

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 52 av 104

Hur kan gränssnittet mellan sjukhusvård och eftervård för

The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to obtain understanding and knowledge about how literary scholars collaborate regarding information. Seven scholars have been studied in the aim to find out social and cultural elements which create particular prerequisites for their practice, with focus on information sharing. The method used has consisted of semi-structured interviews. The informants have been studied from a socio cultural and domain analysis starting point, which means that they are studied in the light of being members in their practice.

Att ösa ur ett hav : Om kunskapssyn och urvalsprocesser hos gymnasielärare i Samhällskunskap A

Teachers in social sciences have a broad subject field to base their education on. This term paper examines, thru interviews, which factors that have an influence on the subjects contents in the A course of Social Sciences at Swedish high schools. Having interviewed four active teachers at three different schools, it shows that control documents like subject- and national curricula have little to say about what kind of subject that should been taught. Teachers seem rather to rely on local collegiate consensus, the textbook, locally prepared control documents, and adjusting to program directions while choosing material. In the final discussion the risk of structuring the subject around the text book is being investigated, along the fact that new locally control documents need to be written even for basic planning structures.

Rätten till språk : En studie av hur folkbibliotek arbetar med inköp av barnböcker på andra språk än svenska

The purpose of this essay is to examine how public libraries work with children's books, in other languages thanSwedish, regarding acquisitions. The purpose is also to describe what the libraries assignments are in regard tochildren with non-Swedish backgrounds. This is then put in a relation to the libraries democratic assignment.The main questions are: What are the libraries' assignments, as described in the libraries regulations? How do thelibraries work to fulfil their assignments?To answer these questions a survey in two parts has been carried out. The first is a study of the libraries'regulations, and various handbooks that serve as an inspiration for librarians.

Lär med Educare : När omsorg möter lärande i förskolan

 AbstractMy curiosity of students' use of images for reading led me to seek knowledge of the students view on the text illustrations in the literature and through interviews. This study is about how pupils in the school year 2 experience reading, especially with images. The purpose is to investigate the significance of illustrations in reading for students in school year 2. I also want to find out how students see themselves as readers and how the survey material believes that the students comprehend reading. Eight children, both girls and boys have participated in the interview.

Direktavkastningens determinanter

Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa i vilken utsträckning valda faktorer påverkar direktavkastningen i Sverige samt att klargöra huruvida investerare kan använda faktorerna i syfte att uppnå önskad utdelningsnivå. Metoden som har använts är kvantitativt baserad, den empiriska datan är företrädesvis insamlad från databasen Six Trust, tillhandahållen av LINC vid Lunds Universitet. Angreppssättet har varit deduktivt, där teorier har testats genom multipel regressionStudien visar inte på något entydigt signifikant resultat för de undersökta variablernas förklaringsgrad på direktavkastningen. Resultatet motsäger därmed ett flertal erkända forskares tidigare resultat, däriblad kan nämnas John Lintner(1956) som menade att utdelningen i mycket stor utsträckning kan förklaras av företagens vinster, något vi inte finner stöd för. Vid prognosticering av utdelningsnivån hos svenska börsföretag bör undersökta variabler inte ligga till grund för placering..

Missionssyn och missionspraktik i Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen : speglat av brev och bloggar från Etiopien

In this essay there will be four text books from grade 1 studied, the first one are from the year 1976 and it will be going forward to the year 2012. The aim of this study is to see how the genders are depicted and represented, as well as what roles the genders are given. I do also want to see if there is a notable change in this over time. I will be doing a study based on the quantity of the contents, and I will also be doing a critical discourse analysis.The result of the study showed that there were more gender-based constructions that referred to women in all of the four books, which indicates that women are represented more often in these reading books. It is most common to portray the genders in their stereotypical roles, which again are present in society, but sometimes these roles are depart from what?s present in society.

Biblioteksbokmarknaden ? en idéanalys av nätbokhandelskonkurrens och upphandling på folkbibliotek

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the development on the Swedish book market for the beginning of the 21st century. During the 21st century a lot of things have happened on the Swedish market for library books. Twenty years ago in reality only one company existed that could deliver books with the demanded equipment to the libraries, but in year 2010 there are four companies offering the same service. Other news during this time is bookshops on internet. We found this development interesting and therefore decided to contact the four companies as well as six libraries to find out what they thought of the new situation.

Läsförståelsekompetens. : En kvalitativ studie av några pojkars läsförståelse

AbstractThis essay concerns a qualitative case study seeking to understand six boys? reading habits and to investigate why it is that some boys who do not like reading nevertheless display good reading comprehension according to the results achieved for that skill in national tests. The study shows that the boys? perception of reading has a lot to do with the contact they have with books when they are small. Whether or not there are adult role models in the home and whether the early encounter with texts in school is a positive or negative experience is significant for the boys? later attitude to reading.

