

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 58 av 779

Myndigheters varumärkesarbete och demokrati

The aim of this thesis is to better understand branding work in government agencies. What can systematic branding work result in, in a government agency, besides a strong brand in itself? Can it contribute to the democratic mission that government agencies have?Based on background information on government agencies, their mission in terms of communication, their particular characteristics in relation to the private sector; brands and how they are developed; as well as theories in organizational communication, and research on the possibilities and risks of branding work in the public sector, a qualitative case study on the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) was carried out.The case study consists of a study of PRV?s brand platform, their website as well as an interview with the person responsible for developing the platform. The information gathered during the case study indicates that PRV?s brand work seems to have resulted in a number of positive outcomes.

Hållbarhetsredovisning - Till vem är den skriven?

Miljömedvetenhet är ett begrepp som används flitigt idag både i företagsvärlden och privat. Detta har lett till att kundernas medvetenhet om miljön och det sociala ansvaret har ökat och de ställer allt högre krav på företagens produkter och tjänster.Allt eftersom de bildas nya moderna företag ökar konkurrensen och många företag väljer att lägga stora resurser inom hållbar utveckling för att uppnå konkurrensfördelar. För att företagen ska kunna kommunicera sitt miljöansvar till omvärlden skapar dem en hållbarhetsredovisning där dem talar om sitt ansvar för omvärlden. De tre vanligaste ansvaren som man finner i en hållbarhetsredovisning är det sociala ansvaret, det ekonomiska ansvaret och miljöansvaret.Hur en hållbarhetsredovisning ska utformas är frivilligt och variationen gör att det kan bli svårt för ett otränat öga att tolka och jämföra informationen Vi tror att en stor del till variationen inom hållbarhetsredovisning är att företagen väljer att rikta sig till olika intressenter som dem finner intressanta för bolaget.Syftet med denna uppsats är att granska och tolka hållbarhetsredovisningarna från nordens tre största flygbolag; SAS, Norwegian Airlines och Finnair för att få svar på frågan till vem deras hållbarhetsredovisning är skriven.För att uppnå vårt syfte med uppsatsen har vi kopplat den information vi fått från bolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar till olika teorier för att skapa oss en uppfattning om företagen. Vi har då kommit fram till att bolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar lägger fokus och riktar sig till olika intressenter.

Marknadsinriktad miljökommunikation på Internet : försäkringsbolaget Folksam

Many companies are presently investing in different types of environmental strategies, and it is varying to what level they channel their resources to environmental efforts. It is also diverging to what extent organizations effort to profile themselves as environmentally conscious. This can be due to difficulties in reaching out to customers and to finding the most efficient method of green marketing communication. The aim of this study is to analyse how an insurance company more actively can communicate environmental matters foremost in their contact with customers. One can in different mediums daily follow debates and discussions concerning the environment. Many insurance companies have also identified their role in performing green work.

Företags sociala samhällsansvar ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv : Hur kan ett företag arbeta med detta i sin marknadsföring?

I den här uppsatsen har en fallstudie genomförts i syfte att ta reda på hur ett företag iservicehandeln med hjälp av utvalda marknadsföringsstrategier kan påverka konsumenter tillatt välja ett mer hälsosamt alternativ vid inköp av livsmedel, samt om detta är något somefterfrågas av kunderna själva. De teorier som ligger till grund för arbetet är teorier omföretags frivilliga samhällsansvar, även kallad Corporate Social Responsibility, butikenspåverkan på ett köp samt kunders köpbeteende och impulsköp. Syftets företagsperspektiv harundersökts genom två intervjuer med en franchisetagare hos Reitan Convenience Sweden ABoch genom en intervju med verkställande direktör för branschorganisationen SvenskServicehandel & Fast Food. Data från kundperspektivet har samlats in genom enkäter ochintervjuer med ett urval av butikens kunder. För att skapa en helhetsbild av de bådaperspektiven har även en observationsstudie genomförts.

Skönlitteratur i undervisningen : Vilken roll har skönlitteraturen i undervisningen?

The purpose of my study is to investigate the wideness of working with fiction in education during the early years in primary school. I want to see in what way fiction is involved and why the teachers choose to work the way they are with fiction. I also want to see what kind of effects this work could have on the development of the pupils. I've done interviews with four teachers to find out about their opinions when it comes to involve fiction into the education. The teachers are all working with pupils between nine and eleven years old.

Ekonomisk och teknisk uppföljning vid anläggningsprojekt : För möjlighet till bättre erfarenhetsåterföring

Due to the obvious fact that one can never be hundred percent sure of what's hiddenunder the ground surface, construction work is naturally hard to project.However, many of the work methods are executed in the same way on variousprojects. The department of construction work at JM AB region öst describes a lackof follow-ups and feedback between the calculators and production managers.In this thesis we have studied the communication between these groups and alsohow they share experiences and knowledge. In order to get the full pictureof the day-to-day operations we used three methods to gather information. Studyingliterature gave basic knowledge of theories about feedback, and thenecessity of working with giving feedback. In order to understand the process ofconstruction work we made several interviews, both structured and nstructured.

