

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 4 av 47

Ett lustfyllt lärande där inga stjärnögon släcks : hur sju lärare arbetar med den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen med inspiration tagen från Arne Tragetons teori om Att skriva sig till läsning

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers practice Arne Tragetons theory of using computers as the first Writing instrument in reading and Writing development. We wanted to clarify how the work from using Tragetons theory was applied while investigating if and how other methods of reading and Writing instruction were used. Our interest lays in how the teachers accomplished the knowledge of this theory and also how the choice of this approach came about. To investigate this we used interviews with a qualitative nature, where seven active teachers were interviewed. They worked in three different schools in years one to three, they were all women and had various long experiences of work on the computer Writing tools.

Arbete med läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolans tidigare skolår : Två pedagoger berättar om sina arbetssätt

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and Writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and Writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and Writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and Writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.

Analoga och digitala verktyg i svensk?mnets skrivundervisning

The purpose of this study is to investigate how twelve middle school teachers use educational tools and what influences their choice of educational tools in Swedish language Writing instruction. To answer this purpose, three research questions were formulated: What does Writing instruction look like for middle school students according to the teachers in the study? What influences teachers' choice and use of educational tools in Writing instruction? What opportunities and challenges do teachers experience in Swedish language Writing instruction when using different educational tools? Twelve teachers from variously sized municipalities and with different experiences participated in the study through purposive sampling and convenience sampling. The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured teacher interviews. To analyse the results, this study employs analytical tools from the sociocultural perspective, using concepts such as mediation, appropriation, the zone of proximal development, and scaffolding. The results show that both analogue and digital tools are used in the teachers' Writing instruction. The choice of tools should be based on pedagogical considerations, with an emphasis on social interaction and collaboration during the learning process.

Hur gymnasieelever ser på sig själva : Skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to increase the knowledge of which strategies students with reading and Writing disabilities or dyslexia use to learn in secondary school. The study aims to examine the following questions:Which coping strategies do students with reading and Writing disabilities use in their studies?How can remedial teachers support students with reading and Writing disabilities in their learning process?The study consists of two interviews with a total of three hours recorded material made with a secondary school teacher who teaches Swedish and English. The teacher has experiences of reading and Writing disabilities herself but also from teaching students with dyslexia. The interviews are constructed into a lifestory describing experiences of reading and Writing disabilities in school, during teacher training and as a teacher.

Läsinlärning : Hur kan processen organiseras?

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and Writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and Writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and Writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and Writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.

Vi tvingar inte rörelsehindrade att hoppa bock i gymnastiksalen, men vad gör vi med elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter?

The aim of this essay is to examine how students in 6-9 grade with reading and Writing difficulties are treated and supported by teachers and staff at Ideskolan, a community school north of Stockholm. I have chosen to answer the following question:- How does Ideskolan cope with and support students with reading and Writing difficultiesThis has in turn generated the following questions:- How is special education organized at Ideskolan?- Is a diagnose always needed in order to deploy extra support?The method I have employed is observation while participating, together with informal talks and interviews. I have visited Ideskolan twice, one week at the time. The material that the visits have generated is the foundation of the essay, supported by previous research in the field.The essay clarifies what right to special support students have according to law, regulations, curriculum and teaching plans and what they look like in reality at Ideskolan.

"Det är en bra idé att börja med det lättaste" : En studie av lärares uppfattningar av metoden "att skriva sig till läsning"

The aim of this study is to investigate teachers? experiences of working with Writing to Read (WTR), and their perceptions of how pupils develop in reading and Writing when they write on computers or similar devices. Another aim is to study teachers? motives for using the WTR method. The material used for analysis is four interviews with teachers who use WTR.

