

11672 Uppsatser om Work responsibility - Sida 10 av 779

Corporate Social Responsibility : Ett ansvarsfullt ledarskap

This thesis discusses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, which means that companies are taking a voluntary accountability towards the society with a view to improve it. Today's stakeholders and people in general have higher demands and expectations on businesses and its products or services than before. This is driving more and more companies to consider questions like voluntary responsibility so that they can maintain public confidence. Confidence towards the banking sector is particularly important to avoid financial crises. Our study focuses on leadership impact on CSR.


This report describes the work with creating a CMS (Content Manager System). A CMS is a web tool so you easy can publish materials on your web page. With a CM Scan you can without any knowledge of programming web pages create and maintain a web page. This will result in that you and your organisation save time and money. You can also split the responsibility for the webpage in different roles, but still keep the control.

Kränkande behandling via sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens syn på kränkande behandling via sociala medier

The aim of this study is to examine if and to what extent the personnel at the local school perceive offensive treatment through the social media among the students and what the personnel thinks about the responsibility of the school to prevent this type of abuse. Offensive treatment through the social media has become a common occurrence among youth and affects health in both psychological and physical ways. As offensive treatment through the social media often takes place outside of school in the students spare time the responsibility of their health is unclear. But since it affects their school results the school has a responsibility to act, which is confirmed by legislation. However, the legislation does not mention offensive treatment through the social media and the school has no distinct guidelines to prevent this form of offensive treatment.

Utstationering av arbetstagare - en studie om utstationerade arbetstagares arbetsmiljösituation inom byggbranschen 

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an international characterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs most posted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s also the sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this study is therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding posted workers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter att vårda och ha vårdansvar för personer med demenssjukdom i hemsjukvård : - En intervjustudie

The number of elderly in society is increasing and therefore the number of people with dementia. They continue to live in their homes longer, which also increases the responsibility of district nurses. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of district nurses to care for and have responsibility for the care of people with dementia in home care. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study and content analysis was used for data processing.

Ofrivilliga graviditeter - tjejens respektive killens ansvar: en studie av synen på ofrivilliga graviditeter bland personal på ungdomsmottagningen.

The aim of this study was to investigate and gain a deeper understanding of how the staff at the youth clinic approaches, and might influence, participation and responsibility as regards the girl and boy respectively in the process that follows when an unplanned pregnancy has been verified. Qualitative interviews were carried out with staff at five youth clinics in Skåne. All staff did routinely work with girls and boys that were involved in an unplanned pregnancy. The theoretical starting point of the study was a gender perspective involving feministic gender theory and masculinity theory. The main questions were: How does the staff at the youth clinic view the responsibility distribution between the girl and the boy involved in an unplanned pregnancy, and how does the staff explain this distribution? Are there any guidelines to how the boy and girl should be approached, and in this way ensuring that they both feel involved in the unplanned pregnancy and its consequences? How does the youth clinic staff view and discuss a gender perspective in relation to their work? The result of the study showed that at four of the clinics a difference was evident in the staffs´ views as regards participation and responsibility in the unplanned pregnancy of the boy and girl respectively.

Responsible sourcing and transparency in the home textile industry : the case of cotton

CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, has become increasingly important in a globalised world where the responsibilities of companies and governments are somewhat blurry. The textile industry is an industry where long supply chains and raw material production in developing countries are factors adding to the complexity and difficulties of solving ethical issues. Cotton production faces many environmental, social and financial challenges in the value chain. Therefore this case study takes a closer look at five Nordic home textile companies, Ikea, Hemtex, S Group, Moko and Finlayson, and how these companies choose their cotton related CSR tools and communicate their work on this area. These companies are of various sizes and therefore the resources for CSR work are also different, as well as the perceived values for working with CSR.

Från miljöarbete till hållbar utveckling - en studie av fem företag

During the 90s most companies organized and adopted routines for their environmental work. This work included for example eco-efficiency improvements and the introduction of environmental managing systems. At the UN conference in Rio in 1992 the concept Sustainable development was defined, but it was not until about the year of 2000 that companies in Sweden shifted their work from environmental management to sustainable management. A consequence of this is that they now have to focus on environmental aspect in conjunction with social and economic aspects.The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of what a change of focus to sustainable development means for companies. Has the environmental work suffered in the competition with social/economical aspects under the new sustainable focus? How will the new way of working affect the balance between environmental and social aspects? Changes were studied in five companies by analysing their annual-, environmental- and sustainability reports and through interviews of sustainable managers.

Artikelbundna instruktioner : Layout och rutiner

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

Gemenskap och utanförskap i bemanningsbranschen : En studie om inhyrda arbetstagares psykosociala arbetsmiljö.

The aim of this study is to examine the legal regulation regarding the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to examine how temporary agency workers perceive their psychosocial work environment, and possible consequences of such perception. The methodology of the study consists of practical legal method and qualitative method in the form of interviews.The results show that the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers is regulated at both the EU legal level by Directive as well as at national level in Arbetsmiljölagen and regulations issued by Arbetsmiljöverket. The study finds that health and safety responsibility for temporary agency workers is shared between the agency and the client company. The result of the study indicates that there are shortcomings in the introduction and training of temporary agency workers, which can contribute to an unsatisfactory work environment.

