2664 Uppsatser om Written assessment - Sida 63 av 178
Betydelsen av social konsekvensbeskrivning : att sia om en hållbar framtid
Social hållbarhet är ett högaktuellt ämne. Delegationen för hållbara städer presenterade år 2012 sin slutrapport och bara ett år senare presenterade Malmökommissionen sin slutrapport för ett social hållbart Malmö. Syftet med
uppsatsen är att bredda kunskapen om social konsekvensbeskrivning samt att undersöka dess potentiella effekt på social hållbarhet, eftersom det är av största
vikt att hitta konkreta arbetssätt för att uppnå ökad social hållbarhet.
Genom en litteraturstudie undersöks i uppsatsens första del vad begreppet social konsekvensbeskrivning har för bakgrund, varför det förespråkas, hur en metod för genomförande skulle kunna se ut samt vilka utmaningar som finns. I uppsatsens andra del studeras tre artiklar som utvärderat effekten av att utföra social konsekvensbeskrivning. Litteraturstudiet resulterar i slutsatsen att social konsekvensbeskrivning har stor effekt på social hållbarhet, på flera olika sätt.
Trots att metoden medför en hel del komplexa frågor att förhålla sig till finns det därmed god anledning att utveckla arbetet med social konsekvensbeskrivning, för
att vi tillsammans ska nå en mer socialt hållbar framtid..
Ett nytt stadsbibliotek i Stockholm: En diskursanalys bakom visionen för ett nytt folkbibliotek
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine and analyze the discourse concerning a new public library in Stockholm. The paper further discusses how this discourse corresponds with what is written about public libraries in a number of national and international documents. To do this I have utilized the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe. By using some of their instruments I have established the discourse around a number of keywords.
Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia : En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget
Rosengren, Anna, 2006: Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia. En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget. (Saami Women and Invisible Histories. A Comparative Study of Swedes and Saamis in Court during the 17th Century.)The purpose of the paper is to gain new knowledge about Saami women in the 17th century using court protocols in the Luleå and Torneå Lappmarks, supplemented by secondary sources.Saami women did not write their own history, nor did Saami men. Information available about Saami is written by male representatives of the Swedish crown and church.
Att studera validerade mätinstrument : för att mäta barns oro inför dagoperation
Background: Anxiety with children before surgery is well known. From the 1950s there are various assessment instruments. Despite that most day surgery units offer preparation for children and parents, there are many children who exhibit a strong anxiety the day of surgery, which can lead to postoperative behavioral changes. Today the nurse estimates the anxiety of a child on personal experience and knowledge, forming the basis for estimation whether the child is in need of sedation or not. The purpose: of this study was to evaluate instruments that the nurse can use in measuring the degree of anxiety of children before fast clinical settings, such as day surgery.
Musik och språkutveckling : Hur pedagogerna på en förskola upplever att musik påverkar det språkliga uttalet.
This essay is about "factionstexter", a combination between fact and fiction, and the problems that can occur when reading them. I present previous resarch on this subject and I focused on docu drama and dramadoc. Bo G Jansson is the researcher I used most frequently in this essay. He describes various types of faction texts in film, television and literature. Annette Årheim´s thesis stands for the didactic portion of the essay.
Mjukvaruverktyg för loggning och analys avindustriella processer
This report discusses developing a software log tool for analysis of industrial processes. The target was to develop software that can help electro Engineers for monitor and fault finding in industrial processes. The tool is called PLS (Process log server), and is developed in Visual Studio.NET Framework 2005. PLS works as a client with Beijer Electronics OPC Server. The program is able to read data from PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), trough the OPC Server.
Filosofen som arkitekt : Subjektivitet och metaforik i Discours de la méthode
In this paper, I have proposed a way of interpreting the philosophical subject of the Discours de la méthode that has remained relatively unexplored by contemporary commentators. By investigating the subjectivity that is expressed through Descartes? use of architectural metaphors, I laid bare some of the difficulties inherent in its discursive structure, as well as suggesting that the cogito in fact repeats and inscribes itself into this structure. In this context, the metaphor of the road (or travel) takes a supplementary role in relation to the architectural metaphor, marking the very conditions of existence of the architectonic subject. The subject, in order that it may establish itself as ?pure? and ?independent? thought, is dependent on a certain ?forgetfullness?; that is, only by forgetting its constitutive dependence on the diversity and historicity that is signified by the metaphor of travel, can it establish itself as its own source.
