

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 17 av 47

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Stöttande arbete för elever med dyslexi

Purpose: my aim was to explore ways that teachers can support students with dyslexia and what/ which tools some teachers / special education teachers use to facilitate students.Method: I used a quantitative method by interviewing some regular teachers and special education teachersResults: In my study, I learned how some teachers can support students by reading loud to them; a main task for the teachers could be to create the love of reading for the students. That task was reinforced by students' self-image..

Ett (o)tillåtet undantag eller en (ny)etablerad regel? : - En studie av den nuvarande folkrättsliga regleringen av humanitär intervention

AbstractThis essay has as its purpose to discuss the current legal regulation of the concept of humanitarian intervention. The inconsistencies in the debate over the legal status of this concept, and the legal uncertainty it brings to the acts of states and the lives of their nationals is a motivating factor for the Writing of this essay. However, it has been clear from the outset that the concept of humanitarian intervention is intricately connected to political and moral ideas and values. Thus, the attitude taken towards this doctrine will be highly dependent on the perspectives of the state, government or single author representing it.Following this starting point, the aim of this essay is not to present a single answer as to whether humanitarian intervention is, or is not, legal, but to research, compare and analyze the different arguments put forward in this subject in international law today. Hopefully, this will provide the reader of this essay with some insight into the sources of international law of today and how the principles of state sovereignty, non-intervention, the prohibition of force and the protection of human rights relate to the concept of humanitarian intervention.A frank overview of the UN Charter does not support use of force except in the case of self-defence or without a Security Council mandate.

Culhwch & Lúthien : Keltisk mytologi i J. R. R. Tolkiens sagovärld

This study investigates in what respects Celtic mythology influenced J. R. R. Tolkien when Writing the sagas incorporated in the mythopoeic compilation of The Silmarillion. Through narrative and comparative analysis, stories from the Irish prose collection Lebor Gabála Érenn, as well as the Welsh medieval manuscript Mabinogion, are collated to the tales of The Silmarillion in order to illuminate possible influences.

Förskolebarns tankar om geometri

The reason I am Writing this essay is due to my curiosity on how children are interested in and how their understanding in geometry is at preschool years.My interest lies in children and arithmetic and especially geometry, which is something I belive that children deal with a great deal in their everyday routines, both in school and at home.What do children do when they work with geometry, and are they aware of what they do? To figure this out, I have taken my findings from three different interviews that I have done atmy preschool with a group of children that have been preselected.I am also curious about whether there is a difference in different types of schools. In this essay I have compared the preschool I work with a Montessori school and a third type of schoolwhere the children spends most of their day´s outdoors called ?Ur och Skur?In my results I can not see any major differences in these three preschools work with mathematics. The childrens knowledge is at a similar level and the work with geometry hasbeen implemented in a similar way..

Läspedagogik och läsförståelse - finns det ett samband? : En jämförelse av läsförståelsen hos elever i årskurs 4 och 6 och lärarnas arbete med läsning och läsförståelse i klassrummet

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader och likheter mellan elever i årskurs 4 resp. årskurs 6 med avseende på läsförståelsen. För att mäta läsförståelsen användes ett välbeprövat läsförståelsetest. Syftet var också att beskriva hur lärare, med ansvar för läs- och skrivutvecklingen i respektive klass, arbetar med läsning och för att stimulera läsförståelsen hos sina elever. För att ta reda på hur lärarna arbetar besvarades en enkät.

Bibeln och interaktivitet : Om arbetet att skriva manus till spelet Testament

Testament är ett actionrollspel baserat på Bibelns Gamla Testament. Spelet utvecklas tillsammans med Svenska kyrkan i syfte att användas i konfirmandutbildningar.Denna uppsats är en reflekterande rapport som behandlar verket Manus till spelet Testament - Spelmoment, dialoger och mellansekvenser. Verket och denna uppsats är en produkt av ett examensarbete i medier och innehåller en beskrivning av arbetsprocessen att skriva manus till fyra av sex segment i spelet Testament. Rapporten innehåller även analyser och diskussioner om arbetsprocessen och det slutgiltiga resultatet. Verket innefattar detaljerade översikter över spelets interaktiva spelmoment såväl som de texter som representerar spelets dialoger och mellansekvenser.Genom detta arbete undersöks området speladaptation närmare för att ta reda på hur litteratur kan omvandlas till spel och hur interaktiva spelmoment identifieras och utvecklas från en text.Under arbetet har en metod skapats för att identifiera och utveckla interaktiva spelmoment ur Bibelns texter och för att skriva mellansekvenser och dialoger till spelet Testament.

Clashes and Education in Timor Leste

The purpose of this qualitative thesis is to describe and analyse the implementation of an education system in the newly independent state, Timor Leste. One question to be discussed is whether an emergency phase is still going on in the development of a functioning school system, or if Timor Leste already reached a capacity building phase? Via the participant's answers in field observations and interviews, the study analyses the clashes between generations, social classes and different levels in relation to the choice of Portuguese as an official language and the international environment in the country. The thesis concludes that a lot of work remains in creating a fully functioning education system. We enjoyed the Writing - and hope you will enjoy the reading!.