"... och så har jag ju alltid morsan som kan hjälpa mig" : Om unga vuxnas strategier för att hantera sina läs- och skrivsvårigheter i dagligt liv

Author: Elisabeth Wahlberg Title: ??I?ll just get mum to help me?About Young Adults? Strategies for Coping with Reading and Writing Difficulties in Daily Life  This study investigated how seven young adults, who during senior high school underwent a syllable based intervention due to reading and Writing difficulties, developed their literacy skills, and what strategies they used to try to overcome reading and Writing problems, whether at work, during studies or in their leisure time. The period from when the participants had left school ranged between three and eight years. Qualitative as well as quantitative data was compiled for the study. Qualitative data consisted of  semistructured interviews and quantitative data of tests performed before the intervention and on two occasions after, in order to compare results over time.

En kommun - Tre grundskolor

In this essay, I will look at three different Compulsory comprehensive schools in one community and I will compare final grades from students who graduated in spring 2006. I will also examine how the three schools work with students, and in what way they approach students with dyslexia/reading- and Writing difficulties, so that they could reach goals set by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The aim with this essay is to show differences between schools in the same community and my question is if it is the way you approach students with dyslexia/reading- and Writing difficulties that affects the student?s grades and results.The study is concentrating on three schools in one community and students with dyslexia and reading- and Writing difficulties that went to those schools. I have spoken to remedial teacher at each school about how they approach students with dyslexia/reading- and Writing difficulties, what kind of methods the use, how they investigate if a student is in need of special help and how they grade their students who are in need of special teaching because of their learning disabilities.

Blixten & Ida, två elever med synnedsättning möter läs- & skriftspråket

By studying recent literature and following current research we know that language awareness and a rich language is important to all children when learning reading and Writing and that decoding and understanding of the words are the fundamental processes in reading. How do pupils with visual impairment learn how to read and write? What strategies do they use in their contacts with reading and Writing? What are the advantages do pupils with visual impairment have when learning to read and write? These questions have been the starting points in a study we have done by following two pupils with visual impairment. By meeting and discussing with the children, their parents, teachers, and lowvisiontherapists we have got a deeper knowledge in how these children meet the language in reading and Writing. We have also come to an understanding regarding people surrounding the children have to make reading and Writing comprehensive, enjoying, and meaningful.The problem for a child with visual impairment is the decoding, to catch letters and pictures of words good enough with the sight.

Skrivsamarbete och produktion av elektroniska dokument i studiesammanhang

This thesis paper presents experiences and views on collaborative Writing from interviews with university students. Analysis of these interviews, focusing on problems with coordination and technological tools,  shows that problems to some extent can be avoided with knowledge of the tools used and knowledge of coordination..

Grundläggande läs- och skrivinlärning : Är stavelsen en gynnsam arbetseneht?

The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the syllable as an alternative to the phoneme at the basic reading and Writing. This report is based on a qualitative analysis of Håkanstorp school´s approach to the basic reading and Writing in class. Their approach to reading and Writing is controversial, as it is based on the syllable instead of the phoneme, as usual in the traditional reading and Writing. The education result, I have found, is that the syllable leads to a very clear and structured working procedure, which ultimately leads to class teachers being able to work from a diagnostic approach. This structure, with many parts of the course helps educators to clearly follow what level students are at.

Hur hjälper vi barn och ungdomar med dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter? - En undersökning av insatser från skola och bibliotek

This paper examines how teachers and librarians are helping children and young people withdyslexia/reading and Writing difficulties. The examination has taken place in a small municipalityin Skaraborg County. Seven teachers in the municipal schools and the chief librarian inthe municipal library have been interviewed as well as an advising county librarian.In the municipal schools the pupils have access to literature in easy language and computerswith programs training reading, Writing and spelling. In some schools there are textbooks ontape too. In the municipal library and in the county library disabled readers can loan literatureon tape and literature in easy language.The conclusion of the examination is that children and young people with dyslexia/readingand Writing difficulties need all sorts of aids in reading and Writing.

Dåtid, nutid och framtid : Hur arbetar dagens historielärare i grundskolans senare år med historiemedvetande?

The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with Writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for Writing without making it boring.

Skriftens magi : en betydelsefull & reflekterande resa

The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with Writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for Writing without making it boring.

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