdomstid, Framtid, Vuxentid : gymnasieungdomars tankar kring utbildning, karriär, vagabonderande och familjebildande

The purpose of this essay was to study how youths think about their youth and future. Our intention was to study in which order of priority today's high school students in Helsingborg ranked family life, education, career and vagabonding. We also investigated what the term adolescence meant to them.Our main questions were how our respondents looked upon their youth and their future. In which way did they give priority to family life, education, career and vagabonding and why did they give these priorities? Which meaning did the respondents lay in the term adolescence?The study was based on interviews with seven young people, studying at a communal high school in Helsingborg.

E- mobbning : Mobbing between young people with the use of mobile phones

This graduation paper treats e-mobbing via the different communication medias of the mobile phone. The purpose of the research has been to describe student?s experience of e-mobbing via the mobile phone?s different integrated functions as phone calls, sms, mms and e-mail.In this poll investigation asked 100 students of 15-20 years of age.The interviews made have shown that girls are more exposed to e-mobbing, e.g. indirect mobbing. In my research it is possible to see that girls are more exposed than boys to threats of violence via sms, the spreading of rumours and the danger of being called different things.It is also possible to see in the result of the interviews that the mobber wants to experience power, something which is not unusual in all types of mobbing.

Att åka berg- och dalbana : en resa från barndom till vuxenliv med fyra vuxna barn till missbrukare

The aim of this degree project is to find out how people who have grown up in families with addiction problems have experienced their childhood and how their adult life has been affected by this. With the help of qualitative interviews with four grown up children to addicts, knowledge has been gained about what was experienced as problematic during childhood, what was beneficial and compensatory as well as how they feel today. The results have shown that their childhood was affected by a deficiency in the ability to parent, weak networks, adjusting, responsibility, a feeling of being left out and few positive experiences. Factors that have been protective are: important people, interests as well as attitude. In adult life many habits from childhood remain.

Normering av en objektiv metod för att mäta käkrörelser med 3D-videoanalys vid tuggning samt en jämförelse mellan käkens rörelseomfång vid tuggning och tuggeffektivitet hos unga vuxna

This study aims at norming a new objective method to track and measure jaw movements in 3D (three dimensional) during chewing in the Young Adult population (n=41, age 22-30). Norm values of the range of movements and the duration were calculated. Intra and inter rater reliability was high. Masticatory efficiency among participants was evaluated with a two-colored wax, analyzed with picture analysis software. Regression analysis was used to calculate the relationship between movement and duration variables and masticatory efficiency.

Stop motion som uttryckssätt : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på de påverkande faktorerna för varför unga vuxna amatörer väljer stop motion-animation som uttryckssätt

Playfulness and curiosity in the usage of new technology and digital filmmaking has always been of great importance within these fields. There are many different media technologies that can form what the user wants to communicate in a certain context. One of these forms of expression that has increased in popularity from the early 20th century until today is the animation technique, Stop motion. Amateur filmmakers have also found an interest in using the technique. Our purpose has been to study the different aspects as to why young-adult amateur filmmakers have chosen stop motion as the way to express themselves.

Ungdomars attityder till brott i samband med upplopp : En kvantitativ studie

This study aims to examine young peoples? attitudes towards crimes related to riots. It also examines if there?s a difference in attitudes to different crimes and if there is a connection between these attitudes and friends experience of crime, gender, socioeconomic position or residential area. There is a lack of research in this area, most of the studies on riots focus on the reasons and driving forces leading to riots.

Rädslans koreografi : Unga mäns föreställningar om rädsla, hot och maskulinitet i den offentliga vardagen

"The choreography of fear" is a discourse-analysis study which focus at how young men speaks about fear, threat and violence in the public everyday life. The study adopts socialcontructionism as theoretical approach and also uses theories about gender, hegemony masculinity, fear as a social constructed phenomenon and moral-panic. The study is based on qualitative interview whit young men in age 18-30 and the method is mainly discourse-psychology. The section of Analysis discuss subjects as what and whom the young men consider to be a threat and which areas in the public space they consider to be dangerous and how they choose to handle the menace. The Analysis also focuses on how the informants speak about fear, how they define fear and what they consider arouse fear..

"Det som står i Internet kan också stå i en bok, så då måste det ju vara sant": En undersökning av Komvuxelevers informationskompetens

The information flow of today is endless and the advances in information technology astounding. In today's information society it is of utmost importance not only to be able to find the right information but also to evaluate the information. The expression ?information literacy? is not a new one but it has never been as pertinent and essential as today. Information literacy is however not something which is easily and swiftly achieved.Swedish youth education is based on problem based learning in which the students are expected to research for material, evaluate their finds and use their skills to produce a good written or oral presentation.

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