2664 Uppsatser om Written assessment - Sida 47 av 178
Det tragiskas hemvist : En uppsats om relationen mellan plats och sanning i Heideggers tänkande
In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized by three different themes: meaning, truth, place. The first two of these have been the subject of countless studies and discussions, but the question of place is still relatively unexplored in Heidegger?s thought, despite the increased interest for this topic in his writings. Even though scholars like Jeff Malpas, Edward Casey, Stuart Elden and Miguel de Beistegui have written books and essays on the importance of the conception of place in Heidegger?s thinking, there are still many important aspects of this theme to be discussed, given the importance Heidegger himself ascribed to this topic.In this essay, I therefore wish to pose the question of how one can understand the relation between place and the role of tragedy in Heidegger?s conception of truth.
Entreprenöriellt lärande Utvärdering av ett utvecklingsprojekt
Abstract This study is an evaluation of a development project, seeking to work for entrepreneurial learning, starting from John Hattie's findings on the significant factors for visible learning. The study is based on action research a method together with a questionnaire, focused interviews and observation, by the issue of How do students perceive entrepreneurial learning? The results show that the methodology contributes to a more active learning and greater work satisfaction among students. The results also reinforce the thesis of the formative assessment and the importance of reflection for increased metacognition. The work identifies the project's educational shortcomings and strengths, and lays the foundation for further development towards full implementation of entrepreneurial learning in a secondary activity that works to prepare students with special needs for the labor market..
En studie av den gestaltande handlingen : att förstå upplevelsen av en egen gestaltningsidé
The action where form is given to inner thouhts and ideas is a creativ course of events which is difficult to grasp. The main purpose is to research how such an action can appear and function. The method which is used to research this purpose is the qualitative interview. The respondent?s inner descriptions and thoughts about a particular phenomenon is what the qualitative interview aims to elicit.
"Det är väl min egen lathet, ambition och inspiration som sätter gränser" : En normkritisk genusstudie om engelsklärares val av romaner till litteraturundervisningen
From an anti-oppressive and a gender perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine whether three English teachers at a comprehensive school in Stockholm make gender conscious selections when selecting novels for their English literature lessons. Through quantitative research, semi-structured interviews and e-mail interviews with these teachers I have attempted to find out if they include both male and female writers when selecting English novels for their students and also what factors affect their selections. I have analyzed the interviews and the quantitative research by using a qualitative and a quantitative content analysis. The theories that I have established my analysis upon are gender theories about the male norm in society, the feminist Simone de Beauvoir?s ideas about the woman as a second gender and the sociologist Raewyn Connell?s gender regimes.
Mediadatabas med webbgränssnitt för hembygdsförening
Throughout the years the Swedish local history societies have collected a large quantity of material, consisting of photos, documents and items, among others. As the society has become more computerized, the need has increased for these collections to become digitalized. This is a way to make their media more easily accessible to the general public, but also to easily be able to archive and preserve for example photos and videos electronically.This thesis concerns itself with the work we have done for the local history society of Nyed in Molkom. The task set before us consisted of creating both a website for the society, and a reliable database from witch the website draws its information. This project allows anyone with administrator privileges to upload new files and any additional information.
Låna Dig Rik : om en marknadsföringskampanj för folkbiblioteken i tre regioner och dess mottagande i lokalpressen
The marketing campaign ?Låna dig rik? [Get rich by lending] involved 25 public libraries in three regions; Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. This paper examines 28 news-articles concerning this campaign, found in eight publications in the responding regions. The purpose of this is to determine to what extent the description of the campaign found therein responded to the intents of its founders and to what extent the public had a say in these articles. The result found indicates that the overall image of the campaign presented in the news-articles was well in correspondence with the intents of the campaign itself but that the public views where arguably absent..
Genus och informationsteknologi
This thesis discusses how the education in the Master of Engineering program can change to become more into line for the students needs, especially for the women, both directly in the education situation and later in their occupational roles. This is done using a gender perspective. Both the education and the occupation today is characterised by masculine norms and values. The education lacks gender perspective and is created by men, for men. The thesis gives concrete proposals on how to change two existing courses to better fit the students.
Seniorer och identitet på Facebook : En studie om seniorers uppfattning och skapande av identitet på Facebook
The aim of our study was to increase understanding of older people?s views on social media?s and identity by asking the question: How do seniors perceive identity on Facebook? Based on a qualitative approach with written interviews conducted by e-mail, we contacted respondents who had and used a Facebook account. In our study we used categories, such as seniors, identity, Facebook and networking to be able to answer our research question. The result of this study is shown as a description of nine respondent?s testimony regarding identity on Facebook.
