

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 49 av 1216

Lyckas svenska hedgefonder kombinera strategisk och taktisk tillgångsallokering?

I vår uppsats ?Lyckas svenska hedgefonder kombinera strategisk och taktisk tillgångsallokering? undersöker vi om svenska hedgefondförvaltare använder sig av en kombination av alfa- och betastrategier för att på så sätt generera en högre avkastning än den som fås genom att endast tillämpa strategisk tillgångsallokering. Detta gör vi genom att titta på de lineära sambanden mellan hedgefondernas avkastning och marknadens. Våra resultat pekar på att denna distinktion inte görs bland de svenska förvaltarna. Vårt resultat kan dock vara en produkt av svårigheten att finna ett komplett datamaterial över en längre tidsperiod.

Säkrare arbetsmiljö på byggarbetsplatser : Hur brister på arbetsplatser borde åtgärdas för att kunna arbeta på en mer hälsosam arbetsmiljö

Work Environment problems on construction work sites are very extensive and discussed. The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries in Sweden. The construction industry occupies about 290 000 employment (2009), and the investment was 250 billion SEK. This report will investigate the issues of the work environment and offer advice on how these can be measured and imporved. The study includes review and analyses of occupational injury statistics, interviews, inspections and audit and review of the literature.

Distriktsköterskors arbete med malnutrierade äldre personer inom kommunal hemsjukvård

Background:Malnutrition is a nursing issue that causes both physical and psychological suffering of those who are affected. In order to achieve care that is safe and has a good quality, it must be based on the assessment and actions of the state. District nurses play a central role in this work. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the district nurses' work with identifying and addressing malnutrition in older people in nursing Home Care of the Community. Method: Six interviews with district nurses were conducted.

Integration och assimilering : En undersökande studie av sfi

The purpose of this essay is to examine sfi (Swedish for immigrants), which is an ingrational-political tool with objective of teaching immigrants to read and write in Swedish. With the use of critical discourse analysis we examine the discursive practices within sfi. We also examine our methodological and theoretical approaches, and our application of them. Our research questions are as follows:? How are the discursive usage of ?person centered? and ?society centered? expressions being used?? How well does our methodological and theoretical resources work?In our theoretical viewpoint we use ?post colonial theory?, which is a perspective concerned with global power relations seen from a historical perspective.

I tider när det inte är strider

This master's thesis analyses the concept of equality between men and women in parts ofRegion Västra Götaland's area of operation. With critical policy analysis I analyse how theproblem of inequality is represented in the European charter for equality of women and men inlocal life (CEMR) and the Region Västra Götaland's plan of action for the charter. Throughinterviews with people responsible for gender equality in different areas I analyse, withdiscourse theory, the ways in which the concept of gender equality is articulated in differentareas of Region Västra Götaland, and what kind of politics these articulations enables.In the analysis I show that a discursive struggle of how equality is to be defined canbetter be understood as a discursive negotiation. Equality between men and women isunderstood in several ways at the same time, as antidiscrimination and basic human rights, asbalance between the sexes, and as an approach critical of norms and stereotypes. Within thesenegotiations certain understandings of gender are made possible or impossible.

Identifiering av lakbara potentiellt farliga ämnen i gummiasfalt

The main purpose of the project was to identify potential environmentally harmful substances which can be leached from rubber asphalt. A method for analysing asphalt was developed and three rubber asphalt materials were analysed after being cryogrinded. One of the materials was also tested in a road machine made for testing of asphalt paving. The particles created in the machine were analysed in the same manner as the cryogrinded asphalt materials.The asphalt materials were leached by water during 24 hours. The leachates were extracted with dichloromethane, dried with sodium sulphate and concentrated to a small volume.

Screening av prostatacancer och dess kostnadseffektivtet

Denna uppsats undersöker om prostatacancerscreening är kostnadseffektivt och speciellt studeras patientens oroskänsla vid screeningen. Till grund för uppsatsen ligger ett antal tidigare studier i ämnet och de för frågeställningen viktigaste slutsatserna från dessa belyses. Slutsatsen är att det inte, med säkerhet, går att motivera införandet av allmän prostatacancerscreening. Beroende på antaganden varierar resultaten mellan $8,400 och $145,600 per ytterligare levnadsår, angivet i 1995 års pris. Vidare saknas det fortfarande resultat från stora randomiserade studier som klart visar att screening sänker dödligheten i prostatacancer.

Ger tillägg av ARB till redan pågående behandling med ACE-hämmare hos hjärtsviktspatienter bättre hälso- och kostnadseffekt?

Heart failure is a condition where the heart is incapable of providing adequate blood supply to different organs in the body. The underlying causes of heart failure is some kind of disorder in the heart function, and require careful diagnostics. The basic symptoms that arise from heart failure is difficulty in breathing, that aggravate when lying down, and fatigue. The patients? symptoms and impaired quality of life can be in different stages depending on the severity of the heart failure.

