264 Uppsatser om Workshop - Sida 2 av 18
Förslag till datoriserat systemstöd för serviceverkstad vid
Metso Paper Sundsvall AB
Serviceverkstaden vid Metso Paper Sundsvall AB, det vill säga Metso Paper Sundsvall Service Workshop, reparerar och servar maskindetaljer för pappersmassaindustrin. Reparationsbehoven är till viss del svåra att förutspå, vilket gör verksamheten svår att planera och prognostisera. Under åren har det byggts upp flera olika system som stöd för verksamheten vilket gör att beredning och planering av produktionen är relativt omständligt att utföra. Under hösten 2003 påbörjades ett förändringsarbete vilket ska leda till att ledtiderna kortas samt att resurser ska kunna frigöras för den enhet som idag arbetar med planering och beredning. För att förenkla det omständliga arbetet med att planera och bereda produktionen efterfrågas ett enkelt, flexibelt och användarvänligt systemstöd.
Det medeltida Fårö : en empirisk studie av tre husgrunder på en medeltida ödegård
The aim of the study was to through empirical studies interpret the relation between three partially investigated house foundations, on an abandoned farm in Langhammars on northern Fårö. This relation focused upon two main questions; the time of use and the spatial distribution of the archaeological finds.Trough comparative analysis two of these houses can establish to have been contemporary, the third one is too roughly examined. A discussion about the hypothec idea of two or three contemporary farms was made with a negative result.In house 1 smaller processing of tools of flint has taken place near the fireplace in the larger room. A concentration of pottery was also visible near the fireplace, likely to be connected to cooking and eating. The smallest room in the northeast part of the house could have functioned as a storeroom and/or held Workshop activities.The archaeological finds and the distribution of it, strongly indicates that house 1 mostlikely consisted of a dwelling house and house 2 functioned as a Workshop; linked to activities with handicrafts.
Gymnasieskolans utemiljö ur ettelevperspektiv
The essay is written at the request of Nyköping municipality park management by PatRadestedt who wanted a design proposal for one of the five courtyards at the Tessin Schoolin Nyköping. The Tessin School is located 2 miles from the center of Nyköping and the schoolhouses approximately 900 students. To make a design proposal for the courtyard that lies atthe canteen I decided from the outset that I wanted to take some of the Tessin SchoolStudents' opinions and wishes regarding their own outdoor spaces. I had a Workshop witheight students from the arts program with the image orientation in which they had to drawand tell them what they wanted to do in the courtyard. The outcome of the Workshop, Iused to move forward in my future work with a concept that fit into the environment, wethen apply it in my final design proposal.
Det ha?r arbetet syftar till att underso?ka hur man integrerar sin slutanva?ndare i designprocessen fo?r att go?ra dem delaktiga i slutresultatet. Hur man kan fra?mja ka?nslan av delaktighet, stolthet och engagemang fo?r sin ort genom ett gemensamt skapande..
Mobilt slakteri för lamm
The essay is written at the request of Nyköping municipality park management by PatRadestedt who wanted a design proposal for one of the five courtyards at the Tessin Schoolin Nyköping. The Tessin School is located 2 miles from the center of Nyköping and the schoolhouses approximately 900 students. To make a design proposal for the courtyard that lies atthe canteen I decided from the outset that I wanted to take some of the Tessin SchoolStudents' opinions and wishes regarding their own outdoor spaces. I had a Workshop witheight students from the arts program with the image orientation in which they had to drawand tell them what they wanted to do in the courtyard. The outcome of the Workshop, Iused to move forward in my future work with a concept that fit into the environment, wethen apply it in my final design proposal.
Workshopmetodik för uppstart av nya projekt inom mobil IT
Ordet Workshop är något som växt sig mer och mer välkänt under det senaste årtiondet. Det har blivit ett allt mer använt, såväl som omtyckt arbetssätt. Detta har medfört att bra Workshopmetoder är något som är av stort intresse för företag. En form av Workshop som används är idégenereringsWorkshops, något som kan vara önskvärt vid dessa är att samtliga deltagare har en gemensam målbild, vilket kan vara problematiskt att uppnå.Målet med denna fallstudie var att skapa en Workshopmetodik som är anpassad för arbete med mobila applikationer. Workshopen genomsyras också av ett fokus på att skapa en gemensam målbild hos deltagarna, samt ett synsätt som utgår från den potentiella mobilapplikationens slutanvändare.Genom att utnyttja information från en litteraturstudie, ett antal intervjuer samt önskemål och erfarenheter från företaget Sogeti inom ämnet, skapades en mängd kriterier.
Standardiserat arbetssätt för kunskapsprocesser : ? En fallstudie på en prototypverkstad
In recent years, Lean has been implemented in a variety of companies with focus areas that differ from the conditions that characterizes manufacturing. This transfer has contributed to fairly superficial results because companies almost exclusively focus on Toyotas methodology and not on the goal of Lean. The effort of transforming Lean from manufacturing to any organization requires a definition on a general level and a view of Lean as a system. One of the core principles of Lean and the foundation of continuous improvements is standardized work. In product development there is a negative view on standardized work, where the engineers state that the principle is not applicable for knowledge processes that include non-repetitive and creative work.In the framework of this master thesis literature has been studied to find support that standardized work is applicable for product development and areas that include knowledge processes.
Effektivisering av kundorderflöde : En fallstudie på BUFAB Bulten Stainless AB
We were commissioned by Bulten Stainless AB to identify and analyze their customer order flow. Because the company had problems with delays in the production and deliveries to the customer, the task also included investigation of how the company work with prevention and management of delays. The purpose of the project also included to identify critical factors for effective order flow in smaller Workshop companies.The information about the flow and how the work takes place within the company were collected through observations on the company and interviews with the staff. This information was used to draw maps over the customer order flow and to write a description of the current situation within the company. Both strengths and weaknesses of the companies work could be identified through analysis of the present situation.