Penningtvättslagen : Revisorns inställning och tillämpning

Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper  Arbetets art:                   D-uppsats, 15 hp                                                                           Lärarprogrammet                                      Samhällsutveckling med ett internationellt perspektiv Titel:                              Hur sker implementering av förebyggande arbete gällande hiv och aids?  Författare:                      Nina Svenman Handledare:                   Gunnar Hansson ABSTRACT This study analyzes the prevention of HIV and AIDS around the region of Pretoria in South Africa. The study's starting point is the cultural, economic, social and health which is relevant when different levels of society affirms. The aim has been the basis of the representation levels of society discern what is valued and given priority as well as the measures and the strategies used in implementation. The empirical data underlying the study is qualitative studies with respondents from a university, a hospital, a school, the Swedish Embassy and an organization in order to create an image of different levels in society means to implement preventive measures on HIV and AIDS to their citizens. The result demonstrates that there are clear shortcomings in its implementation guidance on prevention measures for HIV and AIDS as lack of resources is based.

Har män ett kollektivt ansvar för den strukturella underordningen av kvinnor? ? Kollektivt moraliskt ansvar ur ett feministiskt perspektiv

The overarching aim of this essay is to analyze, from a feminist point of view, the moral responsibility for the structural oppression of women. In this discussion I focus on the issue of moral responsibility for sexual violence against women, such as rapes. I claim that a feminist theory of moral responsibility has to be based on a collectivist approach. I argue that men should be considered as collective moral responsible for the structural oppression of women. However, it is important that we analyze the interaction between actor and structure.

Kvinnor som ledare inom industriföretag : En studie om hur kvinnor kan ta sig tillledande positioner

Research question: How does the industrial company Scania work to get more women in leadership positions?Purpose: The purpose of this work is to describe how companies in a male-dominated industry can work to get a higher share of female leaders.Method: This survey was based on a deductive approach with a qualitative method. Theories have been obtained primarily from scientific articles and the empirical part has been collected through interviews from the companies Wiminvest and Scania.Conclusion: The conclusions the study came up with was different elements that companies in male-dominated industries can work with to get a higher share of female leaders. The first thing that companies can do is to join the project BON or similar projects to work on this issue. They can work with workshops and lectures to disseminate knowledge about the topic.

Värmeåtervinning ur spillvatten. En utredning av möjligheterna med spillvattenvärmeväxlare.

This thesis is carried out on behalf of watermixer manufacturer Ostnor AB in Mora.The thesis deals with the area of Article Bound Instructions (ABI) at the company'sassembly department, regarding the layout and management routines involved withthese instructions.In the current situation there are problems with no uniformity in the manner in whichthe ABI is written, then referred to both the civil structure, images and specificityrates in the text.Another problem is that operators do not make use of the ABI that are available inthe current situation, and that there are no clear procedures for who has theresponsibility to write, update and change these ABI.During this work has several people that were identified as key personnel of thethesis held in order to get a handle on how the current situation of the variousobjects of the work looks like, and to examine different desires about the future ofthese should look like from the different subjects perspectives been interviewed.During the work, a number of deficiencies, including that the current program that isused to write the ABI, Lotus Notes, do not possess near the prerequisites for being asimple program to deal with when writing the ABI, which is a condition since wishesare about to put the responsibility for the ABI generation to the departmentsoperators, since their main task is to assemble and do not bother with a program in acomputer.The result of this work has generated new layout and structure of the ABI, designedto be used continuously in the assembly for evaluation, routines regardingresponsibility of the ABI for the Department of Production Engineering (PT),procedures for how the ABI should be written regarding amount of detaileddescriptions in the text and use of pictures.In addition, proposals for further work and improvements has been developed basedon experience during the work and presented at the end of the report..

Intervention kontra Statssuveränitet : "Responsibility to Protect" - En studie av principens nyttjande vid interventionen i Libyen 2011

Sedan andra världskrigets slut har internationell debatt förekommit angående hur internationellt bemötande bör ske då en främmande befolkning utsätts för våld och övergrepp av dess egen statsledning. Ofta har inom ramen för denna debatt normen om icke-intervention kommit att ställas mot ett globalt förespråkande av mänskliga rättigheter.Efter uppmaning av FN:s tidigare Generalsekreterare Kofi Annan, upprättades år 2000 International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. Kommissionens arbete mynnade ut i en rapport benämnd The Responsibility to Protect, vilken syftar till att söka internationell konsensus kring möjligheten att genomföra intervention med humanitärt skydd som mål, samt rekommendationer om hur en sådan bör ske.Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom kvalitativ textanalys söka svar på i vilken omfattning rekommendationerna inom The Responsibility to Protect överensstämmer med internationellt agerande under den inomstatliga konflikten i Libyen 2011.Studiens resultat visar på att internationellt agerande från FN, dess medlemsländer samt internationella organisationer till viss del överensstämmer med rapportens förespråkade konflikthantering innan demonstrationer utbröt i Libyen. Vidare visar studien att internationellt agerande väl överensstämmer med The Responsibility to Protect´s rekommendationer, då de libyska demonstrationerna eskalerade och mynnade ut i en inomstatlig väpnad konflikt..

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