

2081 Uppsatser om Young Adult - Sida 12 av 139

Närståendes delaktighet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv

Today adult patients' relatives are seen as a resource in psychiatric care but few researchers have examined the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to illuminate how mental health staff and relatives of adult patients experienced the relatives' participation in psychiatric care on hospital ward.The study was guided by a phenomenological approach and a lifeworld perspective. Data were collected through in-deep interviews with ten adult patients' relatives and three group-interviews with ten mental health carers from two hospitals in Sweden.The essence of the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care in hospital ward is described in the constituents: invitation to participate in psychiatric care; meet the staffs' care; to participate in own or others terms; bring the common everyday world with you; feel burden; participation a trip in time and space. The findings of the study show that the relation between the staff and the relatives are important for the relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The relatives' participation can alter from no participation to a meaningsful participation, from suffering to well-being.This study can help medical staff to understand relatives and their participation in a new way..

Att bli synad i sömmarna : en studie av fyra ungdomars upplevelse av att vara utredningsplacerade på en institution

The purpose of the essay is to, in retrospect, take a closer look at how the young people experienced their placement for assessment at Albogården and what it resulted in. With this purpose I inadvertently came to look at other aspects, for instance their lives before and after the placement.The underlying questions were:* The young people social situations before the placement?* The experience of being locked up?* What was it like being analysed?* What are the young people's thoughts on the methods of working at Albogården - rules, procedures, methods etc.?* What were the results from the placement at Albogården? Did something change in the young people's social situations?To answer my questions I interviewed four persons that previously were placed for assessment. To ascertain information on how the assessment is done I also interviewed the director of Albogården. I also studied relevant literature.The investigation showed that a majority of the young people didn't understand the purpose or felt participant in the assessment, being restless and locked up felt extremely arduous and violating.

?... jag gör inte det här längre, för jag är en bra kille? : unga män som tagit sig ur missbruk och kriminalitet ?en intervjustudie om maskulinitetsskapande

In this master thesis a category of men otherwise often taken for granted is examined: noncriminal,non-violent men. With the help of in-depth interviews with young men who havepreviously lived a life with drugs and criminal behaviour, I examine the young men's identityand masculinity projects. To do this, I use theories by researchers R.W. Connell and MichaelS. Kimmel, among others.

Ungdomar som rymmer hemifrån : en kunskapsöversikt

The aim with this thesis is to study how the phenomenon young people who run away from home (runaways) is presented in the research literature. The question at issue in our thesis is: How does research literature present the phenomenon of young people who run away from home? We have selected seven primary documents that we consider gives a broad picture of the knowledge about runaways. We have a postmodern and a hermeneutic approach in our thesis. Our material has been analyzed on the basis of social constructionist theory and the new sociological paradigm of childhood.

Måltidsmönster och livsmedelsval i södra Indien : En fallstudie med fem deltagande familjer

This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study?s purpose is to enhance the understanding of Young Adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight Young Adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age.

En fenomenologisk studie om hur ungdomar upplever sin tillvaro, relationer och framtidsvisioner.

This project aims to obtain a deeper understanding of what it is like to be young today, and of how young people experience their lives. Identifying and uncovering the process of meaning constitution concerning young people's thoughts and feelings within each subjective individual, and their visions about the future as well as how they experience relations to other people in their surrounding, was achieved with a phenomenological approach. The participants were asked to write a self-report in answer to a carefully formulated question.The received reports were analysed according to the method of Meaning Constitution Analysis and Sphinx Lexica. The result showed that young people's lives are both complex and unique. They rather write about friends than family and write less about the future than we first assumed.

Behövs det kommunala uppföljningsansvaret?: Tjänstemäns syn på uppföljningsansvaret och avhopp från gymnasieskolan i Helsingborgs kommun

The number of young people that graduate from upper secondary education has decreased while a growing number of young people are in an outside position in the sense that they neither work or study or have any other known occupation. In addition to this the labour market has gone trough changes, which has brought difficulties for some groups to establish themselves on to the labour market. One of the groups that have been affected by this is the young people. As an answer to the increasing number of young people in an outside position, a new law was introduced on the 1st of July 2005. The law is called (kommunala uppföljningsansvaret) and it stands for the municipality's responsibility to follow up on young people between the age of 16-19 years that is not enrolled in any upper secondary school and that does not have any other known occupation.The purpose of this essay has been to examine how the responsible administrations in Helsingborgs municipality view their responsibility to follow up young people between the ages of 16-19 years and the practical application of the law, and also if they can see any risks with not following up on young people in that age span.