Fanfictionläsare ? en studie om läsvanor

Today, literature is published in a wide variety of formats, it can be published digitally or in the more traditional paper format or as an audiobook. This thesis aims to take a closer look at fan fiction readers? reading habits and motivations for reading, as group accustomed to using different kinds of formats for their reading. It does so by analyzing fifteen responses to an online survey using only open-ended questions. The survey was posted online on fan fiction sites and could be answered anonymously.

Säkerhetsansvarigas syn på supportrars beteende och dess inverkan på ishockeyevenemang : En kvalitativ studie om hur säkerhetsansvariga ser på supportrars beteende och dess inverkan på ishockeyevenemang

Are icehockey supporters a big problem in todays society? Is security required during icehockey events, and how is it implemented? This study was aimed to investigate the people at security positions and their view on fan behavior and it?s impact on icehockey events. It was a qualitative study were six interviews were made with people in charge of the security at different hockey clubs. The results showed that security managers overall saw a good fan culture, and that it created a wonderful atmosphere. Security managers worked a lot with dialogue with the supporters and they thought it had a good effect.

Agent Provokation - En studie kring avsändarens påverkan på provokativ reklam

Even though provocative marketing is a widely used tool among companies to distin-guish themselves from the crowd and catch the attention of consumers, there are several variables that remain relatively unexplored. This paper aims to investigate what impact the brand has on how provocative advertising is perceived and how it affects attitudes and behavior. An experiment was conducted where several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as brand attitude, buying intentions and word-of-mouth intentions were used to analyze the effects of brand knowledge. The results show that a provocative advert lowers attitude and buying inten-tions for the established brand while it remains unchanged for the unestablished brand. This implicates bigger freedom for unestablished brands to elaborate with provocative elements in their marketing.

Hur la?rare bedo?mer och betygsa?tter elever som a?r i behov av sa?rskilt sto?d. En studie om Undantagsbesta?mmelsen.

This essay is about a debate concerning the magazine Axess, feminism and antifeminism - in relation to a issue of Axess called To a new feminism. The theoretical foundation of this essay is Pierre Bourdieu and his field theories. The battles taking place in this particular field concerns the positioning of feminism and antifeminism in the way we culturally interpret these in our society. The essay shows that the magazine Axess (at least in the first edition of 2012) links feminism with a very prominent symbolic capital in a culture context. This discussion can at times seem confusing, and this is probably due to the fact that Bourdieus symbolic capital can be a very abstract concept. The journalist and author Maria Sveland writes about the development of a culture moving towards accepting antifeminism (and also xenophobia). She expresses the opinion that this, to a high degree, is due to actors in the culture domain with a big amount of trust in the public eye has moved towards expressing anti-feministic (and xenophobic) views.

Föräldrars upplevelse av ROP undersökning och deras behov av information

Alla barn som föds mycket för tidigt undersöks regelbundet av ögonläkare för att man skall upptäcka de barn som behöver behandling för en sjukdom som kan drabba ögats näthinna efter för tidig födelse s.k. prematuritetsretinopati (Retinopathy of Prematurity, ROP). Syftet med den alitativa intervjustudien var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelse av ROP-undersökning och derasbehov av information. Metoden är kvalitativ och baserar sig på öppna frågor. Totalt har tretton föräldrar deltagit.

PRESS / PLAY. Ett studium av övergivna format och metoder för flerfaldigande genom grafisk produktion för musikdistributören Kyrkvägen Kassett

The purpose in this Bachelor degree project has been to create a visual identity and to design a compilation cassette for the small music distributor Kyrkvägen Kassett. My way of approaching the task has been to draw parallells between the cassette as an obsolete music format and more or less abandoned or anachronistic formats, materials and printing methods in the graphic design area. The result is a visual identity that is built upon materials and methods of production rather than specific visual elements. The work is to be seen as a tribute to the small non-profit producers of music and graphic design. As often done in the DIY movement, I chose to consider my lack of practical knowledge in these fields not as an encumbrance but as an asset and an incentive.

Kompetens och utbildning inom data : - för blivande hälso- och vårdadministratörer

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta undersöka hur utbildning inom datorämnen kan utformas för att svara upp mot de krav som arbetslivet ställer på yrkesverksamma hälso- och vårdadministratörer.Uppsatsen tar upp vilka kompetenser inom datorämnen som yrkesverksamma hälso- och vårdadministratörer anser man behöver behärska för att klara av de arbetsuppgifter som arbetet kräver.Uppsatsen tar även upp hur yrkesverksamma hälso- och vårdadministratörer anser att en utbildning inom datorämnen ska utformas för att ge kompetens att utföra framtida arbetsuppgifter som hälso- och vårdadministratörer.Metoden som har använts för att komma fram till resultatet har varit åtta stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med yrkesverksamma läkarsekreterare och hela uppsatsen ger en bra bild av vilken mjukvara och kompetens man måste behärska för att klara av arbetet som hälso- och vårdadministratör..

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