

1367 Uppsatser om Xbox Live Indie Games - Sida 30 av 92

Pedagogernas inställning till surfplattor : Surfplattan som verktyg för lärande inom förskolan

We live in a society where the technology has an enormous role in our lives. The average age of using digital tools among Swedish people is down to a very young age. In the recent period of time there has been much debate about tablets and their use in preschools. The aim of this study is to examine the preschool teachers experiences and perceptions of tablet use and how the implementation of the tablets benefits the school activities. What is central to this research is not how kids use the tablet, but how educators are using the tablet device as supplement for children?s development.

Den som ger sig in i leken får leken tåla! : En studie om barns maktlekar

Our essay is about children's exercise of power, oppression or domination in games or when playing on school grounds with one and other. We thought it would be interesting to look into how children in preschool and up to the fifth grade use power acts respective power plays in leisure-time. During four days we visited two different after-school center and carried out observations of children during the school day and later inside the recreation centers during leisure activities. In order to analyze our empirical material in relation to power, we have used Magnus Hörnqvist (2012) interpretation of Michel Foucault's theory of power - Another Foucault. We have also used Åsa Bartholdsson (2008) thesis about The regular exercise of power regime ? about normality and power in school.

Radonfritt boende : Stegen till att eliminera radongas med rätt Grundläggningsmetod

People who live in northern part of the world spend much more time indoors than those who live in warmer countries. In addition that home should be safe, it should also protect one against heat, cold, sunlight and pollution. The indoor environment is affected by installations, material and how the building is formed. Those anomalies that are visible, felt or smelled can be noticed and be rectified. But it?s much more difficult if these abilities are missing.

Ett Oskarpt Beslut : om Oskarp Logik i speldesign

This paper examines possible applications of fuzzy logic on the field of artificial intelligence in digital games. It describes fuzzy logic in contrast to crisp logic. The paper will give several examples of possible applications of fuzzy logic-based decision making for game AI. These examples include the choosing of weapons for AI agents and the gas-break decision of an AI-controlled car. The paper will also analyze the impacts of game AI which makes decisions based on many factors.

Barns uppfattningar om och förståelse kring sin dyslexi : En studie i hur barn upplever sin dyslexidiagnos

AbstractThis act is about how five children with dyslexia consider and understands their diagnosis. It is also about their self-image, future sights and about how their school life is compared with before they got their diagnosis. The study is implemented autumn 2011 on a medium-sized school in central Sweden. The survey was implemented through interviews with the five children, of which four was girls and one was a boy. The study shows that the children understand their dyslexia relatively well, but that they experience that it is bothersome to live with dyslexia.

On the hunt for improvements : possibilities of increasing welfare in captive cheetahs through hunting enrichment

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is one of the big feline species kept in zoos worldwide. The wild populations are quite small and therefore the captive population make up an important part of the total population of the world. Although life in the wild is not always easy and a captive environment provides shelter and food it does not come without problems. In captivity cheetahs become chronically ill and also develop stereotypic behaviours. Neither of these are problems in wild populations and both can be linked to stress in captivity.

Går det att förbättra barns matematiska förståelse inför skolstart? : En studie om tidig matematisk stimulans av sexåriga barns förståelse för tallinjen 1-10.

Studie är baserad på Siegler & Ramani (2008) ?Playing linear numerical board games promotes low-income child­ren´s numerical development?. Syfte är att undersöka om det med intensivträning (i form av ett linjärt tärningsspel) går att stimulera sexåriga barns talförståelse inom talområdet 1-10. Metoderna som valts är fältexperiment och observation. Fält­experimentet påvisar att intensivträning med ett tärningsspel, utfört under 4 stycken 15 minuters lektioner under en tvåveckors period, tydligt kan förbättra barns talförståelse medan observationen visar att utfallet påverkas av pedagogens olika yrkesverktyg samt undervis­ningens organisation (en-till-en undervisning).


Aphasia is a disease that brings on disability. The purpose of the study is to describe the daily life when afflicted with aphasia and gain a deeper understanding of persons with aphasia in working ages. The study was made with a qualitative approach with a combination of data sources; literature, internet lectures, live lectures, interviews with personnel in medical and educational services and three persons with aphasia. More research in aphasiology is welcome. This may be aimed at developing knowledge about the importance of communication, of active participation in the social environment, and the achievement of improved attitudes towards people with disabilities. The study should give rehabilitation actors and close relations knowledge and support in their action when they meet people with aphasia..

"Snigeln på en flaggstång" : Laborativ matematik för elever med svenska som andraspråk

This essay follows a Media Teacher in her work as a coordinator and an artistic leader for a European project called Legalopoli concerning laws and ethics in a senior level school for 13-16 year-olds in Mora, Sweden. The students write film stories about how their characters have to make choices in ethical dilemma situations. Then the learners create interactive computer games together through practical film work. At the same time we can see how the educator also gets into difficult ethical situations, when she is working with the students. This forces her to self-reflection.