Kundrelationer och kundlönsamhet: En fallstudie av ett modeföretag
This thesis studies the customer relationships and customer accounting methods used by a Swedish fashion company. The aim is to test the empirical applicability of the relationship based framework developed by Lind and Strömsten and to explain potential differences between empirical observations and theory. The framework is based on the categorization of four customer relationship groups and the appropriate customer accounting methods to be used for each relationship. The fashion company, that recently assessed the profitability of its customer base in an aim to implement a new customer strategy, is the object of the qualitative case study. The case study reveals that all customer relationships are to be found at Whyred, except the connective customer relationship.
Välfärd - ett begrepp i förändring : En diskursanalys av LSS
In this thesis, the results of a survey regarding grade progression between secondary and upper secondary school in a municipality in the north of Sweden serve as the starting point for a study of the experiences and expectations of a number of 16 year old girls who are in the first year of upper secondary school. The study is performed by means of focus group interviews with female pupils from the three largest upper secondary schools in said municipality in an attempt to gauge their experiences of grades, grade assessment, teacher practices and perceived differences in how boys and girls are treated. The results show that most of the girls are disappointed with upper secondary school so far. Many of them feel that secondary school was both more fun and more rewarding in a sense of learning. Their appreciation of how this more rewarding atmosphere affected their grades differed between the various groups.
Energiskogens påverkan på ett landskap
Vi lever idag på ett sätt som ställer stora krav på vår miljö och omgivning. Ett sätt att minska människans klimatpåverkan är att använda mer förnyelsebar energi. En sådan förnyelsebar källa är energiskog, vilket kan bli ett viktigt biobränsle. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur de karaktärer som finns i ett landskap kan påverkas, utvecklas och förändras av en energiskogsodling, med fokus på den visuella karaktären och upplevelsen av landskapet. En viktig frågeställning har varit om allmänna intressen kan tillgodoses, som i detta fall energiförsörjning, möjlighet till upplevelse och rekreation och att bevara kulturvärden, samtidigt som hänsyn tas till enskilda ekonomiska intressen.Det landskap som undersökts är Långhundraleden, en dalgång en mil sydöst om Uppsala.
Det goda mötet : En studie av pedagogers syn på goda möten i förskolan
This essay has it purpose to view the assessment and grading in physical education in the Swedish school. Recently published reports from skolverket prove that boys have higher grades in the physical education than girls. Some mean that the reason of this is that the teachers don´t follow the curriculum. The problems we chose to examine are how much do teachers know how to use and connect the curriculum to their teaching? How much of the information and criterion in the curriculum do the teachers use to grade their pupils? And most importantly we wanted to examine why boys gets higher grades then girls, when the curriculum doesn?t seem to suit boys any better than girls.We have interviewed teachers in a certain district and our study shows that the teachers have good knowledge about the curriculum.
Nötköttsproduktion : -En jämförelse av djurskyddslagstiftning, är svensklagstiftning mer optimal för djurvälfärden?
Sweden?s animal legislation was adopted in 1988 and is one of the most rigorous legislations in the world. Despite this, Sweden import beef from countries where animal legislation is not in accordance to the Swedish legislation. The meat consumption in Sweden has, just like the importation of beef, increased while Sweden?s own beef production has decreased.
Klockan 10.31 på morgonen i Khao Lak & The Impossible : Fakta och fiktion i två katastrofskildringar.
This essay is about "factionstexter", a combination between fact and fiction, and the problems that can occur when reading them. I present previous resarch on this subject and I focused on docu drama and dramadoc. Bo G Jansson is the researcher I used most frequently in this essay. He describes various types of faction texts in film, television and literature. Annette Årheim´s thesis stands for the didactic portion of the essay.
Ofrivillig viktnedgång vid allvarlig sjukdom
Viktnedgång är ett ofta förekommande fenomen hos patienter med allvarlig sjukdom. Erfarenheten visar att det inte talas mycket om detta inom vården. Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare insikt i hur patienten upplever sin viktnedgång och vad sjuksköterskan kan göra i sin omvårdnad för att hjälpa patienten att bibehålla sin vikt. Metoden är en litteraturstudie av tretton vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att patienten upplever en förändrad självbild, känner begränsningar i sitt sociala liv, tappar kontrollen över livet vilket är faktorer som påverkar hennes livskvalitet till det sämre.
Sjuksköterskans arbete med Manchestertriage : arbetstillfredsställelse och kompetens
Background: Triage is the sorting of patients according to the severity of medical assessment. Triage has a long history of use in Anglo-Saxon countries but is a fairly new method in Sweden. Researchers have described the Manchester triage group method (MTS) and a literature review of the concept; working contentment and competence focusing on triage. Aim: The ambition with this study was to describe a number of triage nurses working conditions. The research questions were; working with MTS- does it bring work contentment? What kind of competence is needed? Method: Data was collected from 74 triage nurses by a questionnaire containing 37 questions and two questions provided the nurses the opportunities to describe their triage experiences.