

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 62 av 104

Situationsanpassat ledarskap - en studie om vad i situationen som påverkar ledarskapets utformning :  

The purpose of this study has been to examine what it is in the situation that affects which leadership that is applied on the members of the organization. Our questions that we have explored were; What is it in the situation that influences the leadership applied on an individual or staff group? What similarities and differences have emerged by Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model?Further, we used qualitative semi-structured interviews at the interview procedures with three managers and three employees. Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model and Goffmans theory in the book "The presentation of self in everyday life" have been used as a foundation and inspiration in this study.We have found that circumstances like the size of the staff group along with the organizations financials and the resources affect the leadership behavior and how well it is matched with the employees. The function of the leaders position in the context, and the purpose of the situation influences how the leadership is formed.

Vilka behov har och hur upplever näringslivet samarbetet med skolan vid lärlings- och APL-verksamhet i Värnamo- och Tingsryds- regionerna   What are the needs and how does the business federation experience cooperation with the school at the apprenticeshi

Abstract (in English) The report clarifies how the economy of Värnamo and Tingsryd area experiencing and implementing APL, it also reveals their need for jacking from the school to improve students achievement.By highlighting some of the requirements, expectations, obligations and rights as schools, businesses and students have between each other can enhance our understanding of each other's activities. With increased understanding of each other's needs, function and values can be a more seamless cooperation take place which can increase the efficiency, usefulness and effectiveness of APL and apprenticeship.The investigation of the report includes a survey of 25 questions that companies involved in APL answers and interviews by two well-designate individuals in the subject, Jonas Olofsson, who among other things, wrote the book "Krisen i skolan" and Annika Jervgren is research assistant in the National Apprentice Committee.The supervisor's actions during the APL are addressed and they are critical to student achievement and how the profession is perceived. It is also evident that there is a desire for increased communication between schools and businesses and that practice is governed by established documented procedures to make the workplace time will be as constructive as possible for the students..

Det nya bokförlaget: Att skapa en roll på marknaden

As more and more book publishers are starting up in Sweden, despite of tough competition, this thesis aims to understand the necessary resources required by new publishing houses in order to create a long-term role on the national publishing market. This is a market characterized by a high level of cultural interests, where success is not always measured in economic profit. Four new publishing houses have been chosen, whose start-up phases and entry processes are described in order to determine what factors have been essential in creating a role. In addition, relevant actors such as other publishers, distributors, and retailers have been interviewed with the purpose of acquiring the complete picture of how the new publishers? can create a role within the industry.

De äldre samlingarnas betydelse för kulturarvet: En studie om hur tre bibliotek arbetar med äldre material i förhållande till nationell praxis.

The aim of this study is to compare how three local librarieshandle their collections, and to compare this with handlingcollections at national level. I have investigated librarian?sopinions of their collections and how they take care andpreserve them for the future. It has also been studied if thelibraries collections of old material contains more than justold book rarities.In this study I had compared my respondents answer withSvante Beckman and Magdalena Hillström`s theory ofmuseum`s four idealtypes. Their view of a museum is in theforms of a treasury, archive, school and a theatre.

Triage på akutmottagning : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av nuvarande triagemodell

To sort, is the meaning of the word ?triage?. Triage is used at emergency departments to facilitate prioritization of patients according to the urgency of the chief complaint. The aim of this study was to investigate how the nurses experience the triage model at the emergency department at Uppsala university hospital.Twelve nurses were interviewed. The mean age was 40 years and the mean work experience was three years and four months.

I bilderboken är allt möjligt : bilderboksillustration ur en kommunikativ synvinkel

The general purpose of this dissertation is to study picture communication in picture books and it addresses the following questions:What is the illustrator?s role in the process of making a picture book? What communicative qualities do pictures have in picture books and how do pictures interact with texts? What methods do illustrators use to visualize the meaning of stories in picture books?A genre analysis, a literature study and an interview of a professional illustrator has been conducted to answer the questions. I found that all objects that make up pictures, the arrangement, colours and shapes contribute to the meaning in diverse ways. Pictures also communicate in a different way than texts. An important difference between pictures and texts in the context of picture books is that pictures are more open for interpretation.