Man kan ju inte gå klädd hursomhelst : En studie om hur högstadietjejers identitet

To understand students, their world and what makes them act in a certain way or how they form groups in school is a very important part of a teachers work. You get a better understanding for the students behavior by having knowledge about how they look uponthemselves and other students, to prevent prejudice and tendenses to bullying and beeing an ?outsider?. Clothes and fashion are often a big part of the students identity buliding and how they look upon themselves and get looked at by others.We have chosed to exeminate this phenomenon among girls since they are often more exposed by the media for example and with unreasonable beautyideals and other external factors that many girls try to live up to in todays society.We have made a survey regarding the usage of clothes and fashion in the making of an identety with totally fiftyeight girls in the ninth grade on two different public schools in Haninge and Tyresö municipality..

Sura Gamla Kyrka : analys av patologiska och skeletala förändringar hos sju individer

Seven individuals from Surahammar in Västmanland Sweden are analyzed for the appearance of pathological and skeletal changes. The graves, all from within the walls of a fourteenth century church, are dated from the Viking age to late eighteenth century. The aim of this scientific essay is to find pathological conditions by doing an osteological analyze, x-ray analysis, an osteoporosis measurement and letting orthopedists assess the individuals. The aim is also to say something about the individuals? general health and how they experience the changes they have in the skeleton.

Orden bland drakar och demoner : En språkstudie av svenska rollspelsböcker

The purpose of this essay was to do a research about if the language in Swedish role-playing books is used correctly and if the composition along with the possible language errors makes the books hard to understand.This research was also about to find out why these problems occurs and if the authors are aware of them.I choose books from two Swedish role-playing games, Eon and Drakar och Demoner. I read them trough, noted the mistakes made and put them together in a scoring table. I also did a LIX-test on the books and interviewed one of the authors.The results shows that the books to Eon is harder to read than the books to Drakar och Demoner and this agrees with the vision the authors of the books claims to have.The results also shows that it is not only the language mistakes and the composition that makes the books hard to read, but also the choice of difficult words and badly formulated rules..

Inlevelse genom narrativ i spel

Detta kandidatarbete undersöker problemet med konvergeringen av narrativ och interaktion och varför en konvergering mellan dessa hämmar deltagarens inlevelse i ett spel. Utifrån spelet Traverser redovisas i detta kandidatarbete processen och resultatet av hur ett interaktivt narrativ kan väcka inlevelse hos deltagaren genom att låta berättandet ske subtilt och icke-linjärt, där spelaren uppmanas till att vilja utforska narrativet på egen hand i form av en miljö i Traverser. This bachelor?s thesis discusses the problem of converging narrative and interaction and why the convergence between the two tends to arrest the participants immersion within a game. Through an interactive narrative by letting the narration take place subtly and nonlinearly, this bachelor?s thesis reports the process and result of how an interactive narrative could provoke immersion within the game Traverser, where the actor is urged to explore the narrative independently in the shape of an environment.

ATT MEDIERA FORSVIKS BRUK : En prövning av den visuella novellen

År 1977 stängdes grindarna vid Forsviks Bruk för vad man trodde var sista gången. Några år senare började dock de gamla industribyggnaderna renoveras och Forsviks Bruk har sedan dess fungerat som industriminne och besöksmål.Denna studie syftade att skapa en visuell novell och pröva den som intresseväckande och engagerande verktyg, likt det webbmaterial som många museer idag tillämpar. Forskning gjordes i museipedagogik, serious games och berättande med bild och text, och från detta skapades sedan den fiktiva berättelsen Spökskeppet och implementerades som visuell novell med mjukvaran Twine.Den visuella novellen utvärderades sedan i två separata undersökningar, den ena mot målgruppen (grundskoleelever i årskurs 4 ? 6), den andra mot intressenter vid Forsviks Bruk. Frågeställningarna gällde huruvida den visuella novellen lämpar sig som intresseväckande material samt om det fiktiva i berättelsen hamnar i konflikt med det faktiska som Forsviks Bruk förmedlar till sina besökare..

Den virtuella semestern : Ett utforskande av spels potential som stressreducerande medel

Det här examensarbetet utforskar spel som redskap för stresshantering och avslappning. Jag undersöker vilka stressreducerande moment från verkligheten som skulle kunna passa i ett spel, hur de kan implementeras, och vilken effekt de kan tänkas ha i virtuell form. För att avgöra vilka moment som kunde vara lämpliga gjorde jag en litteraturstudie och en pilotundersökning. I mitt praktiska arbete utforskade jag hur dessa kan implementeras i en virtuell miljö. Jag skrev en spelidé och gjorde en samling skisser som jag skapade en interaktiv presentation av.

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