

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 41 av 104

Ideologi och Kommersialisering : ?En studie om hjälporganisationers användande av sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal

The purpose of this report is to analyze and evaluate non-profit organizations way of working with social media within the organization, from a marketing perspective. We have made observations of three organizations and completed a series of interviews with representatives within the organizations.In the report we came up with five factors that are necessary for non-profit organizations in order to receive long term donations with the use of social media; Trust, awareness, involvement, interaction and Word of mouth marketing.Our result shows that the organizations have realized the potential and benefits of using social media, but have not come very far in the process of using it properly. Our conclusion is that social media can give assumptions for long term donations, if the organizations use a customer perspective and give their customers added value..

"Alla människor har en fasad och man vet aldrig vad som döljer sig där bakom" En undersökning om hur det går att påverka elevers attityd till lyrik genom undervisning

The study is ethnographic and the collected material consists of questionnaires, interviews andconducted practical exercises. The purpose of this study is to examine whether it is possible tochange boys attitude to poetry and poetry teaching through practical exercises. The questionswhich the study is based on concerns how frameworks for tasks can enhance the creativity ofthe students, the standards students have as a reference point and what attitudes boys have topoetry. The study shows that students feel that they are more creative if there is a frameworkfor the task, it has also been shown that boys do not have any special attitude to poetry,because they do not know what the word means. One of the most important results in theresults section is that boys have a positive attitude to poetry as long as the teacher gives themthe right tools to work with..

Thomas Kuhn och paradigmteorin idag : Från normal till postnormal vetenskap

This essay describes the philosophy of science that Thomas Kuhn puts forth in his work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The question is, does his description of the scientific paradigm work as well today as in the examples he gave in the book?The conclusion is that there are certain factors that make for a number of differences between science today and, for example in the seventeenth century. There is also a growing theory or vision of a post normal science laid developed by among others Jerome Ravetz. This theory or vision is an idea of a science close to peer-communities and fast as well as critical decisions involving opposite values..

Hantering av systemdokument

All systemdokumentation som finns på Flextronics är dokumenterad på en mall i Word. Utvecklingen inom Flextronics WE, Karlskrona är stor. Många datasystem används på företaget inom olika avdelningar lokalt men även i Europa, och ingen gemensam ruin för hanteringen av systemdokument finns. Helpdesken på Flextronics servar hela Karlskrona och västra Europa på deras datasystem och nätverk. Vår uppgift är att ta fram en kravspecifikation för hantering av systemdokumentationen.

Selma Lagerlöf ? litterär mecenat och förmedlare av dialog : Gestaltning av läsarbreven och analys av författarfunktionen

At Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm you can find over 40 000 letters sent to Selma Lagerlöf. Many of her readers wrote and asked for her help, and the letters show that she helped a lot of people with money as well as with writing advice. People from all over the world asked her for money to be able to study, to finish their written works, or just to get through the day. Others want her to read their texts and poems, because they wish to hear her opinion or wonder if she can put in a good word for them at some publisher. This essay illuminates the question why so many people had this confidence in Selma Lagerlöf.

Elevperspektiv på ämnet historia

Abstract The purpose of this study is to further understand swedish highschoolstudents perspective on the subject of history. In order to produce an answer a series of qualitative interviews were conducted with six students of mixed ages, ethnicity an gender. Their answers were evaluated using relevant didactic theories focusing on the use of history, historical consciousness as presented by Klas-Goran Karlsson. Motivationtheories according to the RISE model. By Edward Hootstien.

Svenskkyrklig ecklesiologi : i mötet med Svenska Missionskyrkan

The purpose of this essay is to shed light upon the ecumenical work that has been done between the Church of Sweden and the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden. The recent years of work have led to a recommendation for a certain degree of fellowship to be established between those churches. This proposal as well as other documents are analysed in the essay from an ecclesio-logical point of view, to find out how the Church of Sweden looks upon itself in meeting another church.To structure the material, the essay has been subdivided into seven parts that is related to ecclesiology. In those seven chapters the positions of the Church of Sweden and the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden are given individually as well as in common. Questions like the im-portance of dioceses, local congregations or parishes and the national level are described.

Mänskligare prylar pratar. En kommunikationsplattform för äldre

Safety, its a word not commonly associated with elderly people living alone. There is however a device that is supposed to bring safety, and enable elderly people to continue living in their present household - an emergency dialer. However these devices does not serve their own purpose in terms of design. Thepurpose of this study is to create an emergency dailer that everybody would want to put on their wrist or bedside table. The market for these devices have looked the same for the last twentyfive years, despite of society´s advancements in both design and technology.

