

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 38 av 1216

Agerar stora stater utifrån egenintresse? En studie om Frankrikes syn på frihandel.

AbstractLarge states are not as interdependent as small countries are. Due to the extent of the home market, producers in large countries can sell the greater part of their products at home. Accordingly large countries become less dependent of other states. Large states are consequently in a better position to promote their self- interests internationally than smaller states are. Applying this reasoning on a large state such as France I come to conclude that she probably exerts this policy of self- interest in an area like free trade.

Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i svenskämnet: En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares arbetsmetoder

This study has examined how teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools work to foster a critical perspective through the education in the subject of Swedish. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers, who have given their views on the role of source criticism and critical analysis of literature in the subject of Swedish. Furthermore, they have described how they incorporate these views into their own teaching.The study has shown that the teachers find that source criticism and literary analysis are interconnected, since both depend on a general critical approach, which they both help foster. The main question the study examined was how Swedish education could help foster a critical perspective. The interviewed teachers' ways of working point out a way: teacher C has integrated source criticism and referencing into most of their education, which makes them central to the education in Swedish.

Irans anrikning av uran - Analys av aktörer och säkerhetiseringsprocesser

This theory consuming thesis is concerned with why Iran's uranium enrichment has become a security issue, and will focus on the five most important and involved actors: China, Russia, Iran, the US and the UN. I will do this by using instruments of analysis such as securitization and strategic analysis. With these instruments I will examine different factors, such as deterrence, the action-reaction model and armament. Since, according to my opinion, security matters include more sectors than military I will also examine the political, societal and economic sectors. China and Russia have acted differently compared to the US in this matter and this thesis will highlight the factors that can explain the different actions made by these countries.

Planering : fallstudie av en mjölkgård

The purpose of this paper is to give examples of different ways of economic planning and calculation within agriculcture. My aim is to use a couple of them as an explanation of a case from reality. My choice went to budgetsimulation and balanced scorecard since those are best suited in this specific case. In the information retrieval I present different instruments of economic planning like theory of cost, budget and productcalculation. The budgetsimulation describes how to use the different methods in a long term economic planning. The balanced scorecard is also a model of longand short-term planning but besides the economy planning it?s also a reminder of your personal goals. In the model I have used a dairyfarm as a case.

Medias bild av socialtjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar

The purpose of this study was to examine the discourses that can be identified in medias representation of social services. To answer the purpose we made a critical discourse analysis using Faircloughs three-dimensional model. The choice to focus our study on a local newspaper was based on earlier research that found it possible that a local paper has a greater impact on readers than a national newspaper. Readers can more easily connect with what's happening in the immediate environment than what is written nationally. We used articles published in 2013 containing ?social services?.

Välfärdsfällan - hur kan socialsystemets negativa effekter minskas?

Begreppet välfärdsfällan beskriver den situation där det i välfärdssamhället inte är ekono-miskt lönsamt att övergå från socialbidragstagande till arbete, då bidragen minskar i samma takt som arbetsinkomsten ökar. Uppsatsen syftar till att svara på vilka möjligheter som finns att åtgärda detta, med fokus vad som är möjligt i det svenska samhället, och huruvida den nya svenska regeringens arbetsmarknadspolitik kan tänkas minska välfärdsfällan. Den internationellt mest framgångsrika modellen med sänkt skatt på inkomst av arbete har införts i Sverige i form av jobbskatteavdraget. På grund av det svenska bidragssystemets struktur kan man inte vänta sig några större minskningar av välfärdsfällan. Den åtgärd som förefaller vara bäst lämpad att göra arbete mer lönsamt är förslaget om sänkta arbetsgivarav-gifter vid anställning av långtidsarbetslösa..

I huvudet på en kompositör : Den kreativa processen i handling och tanke

Thesis in Musicology and Artistic Practice by Anders Soldh. Part of the work for the master?s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre and Art, University of O?rebro, 2007.

Underlätta bearbetning av hästskor

3In the last couple of decades there has not happened much inthe ?farriery?- department. The work procedure, methods andfarrier´s tools have stayed the same over time, which have ledto a huge workload that is wearing the active participants out.So think if you were able to ease the working process of horseshoeingfor a farrier. The farriery is still first and foremost aprofession based on handicraft that has to relay on the farrier´sgood memory, sight and sense. The workplaces for a farrieris most of the time at the hiring horse owner`s stables, whichmakes it harder for the farrier´s to have influence over theirworking situation.

All inclusive, ett hållbart koncept? : En studie kring ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarhet

The purpose of this study is to describe the All inclusive concept and to what extent it can be described as sustainable from economic, social and environmental aspects. The empirical study is based mainly on qualitative interviews with four respondents. Two of the informants find the All inclusive concept to be sustainable while the other two are critical to the concept. In the discussion the essay writers argues around the empirical results of the study and how the All inclusive concept possibly could become sustainable. To consider the All Inclusive concept to be sustainable, it is important that the economic, social and environmental aspects are integrated with each other at the destination..