Vision möter verklighet : Forskarrollen i relation till lärande för alla.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the researcher experiences its role in real life in relation to the field of education and adult learning. The context of the study is the academic department of education and adult learning in Swedish institutions. This is a qualitative study, inspired by Grounded Theory. Data consist of interviews, texts from policy documents and reports. Both the aspects gender and context have been taken into consideration.

A study of in-store atmospherics impact on young consumers in fashion houses

Abstract Title: A study of in-store atmospherics impact on young consumers in fashion houses Date of the Seminar: June 4th 2008 Course: BUSM08. Master thesis in International Marketing & Brand Management Authors: Md. Abu Baker Siddique Masum Milan Filipovic Supervisor: Ulf Elg Keywords: In-store atmosphere, young generation, fashion houses. Thesis purpose: This thesis will find out the influences of the in-store environment in the fashion houses and it will be applicable for this sector. This research will provide information to develop a better in-store environment in fashion houses to attract more young people.

Snacka går ju - eller? : En studie om påföljden ungdomsvård inom socialtjänstens öppenvård

The purpose of this study was to examine young offenders? attitudes towards crime, and to the penalty they have been sentenced to as juveniles. More specifically its aim was to examine an intervention program called Galaxen, specifically used  to deal with  juveniles  in Växjö. This intervention program consists mainly of conversations with social workers from social services,  aiming  towards  better  self-awareness  and  the  ability  to  understand  the  consequences  of one?s actions.

Problembilder av ungdomars politiska utanförskap - En studie av projektet ?Demokrati för alla?

Aims: The aim of this study is to describe how youth?s political exclusion is constructed as asocial problem. This is done through a study of a project which aim is to engage young peoplein politics.Method and theory: By interviewing the project?s manager and developer as well as eightparticipating young people different constructions of the problem of youth political exclusionhas been analyzed using the social constructionist perspective on social problems.Findings: The dominant perspective found in the empirical material includes framing youngpeople?s lack of political knowledge and self-confidence as the reason for their politicalexclusion. Even though the Youth Board (ungdomsstyrelsen) in Sweden officially views allyoung people as a resource, when youth politics are implemented through projects, this is notthe view that young people meet.

"Man får allting gratis liksom" : En kvalitativ studie om ungas medieanva?ndning med avseende pa? samha?llsinformation

Introduction: In today?s contemporary society individuals can use multiple media- channels to find civic information. Civic information should reach all groups of society and according to previous research young people are relatively hard to reach with this type of information.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how young, highly educated individuals in Sweden are using media channels to find and take part in civic information, the expectations they have of the information and if they consider that they need to participate in public discourse.Methodology: In this qualitative study we had a hermeneutic perspective with an abductive approach. We have collected our empirical material by doing interviews with 15 respondents. The respondents are students and were chosen based on both their knowledge and their interest in media and communication since we were looking for a broad view on the subject.Conclusion: Through this study we discovered that young individuals mainly use the social-media channel Facebook to get updated on civic information.

Att få sätta spår : om medbestämmande och platstagande på gymnasieskolgården

Every place is a stage where people interact. The nature of the stage and its scenography to some extent shapes the interaction. Considered as a place, the school ground gives rise to many varying expectations. Lower school pupils often have clear ideas of how they are expected to behave and how they are expected to use the place. But as the pupils age, the purpose of the school ground grows less obvious.

En upptäcktsfärd på tredje våningen : En fallstudie i hur ungdomsombuden på Kalmar kommun kommunicerar med kommunens ungdomar

Authors: Linda Olsson & Dennis A?stro?m Title: A journey of discovery on the third floor ? A case study in how juvenile agents in the municipality of Kalmar communicate with its young people Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication Studies Location: Linnaeus University Language: Swedish Number of pages: 60Introduction: The participation amongst young people regarding political, democratic and society related questions is through an investigation confirmed not being high enough. Within the municipality of Kalmar, juvenile agents work as a link between young people and the opportunities that the municipality provides. To create this link with young people, communication is essential.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how the juvenile agents work in order to create and maintain communication with young people. The purpose is also to evaluate the result of the information campaign they executed in 2011.Methodology: For this paper we had a hermeneutic approach with an inductive viewpoint.

Bemötande inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänstens bemötande gentemot unga lagöverträdare

Author: Nina Ekberg and Therese LjungTitle - Within the social services approach: A qualitative interview study of the social services attitudes towards young offendersSupervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf DruggeThe purpose of this study was to see the social workers attitude towards young offenders and how this can affect the teenagers. The theoretical perspectives have been the theory of street-Level Bureaucracy, social constructivism and Stages of change. The material has been collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and email-interviews with the social workers. The aim of this study was to examine if the social workers uses their theoretical experiences about their attitudes in their practical work and if their response can raise or reduce the young offenders motivation to change their behaviour. To collect information it was chosen that this study would only concentrate on the social workers opinions.

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