Myten om jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur det svenska rättsväsendet befäster en ojämlikhet mellan könen
The purpose of this paper is to examine the law regarding gross violations of women and its application in the Swedish legal system. We have investigated how the legal system takes into account a holistic perspective of the vulnerable situation of women in the investigation and assessment and the extent to which psychological violence in the form of verbal abuse, threats and harassment attention. We also wanted to find out how the law's design may contribute to difficulties in the implementation and interpretation of it. In this study, we used a qualitative research approach when we decided to conduct an interview with a police officer and a textual analysis of four cases from the district court. Interview questions were semi-structured in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.
Belastningsergonomi och arbetsmiljörisker vid maskinrumsarbete på fartyg : Riskbedömning av underhållsarbete på separatorer
Syftet med arbetet är att identifiera arbetsmiljörisker genom att analysera arbetsmomenten och arbetsmiljön vid en separatoröverhalning ombord ett fartyg. För att identifiera arbetsmiljörisker användes Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift AFS 2012:02, bedömningsmallen KIM 1 och programmet ALBA. Resultatet av arbetet visar att det finns belastningsrisker och punkter att förbättra. Ett förslag på förbättringar är att ytterligare en arbetsyta på det undersökta fartyget bör utformas för att möjliggöra en bättre arbetsställning och minska antalet lyft. Resultatet visar även att det är viktigt att använda rätt lyftteknik för att minska risken för belastningsskador.
Smärtskattning hos dementa
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa metoder som vårdpersonal kan använda sig av för att bedöma smärta hos personer med demens och vilka konsekvenser som detta medför. En litteraturstudie gjordes där 16 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultatet visade att det finns smärtbedömningsinstrument tillgängliga som kan identifiera smärta hos personer med demens som inte själva verbalt kan beskriva sin smärta. Instrumenten innehöll beskrivningar av beteenden som kunde vara tecken på smärta. En del instrument innehöll förslag till interventioner som kunde utföras och utvärderas.
Produktionschefens arbetssituation : Hur deras arbete kan förändras och utvecklas
This report is written in cooperation with Skanska Sverige Hus Väst and it is discussing the role of site managers within the company. The report will bring up the demands that is put upon site managers and will also discuss stress related problems and how to change and develop the role as a site manager.We came up with three conclusions in this report. We believe that Skanska could develop VSAA to make it easier to use for site managers. We also believe that a further development of the project engineer is of great value, to give him or her greater responsibilities. The last conclusion is to change the responsibilities between the site manager and the production manager, to give the production manager a greater responsibility in the production..
Kommunismens ansikte : Skildringen av kommunismen som ideologi och kommunistiska regimer i svenska och norska gymnasieläroböcker under perioden 1951-2011
This paper presents an analysis of history textbooks used in schools in Sweden and Norway. The intention of the research was to study how the history textbooks describe communism and communistic dictatorship mainly during the cold war. The result of this study is that there were no big differences between Swedish and Norwegian history textbooks, but there are, however, some differences in how communism was described between the authors and also over time. Mostly, the books that were written in the post cold war period were somewhat more critical to communism in the eastern Europe (even thought they mainly handled with Stalin´s communism. And they also set quotationmark between Stalin´s communism and the nazi terror during World War two..
Förstudie för en vindkraftpark på Malmölandet i Norrköping : En undersökning av förutsättningarna för en vindkraftpark på ett sen tidigare planerat område
This is a feasibility study that examines various aspects of building a wind farm on Malmön in Norrköping. The feasibility study deals with interests of conflict, park design, electrical connections, production calculation, financial calculations and operating- and timetable.The report is divided into two distinct parts. First a theoretical part, which deals with conflicting interests, park design and electrical connections. Second a part with simulations dealing with production calculations, and financial calculations.Opposing interests are mapped so that problem areas can be found, and help put focus on the right places at a future environmental impact assessment (EIA). There are a number of areas where planners have to assess on an EIA, this thesis point on the most important areas.
Muntlig examination som bedömningsverktyg
Sammanfattning Denna studie redovisar resultatet av en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning angående muntlig examination inom vuxenutbildningen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka användandet av muntlig examination vid slutprov av kurser inom den gymnasiala och grundläggande vuxenutbildningens Omvårdnadsprogram och Barn- och fritidsprogram. Intervjuerna genomfördes vid tre skolor där sammanlagt nio personer intervjuades. En skolledare och två lärare intervjuades vid respektive skola. Intervjumaterialet bearbetades genom två kategoriseringar.