Säkerhetsklassificering av IT-system på Fläkt Woods AB

This report presents a method for modelling a computer system from a security perspective. The questions that are going to be treated are:? What defines a secure system and how does the company relate to these factors?? What are the threats today based on hardware/software, human factors and company routines/policies?? What measures should be taken for the organisation to reach a higher level of security for their systems?? How do we develop a method for classification of security and what components should it contain?? What changes are reasonable and necessary with the respect to the company?s resources?The report has been done through interviews and analysis of existing systems on Fla?kt Woods AB. From analysis of material, the aspects judged relevant to the subject and to the company?s needs, have been compiled to a document.

Arbetets värde. Om ungdomars uppfattningar kring arbetets betydelse.

The aim of this study is to examine the perception of work of young men and women. A central problem that the study focus on is how young men and women value work, what do they expect to get out of work, and what are their experiences of work. The study also examines what work value and work mean for them. Eight young men and women between the ages of 22-25, currently working in different field, were interviewed. The individuals interviewed had different educational backgrounds.

Valfrihet för äldre : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av ett valfrihetssystem och dess förväntade effekter i en utvald kommun

I have conducted a qualitative study were the aim was to understand how the freedom of choice act in eldercare is handled at a municipality level as well as a national level and the effects that can occur. The methods I have used for this study is a document analysis and semi-structed interviews.     I have conducted semi-structed interviews with three professionals in the eldercare organization in a large municipality in the south of Sweden, I have also conducted a phone interview with a representative from Socialstyrelsen. The professionals that I chose for my study was a chief of staff, an aid case worker and a person who worked in the municipality with the implementation of freedom of choice act.     The study shows that the work quality is expected to rise with the freedom of choice as a consequence of the customer and performer model and will give the caretakers a higher level of influence. The study also shows that the municipality will get a greater responsibility and the aid case workers will get extended tasks though they will have to inform the caretakers regarding the options and they will also be mediate between the caretaker and the performers. However the study also show concerns regarding rough traders whose aim is to make money and does not have the same rehabilitation agenda.     There are also concerns for those who can´t chose for them self though they will not be able to be a part of the freedom of choice act in the same way and that is something the municipality needs to work out a system for.

Investeringskalkylering : en kartläggning och analys av kalkyleringsarbetet på Volvo Construction Equipment

Problems: How does Volvos CE: s four Swedish plants work with investment appraisals? Does the work differ between the plants? If differences exist, what can be improved in order to make the work more uniform?  Purpose: To map the work with investment appraisals at Volvo CE: s four Swedish plats, to analyze differences in work between the plants and give proposals to a more homogenous working.Method: A method of qualitative nature. The study mainly contains raw data from semi structured interviews. Secondary data, such as internal policy documents and documentation of completed investment projects, has supplemented the raw data. Analysis: The mapping shows significant differences in work with investments between Volvo CE: s Swedish plants.

Oljepriskänslighet på Sveriges och EU:s aktiemarknader

Oljeprisets påverkan på svensk och europeisk ekonomi är högaktuell ? det skapar dagligen rubriker i massmedia. Inte minst på aktiemarknaden iakttas oljepriset noggrant. Denna studie undersöker huruvida statistiska samband mellan oljepriset och olika aktieindex kan påvisas, och även huruvida dessa går att utnyttja för prognostisering. Fyra branschindex ? industri, kemi, transport och råvaror ? samt generalindex, för Sverige respektive EU, undersöks.Kointegrations- och regressionsanalys används för att undersöka sambanden mellan oljepris och aktieindex, och resultaten tillämpas sedan för prognostisering.

Cupsystemet - En kvalitativ fallstudie av en mobil webbtjänst

The thesis describes the following main question: Will the administrative labour during football tournaments be made easier with the help from a mobile web service or will it convey to unnecessary extra work? To be able to give a good and qualified answer to this question, the thesis will in the beginning describe how the technique for such a system might look like and also describe the existing administrative moments during a football tournament, this is too give the reader a deeper understanding for further reading. The thesis then goes on to describe a concrete system which is tested on three football tournaments. On the basis of the tests, interviews and through analysis of these the thesis will be able to answer our questions. The result which we present in the thesis have unfolded through testing of the system on three chosen football tournaments. The differences in way of labour pre and post the system have been analyzed and through interviews the value of these changes have been assessed. The results achieved in the thesis are as follows, the presented mobile web service does not only decrease the total work effort made by the tournament officials it also speeds up their work.

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