Hur ser Läget ut egentligen? : En studie om arbetsmiljön inom byggsektorn

This study includes several purposes which are to describe the concept of working environment, explain who is responsible for its functioning and how the working environment should look like. Other purposes the study have is to investigate how the working environment is in both Swedish and the two investigated companies construction sites and to share some operators proposing measures for the shortcomings and problems that exist in the construction sector working environment. To achieve these purposes was a qualitative study made with unstructured observations, interviews and survey where three construction sites were observed. The result shows that the concept of the working environment cover many aspects and is essentially about the environment we live in and experience in our work and this environment can be both an indoor as an outdoor environment. In this work, the concept is divided into four areas; it is the physical, the ergonomic, the psychosocial and the chemical.

Borrie kyrka - En byggnadsarkeologisk undersökning

AbstractThe church of Borrie lies about 10 km north of Ystad in the southern of Sweden. Though thechurch is one of the smallest in Scania it holds a very complicated history.In this essay all relevent material concerning the church of Borrie is presented. The materialdoes not only concist of literature, but also photographs. The purpose of this investigationwas to use this material to sort out and explain the history of the church of Borrie.The problem is presented in the following points:1. Is it possible to do a building archaeological analysis with photographs of the churchas the main material?2.

Idéanalys av Centerpartiets partiideologi 2001-2013 : Är det medlemmar eller väljare som bestämmer Centerpartiets ideologi?

AbstractWhen the Swedish Centre Party, Centerpartiet, just before Christmas 2012 released a draft for new program of ideas a powerful "winter storm" broke out. Ideas that Centerpartiet would abolish compulsory schooling and the right to inheritance and allow polygamy are just a few of the things that cause alarm.It's not the first time during the last years the Centre Party is associated with neo-liberal elements in their party?s ideology. In 2007 Erik Ullenhag criticized Centerpartiet for their new neo-liberalism was a danger to the alliance.The aim of this study is to investigate whether it is possible to see a change in Centerpartiets ideology and how deep it is. From an idea analytical approach based on ideal types, created for social liberalism, neoliberalism and ecohumanism, the party programs from 2001 and 2013 are studied.

Studie av planerings- och produktionsprocess i sågverksbranschen

 The sawmill industry is a relative fragmented industry that is in an economic upswing andwith a hard competition. The customers have high demands on their suppliers and the highcustomer demand make it necessary for the companies to make a streamlining in planningand production. For that reason it is very important that the planning- and productionprocesses aren?t to complex and with a simple structure.The purpose of this report is to study and map out a marked out part of a planning- andproduction process, from adjust works to final delivery, at a company in the sawmill industry.Different methods have been used for the report, among others interviews and subordinatedmaterial.We have mapped out a marked out part of the planning- and production process at theCompany. This part we have studied, and we have analysed the process it self and otherthings connected to the process.We see the planning- and production process in the Company as complex.

Nord-syd integration och vertikal specialisering - en studie av bilindustrin i NAFTA

Samtidigt som vi idag lever i ett allt mer integrerat samhälle kan vi observera att många produktionsprocesser blir mindre integrerade och allt mer fragmenterade. Internationell fragmentering och specialisering är två fenomen som blir att vanligare inom internationell handel och speciellt inom en komplex tillverkningsindustri som bilindustrin. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera vilka effekter som NAFTA har haft på handel och vertikal specialisering i bilindustrin mellan USA och Mexiko. Genom studien har det framkommit att NAFTA har lett till en ökad handel inom bilindustrin mellan Mexiko och USA och att frihandelsområdet även har bidragit till att biltillverkningen i USA och Mexiko blivit mer fragmenterad. Sammantaget konstateras att bilindustrin kan delas upp i många delprocesser, med olika faktorintensiteter.

Kvinnor, giv akt! En studie av uttryck f?r genusstrukturer och sk?tsamhetsideal i tidskriften Morgonbris under f?rsta v?rldskriget.

This thesis explores how the Swedish magazine Morgonbris depicted women's new roles in the workforce during World War I and whether these depictions challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. The study addresses two main questions, how Morgonbris portrayed women's new roles in the workforce and how this portrayal challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. And also how the magazine integrated the ideal of respectability to engage and mobilize female workers, analyzed through Ronny Ambj?rnsson's descriptions of respectability ideals. Using Hirdman's gender system theory, which examines the maintenance of gender power structures through separation and hierarchy, and Ambj?rnsson's work on respectability ideals, the study employs a qualitative content analysis of articles from Morgonbris during the war years. By identifying and analyzing expressions of class and respectability ideals, the research uncovers strategies used to engage and mobilize female workers. The results show that Morgonbris portrayed women's entry into traditionally male-dominated labor sectors as a significant shift that challenged established gender roles.

Kvinnliga avdelningschefers erfrenheter av sitt ledarskap inom vården

Literature describes what it is like to be a leader in the healthcare and what is looked upon as the most characteristic quality for female leadership. Women often use a leadership technique that motivates the employee and they allow themselves to develop a humanitarian leadership. The aim of this study was to describe female head nurses? experience of their leadership in healthcare. The collection of data has been carried out from interviews.

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