Mobilmarknadsföring ur ett konsumentperspektiv : Hur effektiv är denna marknadsföringskanal?

Denna uppsats har till syfte att utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv undersöka vad som gör mobilmarknadsföring effektiv/ineffektiv som marknadsföringskanal. Författarna besvarar syftet genom att bygga vidare på tidigare forskning som identifierat specifika framgångsfaktorer angående mobilmarknadsföring. Vidare utförs detta genom en enkätundersökning som har till syfte att undersöka om konsumenten uppfattar att dagens sms och mms mobilmarknadsföring uppfyller dessa framgångsfaktorer. Resultatet visar på att den övervägande majoriteten av framgångsfaktorerna inte anses var uppfyllda på ett tillfredställande vis enligt konsumenten. Detta påverkar i sin tur konsumentattityden gentemot mobilmarknadsföring negativt.

Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande på akutmottagningen : En litteraturstudie

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

Vem är jag? : En jämförande studie i presentation och självrepresentation

Today's young people increasingly tend to sit at home and relax, instead of being out and meet friends. This is based on my observations from my experience as a teacher. They are more and more in front of their computers and living their lives through their various Internet sites. There I was, stuck on how they behave in their environment, both private and public but also to their friends and their families versus their "internetlife". Young people are more and more at home and even the daily discussion are now placed on the internet instead of face to face communications or on the phone.This essay deals with the subjects selfrepresentation and self-identity that Erving Goffman handled in his bookThe self in everyday life respectively Anthony Giddens in Modernity and Sef-Identity.

Att rätt fira sin gudstjänst : Gudstjänstens relevans för kyrkan och för den kyrkotillhörige sett ur anställdas och förtroendevaldas perspektiv

The Church of Sweden had barely 6.5 million members in 2012. Just over 1% of the members visit a church service regularly every Sunday. The number of visitors in worship services has diminished continuously for a very long time. From 1990 to 2010, the annual number of visitors at the main worship services has decreased by 50% from 9 million to about 4.5 million. The service activities can still be maintained at the current level because the many passive members still pays their membership fee.

Varumärkeskommunikation för marknadsledare : En studie av Red Bull's varumärkeskommunikationoch image

The purpose of this thesis is to through brand communication and Red Bull?simage examine how they position themselves as leaders on the Swedish energydrink market. We chose relevant theories within buzz marketing, word ofmouth, sampling and events. Our method of preference was quantitativequestionnaires which we spred through email to students at the LinneausUniversity and other social networks such as Facebook and blogs. Our empiricalstudy is based on our questionnaires and information about Red Bull.

Lexikal organistaion hos flerspråkiga barn - enligt den förkortade Kent-Rosanofflistan på svenska och arabiska

The aim of this study was to examine bilingual childrenslexical organization and to investigate weather bilingual children hadundergone the syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift in grade four. Thirtychildren from multi-ethnic areas were tested with Kent-Rosanoff wordassociation test in both Swedish and Arabic. The results showed thatmore than 40% of the children had undergone the shift in bothlanguages, 20 % had undergone the shift in only one of theirlanguages and almost 40% had not made the shift in any language. Acomparison with results from monolingual Swedish children in gradethree in a previous thesis, showed that the bilingual children in thisstudy did not reach the corresponding level of lexical organization.The study points to the necessity of including tests regarding lexicalorganization when assessing both mono- and bilingual children withsuspected language impairment. The study also underscores theimportance of supporting mother tongue development in bilingualchildren by for instance adequate mother tongue education.

Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utländsk bakgrund syn på sin etnicitet

Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, Sweden´s third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..

Globalt mode på en lokal marknad : - En case study av H&M och hur de väljer att profilera sig i deras globala kampanj, Conscious Collection

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

Normalt i läseböcker : Föreställningar om kön, kultur, klass och "ras"

This paper aims to examine what reading books convey as normal for first grade children. The question at hand is to find out what children's reading books convey as normal within the context of intersectionality with a focus on sex, class, culture and "race". Text analysis of two reading books has been conducted, using discourse analysis with an intersectional perspective. In analysing the texts, selected sections from the books have been examined using the method of close reading. Within the context of intersectionality, classifications have been made and selected according to the categories sex, culture, class and "race".

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