Synen på hemlöshet : En diskursanalys av hemlöshetsarbetet i Norrköpings kommun

The aim of this paper is to see how the local authorities in Norrköping create a way to look at homelessness. This aim is examined with the help of the central questions: How does the municipality describe homelessness as a phenomenon? What causes to homelessness can be seen in the texts? How do they describe homeless people? And What kind of actions are used or proposed? The analysis has been done with the tools and thoughts of the critical discourse analysis and made on text documents written by politics and employees of the city of Norrköping. The theories which have been used are those of postmodernism, welfare, homelessness, civil society and relative poverty. The analysis shows that the way the municipality of Norrköping looks at homelessness correspond with the way homelessness is presented in current Swedish research.

Hållbarhetsredovisning- För Vem? : centrala intressenters möjliga påverkan på icke-statliga företags hållbarhetsredovisning

Companies today face more and more demands from society and stakeholders. It is no longer about just satisfying shareholders, sales and making a profit. Consumers are becoming more aware of products effects and the consequences it has on humans, our environment and the generation ahead of us. NGO:s and society request that companies take responsibility and actions toward a more sustainable business. Many investors analyze companies? sustainability regarding social and environmental issues when it comes to choosing a company to invest in.

När otillräckligheten byter namn : Socialsekreterares medvetenhet om arbetsrelaterad stress och hur de hanterar den

According to statistics, a significant increase in sickness has occurred in the public sector in recent decades in Sweden. Human therapeutic professions is the area where the illness is most prevalent. The purpose of this study was through a qualitative method and hermeneutic approaches explore how conscious six social workers in the social services are on stress and how they cope with it. Further it investigates and analyzes how these results affect their daily work.One important result due to stress is that the social workers ability to treat their clients is impaired and they are less able to be empathetic. Inadequacy in the work environment leads to a sense of insufficiency by social workers, and a reduced quality of life.

Socialt arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplever det tvärkulturella arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

The purpose of this study was to examine how some social workers in Sweden describe the social work with unaccompanied children. Emphasis was on the role of culture in social work with the unaccompanied children. I wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view on social work with unaccompanied. I also wanted to examine how the social workers describe their view at their own and the unaccompanied children?s cultural backgrounds influence on the social work with the unaccompanied.

Uttagsbeskattning av en kooperativ förenings försäljning av el till självkostnadspris

The thesis has as purpose to describe and analyse a decision made be the Swedish tax committee in which it was decided that a cooperative economical associations selling price, which was less than the comparable public bonds market price, would be the focus of a withdrawal tax. There are exceptions from a withdrawal tax, that is if the transaction has a business motivation. However the concept, business motivation, is narrowly interpreted both in the preparatory works and in case law, which makes it irrelevant to the situation at hand. A cooperative economical association is a form of association nearest akin to the limited companies. These types of associations have as purpose to increase their owners wealth with the benefit of freedom from personal responsibility.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av interaktion med närstående i kommunal äldrevård

Background:In pace with the increasingly aging population will the number of older people in nursing homes and with care in home grow. This means that the nurse will face related to the older more frequently and more widely. Nurses has overall responsibility over both the care of the elderly as a responsibility of maintaining good relationships with related parties. Related parties are of great importance for the older individual, it is therefore relevant for the nurse to be able to interact in a respectful and sensitive manner to involve the relatives in care.Aim:The aim with this study was to highlight nurse's experiences of interaction with related parties to elderly in community health care.Method:A literature review based on nine qualitative articles was conducted. Friberg design was used with the inspiration of Lundman and Hällgren Graneheim regarding the analysis of Articles.Results:The study resulted in four themes.

Drogförebyggande arbete riktat mot barn och ungdom : Vad som görs i skola och kommun i två kommuner i Skåne

This paper is about drug prevention. In my paper the aim is to examine when, where and how the drug prevention work, by law, is being realized, on local levels, in school and municipality, towards youth.My central questions are among others: What does it imply, how the municipality and school value the drug prevention work?, Which prevention programs do the municipality and school use? and Does the drug prevention work give any results? The method I've been using is qualitative interviews and studies of literature and research.The main results I gained with my studie are, that the work of politicians is not in phase with the development in society. And in spite of the fact that drug prevention programs are used, the young ones are using drugs and alcohol more than ever..

"Det finns möjligheter med allt och i klassrummet finner man svaren." : En studie av lärares arbete i ett mångkulturellt klassrum

Our intention with this study is to investigate teachers work in a multicultural classroom. For the purpose of this study, a web survey was constructed. The investigation was carried out among teachers on three different multicultural secondary schools in Sweden. 53 teachers informed us about their own experiences and thoughts concerning their work in a multicultural classroom. Conceptions as multiculturalism, methods in teaching, the climate in classrooms, teacher cultures and interculturalism has been used in the study.

Communicating criteria

In the light of the criticism from the Swedish Consumers? Association towards the actions of modern fund managers on the Swedish Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) market, discussions of change has increased. The reasons underlying a change and communication process are scarcely focused on. Thus, grounded on theories in the fields of Critical Management Studies (CSR), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), change and communication, this study analyses how a change of implementing revised SRI communication is carried out at Handelsbanken Asset Management, existing motives for the change in communication, and how key actors can affect the process. A participant observation and in-depth interviews were carried out enfolding a discussion that contributed with a critical analysis and discussion, concluding external motives to be dominant and that key actors of the change process are influential to a various extent.

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