Modersmål genom barnböcker : en kvalitativ studie om modersmålsstödet på en förskola

The purpose of my study has been to find out how mother tongue teachers working in preschools where a majority of the children have a mother tongue other than Swedish make use of fictional children?s books during the mother tongue support lessons. In order to determine this, I am asking the following questions:- What is the range of children's books in the children's mother tongue available at the preschool?- In what ways are the native language teachers encouraging literacy development through the usage of children's books?- How do native language teachers view the childrens? linguistic development as well as the enhancement of cultural identity through the usage of the books?These questions have formed the basis of the methodical approach, which is based on a qualitative research method. The data collection consists of three parts; the observation of mother tongue support, interviews with language teachers as well as with the nursery manager and lastly a survey of children's books in languages other than Swedish at the preschool.The essay has as its theoretical basis the socio-cultural view of learning and development.

Att konstruera nya normer för humanitär intervention : Ansvaret att skydda och interventionen i Libyen

The reason I am Writing this essay is due to my curiosity on how children are interested in and how their understanding in geometry is at preschool years.My interest lies in children and arithmetic and especially geometry, which is something I belive that children deal with a great deal in their everyday routines, both in school and at home.What do children do when they work with geometry, and are they aware of what they do? To figure this out, I have taken my findings from three different interviews that I have done atmy preschool with a group of children that have been preselected.I am also curious about whether there is a difference in different types of schools. In this essay I have compared the preschool I work with a Montessori school and a third type of schoolwhere the children spends most of their day´s outdoors called ?Ur och Skur?In my results I can not see any major differences in these three preschools work with mathematics. The childrens knowledge is at a similar level and the work with geometry hasbeen implemented in a similar way..

To be or not to be : en kritisk studie av vår teaterkanon,och dess eventuella påverkan bland kvinnliga dramatiker idag

Our theatre tradition has a long history where men have written most of the plays. If we want that the theatre should be a place, which should be built as much around womens experience as mens experiences, how can we relate to the canon? This is a study based on questions around our theatre tradition. Three women dramatists have been asked questions like: What do you think about the classics? About the women roles? Do the classics inspire you, in your Writing? Is there a difference in being a female dramatist than being a male dramatist? Femi-nist theatre- theories have been used to guide us through the canon.

Så gör pojkar och män: representationer av maskuliniteter i nära relationer i svensk sex och samlevnadslitteratur 1996 och 2012

The objective of this thesis is to analyse how masculinity in close relationships is represented through imagery and Writing in Världens viktigaste bok and Pojkkön, which are instructive books about sexuality and relationships written for primary school teachers and students. This thesis is based upon theories regarding masculinity and family, and the theorists used are Connell (1996), Prusank (2007), Greif (2009) and Bergnéhr (2008). The methods used are framing and picture analysis to investigate how masculinity in close relationships is represented implicitly and explicitly. The results of this study show that masculinity in close relationships is represented by a man who provides, has an active lifestyle, is outgoing and displays a limited emotional capacity..

Den ?inre konstnärens? agenda och tidtabell : En undersökning om flöde och torka i skaparprocesser

Arbetet behandlar orsaker till ett kreativt motstånd och flöde. Mitt syfte är att ta reda på vad som driver människor att skapa inom området för låtskrivare/artister. Hur hanterar man idétorka och ?skrivkramp? och finns det någon metod för att upprätthålla ett kreativt flöde?Jag har intervjuat sex personer som alla är verksamma som låtskrivare och artister samt använt mig av litteraturstudium. I mitt arbete har jag kommit fram till att skrivkramp kan uppstå av många olika anledningar.

Bilden av judendom i svenska gymnasieläroböcker i religionskunskap

This essay studied how six girls experienced their reading development during their college education in male-dominated profession programs. The issues assumed were how they experience their literature reading and literature education and what happened with their interest in reading. The theoretical frame included researchers Säljö, Rosenblatt, Gun Malmgren, Olin-Scheller, Ulfgaard and Molloy.The study showed that most of the girls felt their reading had worsened but not because of their male classmates but because of school. They had a lot of homework and participated in so many different school projects which would be completed that there was no time to reading for pleasure. The girls did not like the teachers? literate sample and did not like the methods used in learning literature.

Hur mår svensk filmmusik? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska filmkomposito?rers fo?rutsa?ttningar i det nutida produktionsklimatet

This thesis examines Swedish composers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film industry. It starts off with a historical overview treating live music in early silent film, the conversion to sound and the Swedish production climate until present time. The analysis consists of contemporary empirical studies; interviews with people Writing music for film, TV and commercials. The musician's perspective is in focus but directors and other film workers are heard as well. The situation for female composers in a male-dominated industry is also discussed.

Arbetar ämneslärare språkutvecklande?

In this essay I analyze the way my collection of poetry relates to the concept cyclic. What is cyclic and what different interpretations are there concerning the concept? Which other related concepts are there regarding things that seem to reoccur regularly? How does the cyclical, the circular, relate to the linear in regard, for example, to the perception of time? Life often creates the sense that different phenomena and experiences repeat themselves. Different processes are conducted according to regular or irregular cyclical phases, situations seem familiar and events can be relived.         Starting from my Writing project Sinnligt kviller, a collection of poems, I discuss these questions in themselves and the impact they have had on my collection. I describe the phenomenon cyclic as a result of the emotions and moods this term creates in a more or less decisive way.         The intention with this paper is to show how Sinnligt kviller offers different perspectives of and reflections upon the various feelings provoked by the cyclic in our lives, feelings that are given my own voice in the literary text under study..

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