Integrering eller inte? : Barn med högfungerande autism i skolan

The purpose with this essay is to find out how active teachers think about integrate children with the diagnosis autism into the regular school. The method I have used to find out is a qualitative interview, where I have interviewed three teachers of various age and sex.A person with the diagnosis autism has problems with communication, social interaction and the ability to form a conception. Today, we do not know what causes autism, but we do know that it has to do with a neurological disorder. The word integrate means unite or join together as a wholeness. Many children who have a handicap may feel good to participate in a school where the other pupils do not have a handicap.

Är goodwillnedskrivningar värderelevanta - En studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

This study investigates the value relevance of goodwill impairments for equity investors in Swedish listed companies. We provide insight on whether goodwill impairments are value relevant before as well as after the implementation of IFRS 3 and IAS 36. We express market value of equity as a function of book value of equity; net income excluding goodwill impairments and goodwill impairments, using the Ohlson valuation model and Hellström's price regression. Our findings suggest that goodwill impairments are statistically value relevant for equity investors. Prior to the implementation of IFRS 3 and IAS 36, our findings imply that equity investors respond negatively to goodwill impairments.

Marknadsföringsstrategier för ett nytt barnklädesmärke på en mättad marknad

Under de senaste åren har barnklädesbranschen och dess aktörer upplevt en kraftigt ökad efterfrågan och utbud på marknaden. En högkonjunktur och en trend där förstföderskorna är äldre gör att barnfamiljerna har stabilare ekonomi. Konsumtionstrender visar även ett ökat fokus på familj och personlig identitet där småbarnsföräldrar gärna spenderar pengar på barnkläder. Dessa fenomen har bidragit till att det finns stora möjligheter för små barnklädesmärken att etablera sig på marknaden. En marknad där det även råder hård konkurrens och stora modejättarna drar stora fördelar då de kan konkurrera med pris.

Är extrema rape-revenge-filmer detsamma som tortyrporr? : ? En komparativ studie av tre framställningar av sexualiserat våld

Abstract:According to the curriculum of the Swedish school the pupils should develop their historical consciousness. The aim of this study was to find out which pupils develop this consciousness by listing to an historical novel, talking about that book and writing stories. The study went on for four weeks and the subject of the teaching was the Middle Ages. 28 pupils took part and a variety of methods were used: 1: questionnaire about the lives of the pupils, 2: Making observations of their attitude to the teaching and 3: story writing. The results show that the social background does not influence the development of an historical consciousness.

Delad berättelse ? dubbel glädje! Gruppterapi utifrån ett narrativt förhållningssätt.

During the autumn of 2010 a group of parents met together with two therapist at Mini Maria Hisingen. These parents did have children who had experience of using drugs. This study purpose´s to describe, analyze and understand what has been effective in the work together with this group of parents.The interrogative sentence is; Did we use a narrative approach and what impact did this approach had on the groupprocess? What did the group sessions contribute to the parents and would they recommend other parents to participate in similar sessions? All the sessions were recorded in video. The work was highly inspired by Michael White and his book Maps (2007).

?The best book in the world is quite simply the one you like the best?: en kvantitativ enkätundersökning om män och kvinnors läsvanor

The purpose of this thesis is to examine adults? fictionreading habits. The focus is finding out what differencesexist between men and women to study the significance offiction to readers. The study is based on a questionnairesurvey with men and women coming in to a public library.We used Sten Furhammar?s reading dimensions andcategories to describe the importance of the respondentsreading experience and describe the ways that men andwomen read.Our result shows that the genres men and women prefer arenovels, detective stories/thrillers and biographies.

Barnbokens karaktärer ur ett genusperspektiv : normativt eller normutmanande

The aim of this paper is to examine how gender roles are described in two children's books and compare the results against the curriculum Lgr11 's values. The compared books have different aims though one of the analyzed books claimed to go against the gender roles and the other one isn?t. The method of analysis is discourse analysis and deconstruction of the text by using Nikolajeva´s (2004) pattern for stereotype gender descriptions and Kåreland´s (2005) analysis of story actions based on gender representations in children's literature. The analysis of the texts shows that there are differences between how the two books characters are described depending on gender. What emerges is that in one of the books femininity is valued high but instead it lacks equality between the sexes, while in the second book the main characters are described as equal even though the other characters are described in a stereotypical way.

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