The artistic planner and the planning artist in participatory practices in urban development
A brush of paint on a grey compound wall can mean so much more than simply an addition of colour. It can meanan appropriation of public space, a shared public space enclosed by a wall now ?owned? by someone. It can meanan arisen conflict leading to debate about the right to use public space.The Wall Project is a Mumbai based beautification project that uses paint and outdoor walls to brighten uptheir city. The Urban Typhoon Workshop is an activity set up in self-evolving neighbourhoods where municipalinterference is scarce.
Ledarskap i ett Lean perspektiv : vad i sitt ledarskap behöver lantbrukarna utveckla?
The essay is written at the request of Nyköping municipality park management by PatRadestedt who wanted a design proposal for one of the five courtyards at the Tessin Schoolin Nyköping. The Tessin School is located 2 miles from the center of Nyköping and the schoolhouses approximately 900 students. To make a design proposal for the courtyard that lies atthe canteen I decided from the outset that I wanted to take some of the Tessin SchoolStudents' opinions and wishes regarding their own outdoor spaces. I had a Workshop witheight students from the arts program with the image orientation in which they had to drawand tell them what they wanted to do in the courtyard. The outcome of the Workshop, Iused to move forward in my future work with a concept that fit into the environment, wethen apply it in my final design proposal.
Iden om skärningspunkter genom arbetsmetoder : A WELL KEPT SECRET
ProblemformuleringFörfattarna anser att organisationer ofta associeras med formaliserade beteenden, men vad skulle hända om vi bryter dessa associationshinder i ett försök att skapa skärnings-punkter. Går det att genom arbetsmetoder främja möjligheter för skärningspunkter och öka innovationsförmågan genom intraprenörernas roll i organisationer?SyfteSyftet är att tolka Frans Johanssons (2005) teorier om skärningspunkter och översätta dem till arbetsmetoder.MetodGenom studien har författarna pendlat mellan olika abstraktionsnivåer och insamlat te-ori och empiri allteftersom. De har genom tolkning, applicerat teorier till arbetsmetoder och utfört en empirisk Workshop. I analysen har författarna kopplat samman teorin och empirin för att diskutera kring, samt försöka besvara studiens syfte.SlutsatsStudien visar att det är möjligt att använda Frans Johanssons (2005) teorier kring skär-ningspunkter i arbetsmetoder.
Gränser : En studie av den estetisk-praktiska miljöns pedagogisk-terapeutiska grundegenskaper utgående från två verksamheter: Hagastiftelsens verkstäder och Kristofferskolans bokbinderi
Borderlands. A study of the aesthetic-practical environment, its pedagogical and therapeutical properties based on the outline of two practices/institutions: the Workshops at Hagastiftelsen and the bookbindery at the Kristofferschool. The perspective on education, pedagogy and therapy taken is an existential one where the main aims of an educational-therapeutic intervention is to support biographical development and integrity. In the process action research in my own bookbinding Workshop as well as hermeneutic research at the Workshops at Hagastiftelsen where adults with autism and other neuropsychological disorders work have been the sources of primary empirical data. Secondary sources are patient-histories written by Oliver Sacks as well as autobiographical narratives of some adults with autism.
An investigation about e-commerce integrated with shopping mall ? How can a shopping mall integrate e-commerce?
The shopping mall branch has estimated that the turnover of e-commerce will double within the upcoming ten years (NSCS, 2013). The growth can thus stop for shopping malls and there is a risk that some shopping malls end up being "dead-malls", completely losing their turnover.The thesis starts off with presenting the background for the factors of trade, i.e. e-commerce and shopping malls.This is followed by a presentation of which integration possibilities there are in Sweden today and by examples from the British market. Thereafter follows a section on integration possibilities that shopping malls can use in order to integrate e-commerce instead of regarding it as a threat. This can be done in several ways, e.g.
Ideation through visualization : ? The use of Storyboard as a preparing tool
ProblemIdeation in group is used by many, often as a tool for creating new and innovative ways to solve problems and creating change. Groups may have difficulties to move from the phase of inspiration to the phase of ideation, if information and ideas aren?t defined in the team.The authors claim that this process can be helped by providing practical tools that are adapted and tested for the purpose. The reason is to foster concretization of volatile thoughts in form of inspiration and information.PurposeThe study aims to investigate how Storyboard as a tool can be used to concretize thoughts and inspiration in a group before ideation.MethodIn order to collect empirical data the authors along with four other facilitators, conducted 24 DO TANK:s for the innovation contest Smart Lunch. The empirical data where then analyzed using theories related to the topic.
Sorgbearbetning : en kvalitativ studie av ett handlingsprogram för sorgbearbetning
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur några personer ur personalgruppen på en skola som på sin arbetsplats deltagit i en av Svenska institutet för sorgbearbetning arrangerad Workshop upplever sitt deltagande. Frågeställningarna som använts för att uppnå syftet var: Hur upplever några av de personer som deltagit i Workshopen att den förändrat deras sätt att hantera sin egen sorg, hur upplever några av de personer som deltagit i Workshopen att de genom Workshopen tillgodogjort sig kunskaper att använda i sitt yrkesutövande och i relationen till kollegor? Resultatet analyserades ur ett behavioristiskt perspektiv med hjälp av Skinners principer för beteenden och Baer, Wolf & Risleys teori, den tillämpade beteendeanalysen samt James och Friedmans handlingsprogram för sorgbearbetning. Urvalsramen bestod av 6 personer som deltagit i en Workshop kring ett handlingsprogram för sorgbearbetning. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ då informanternas upplevelser av handlingsprogrammet stod i fokus.