

10739 Uppsatser om Work self efficacy - Sida 55 av 716

Att rimma och ramsa i förskolan : Förskollärares erfarenheter kring arbete med barns språkutveckling

The aim of this paper was to contribute to knowledge about how preschool-teachers work with the development of children?s spoken language in preschool.The study was conducted through interviews with four preschool-teachers working at the same preschool with one to five year old children. Through the interviews I came to learn about the preschool teachers experience concerning their work with development of children?s spoken language.The results show that the preschool teachers used pedagogical tools like songs, movements, rimes, jungles and stories in their work to develop the children?s spoken language. They said that conflicts and exclusion among children in a group could be a result of differences in language skills.

Anspänning och förutsättningar för inlärning bland studenter: Betydelsen av krav och kontroll i studiesituationen

Höga krav i kombination med låg kontroll har inom arbetslivsforskningen visat sig kunna leda till psykologisk anspänning. I kombination med hög kontroll kan höga krav istället leda till att individens inlärning ökar (Karasek, 1979). Studien syftade till att, med Karaseks krav- och kontrollmodell (1979) som grund, undersöka om graden av krav och kontroll har något samband med anspänning och förutsättningar för inlärning bland studenter. En enkätundersökning genomfördes där deltagarna självskattade upplevelsen av krav och kontroll i studiesituationen, anspänning, self-efficacy samt motivationsmönster. Resultatet visade att höga krav i kombination med låg kontroll är relaterade till psykologisk anspänning.

Lärarledarskap i klassrummet : En etnografisk inspirerad studie med Critical Incident Technique som analysverksyg för att synliggöra strategier hos en specifik lärare

The purpose has been to investigate leisure-time centers actual work on children with attention deficit disorder. In addition, the study strives to make leisure-time centers way of working, in relation to their assignments, visible. The study has also compared how the leisure-time centers work and what the research says. The survey was conducted with the help of three exploratory interviews with pedagogues and three-piece observations at the leisure-time centers. It was carried out at three different schools in two counties in Sweden.The results of the survey show that the schools are trying to create clear procedures, though the centers succeed with this in varied degrees.

Hur ser verkligheten ut? : En studie av olika människors syn på och tankar om diskriminering och annan kränkande behandling

On the 1st April 2006 a new legislation came into effect in Sweden; The ProhibitingDiscrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and Pupils Act (2006:67). TheAct is applicable to education and other activities referred to in the Education Act(1985:1100). This dissertation aims to examine how teachers work to combatdiscrimination, and establishes whether headmasters and teachers have changed their work procedures since the law came into force.In order to seek the answers to my questions I have conducted 8 qualitative interviews with headmasters and teachers from two schools in a community outside Karlstad, with both schools comprising of students from pre-school until year 6.Discrimination is not a new phenomenon in schools, but neither is the fact that it is theschools? responsibility to work against discrimination. Discrimination is still taking place,despite discrimination laws being clearly stated within the Education Act (1985:1100) andthe school curriculum.

Employer branding i offentlig sektor : En deskriptiv fallstudie av Örebro kommuns arbete med employer branding

Employer branding in public sectorA descriptive case study on Örebro kommuns work with employer brandingProblem: Previous literature on employer branding is normative and highlights what the work with employer branding should contain in order to succeed. Previous literature lack descriptions of how the actual work is carried out in organizations. Previous literature also takes basis in the private sector and there is a lack of studies conducted in the public sector.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization in a public sector works with employer branding and it also aims to increase the understanding of employer branding.Method: The study is a descriptive case study based on a qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews with two employees at Örebro kommun. Throughout the study previous literature on employer branding is used.Results: We have noticed different activities in the organizations work with employees, leadership and communication that contribute to employer branding. The organization has a well-developed approach for the existing employees that contribute to the employee's personal development.

Linjärstyrning för aluminiumprofiler : Framtagning av prototyp

This thesis describes the development ofa linear guidance system suited for NORCAN's aluminium profiles. The work took place at LP Innovation, a small technical consulting company, located in Uppsala. The work started with gathering and searching for information. A lot of the information was found in product catalogs, but my supervisor was also a great source of knowledge, as well as the other engineers at the company. I also had the opportunity to work with the rea lprofiles, to get a feeling and greater understanding how they were supposed to be used. With the use of sketching and CAD, a number of concepts were generated.

Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för arbetsminne och skolprestationer

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

Stamning i samtal : Stamningens uttryck och bemötande

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

Säkerheten på en byggarbetsplats : Förhåller sig Skanska och dess underentreprenörer olika till arbetsmiljösäkerhet?

Approximately ten people die every year at building sites in Sweden. Every year TheWork Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) receives 3200 accident reportsfrom the construction sector. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has the vision:?Zero accidents?. Only at Skanska Sweden, where this diploma work is preformed,350-520 accidents and mishaps are reported every year for the last 5 years.

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En intervjustudie om fyra pedagogers resonemang om sitt arbetssätt för en inkluderande verksamhet

The purpose of this study is to gain insight of four preschool teacher?s perspectives and reasoning in two different local if they working to counteract exclusion. The questions this study assumes are: How does the teachers in preschool reason about how they working against exclusion of children with diagnosis in the free game, if there are? How does the teachers reasoning about their methods and personal strategies they uses to include children with diagnosis in the free game, if they are excluded? How does the teachers reasoning about the diagnosis effect of these children?s social interaction with other children if the diagnosis became their identity? The method in this study to collect material about the teacher´s perspective on the subject is semi-structured interviews. The collected material has been analyzed and interpreted from a socio-cultural perspective.

Mänskliga rättigheter inom den svenska klädesindustrin : Klädföretagens revision av sina leverantörer i utvecklingsländer

 This essay is about how the educators can use the play as a tool to develop childrens social skills with eachother. The work is based on a qualitative study using a survey, where the educators can tell how they work within the play. I chose to use five different participants in my essay. All of them work in the same preschool, south of Stockholm.In this essay I have two questions. These two are:What do the educators tell about the importance of play for children's interaction?How do the educators tell how they work with the play to develop the children?s social interaction?Previous research shows that play gives the children opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.

Att lyckas med "det svåra" : En kvalitativ studie om att återetablera sin karriär med framgång i ett nytt land

The study has examined how some immigrants have managed to reestablish their professional careers in Sweden. Through in-depth-interviewing with six immigrant informants representing different genders, age and professional experience the process of successfully reestablishing a career within the same professional area in Sweden as in their native country is examined.The study looked at structural and individual possibilities and obstacles which affected the individual. In addition the study looked at the personal characteristics and strategies used by the informants to overcome and succeed in adapting and reestablishing their working life.  The study has drawn on human capital and social capital theory for a basic understanding of how education and skills affect. In addition the informants have surpassed structural barriers affecting many other immigrants.

Försäkringskassans förnyelsearbete - en studie av organisatoriskt lärande vid förändringsarbete

The Swedish government corporation Försäkringskassan is currently undergoing large organizational changes. Modifications are made regarding the national insurance system and work procedures. In this study we have investigated the procedures of change with the aim of identifying which pedagogical processes in work procedures that enables organizational learning. Furthermore, the study aimed at gaining insight of how the work procedures enable organizational learning in a learning organization. We have utilized case study tradition to examine specific occurrences in their natural environment to thereby understand the matter of investigation.

Entreprenöriellt lärande Utvärdering av ett utvecklingsprojekt

Abstract This study is an evaluation of a development project, seeking to work for entrepreneurial learning, starting from John Hattie's findings on the significant factors for visible learning. The study is based on action research a method together with a questionnaire, focused interviews and observation, by the issue of How do students perceive entrepreneurial learning? The results show that the methodology contributes to a more active learning and greater work satisfaction among students. The results also reinforce the thesis of the formative assessment and the importance of reflection for increased metacognition. The work identifies the project's educational shortcomings and strengths, and lays the foundation for further development towards full implementation of entrepreneurial learning in a secondary activity that works to prepare students with special needs for the labor market..

Gud, moder eller mask? : Om konceptuella metaforer i svensk dagspress från Internationella kvinnodagen 2010

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

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