

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 32 av 104

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One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?.

Nya religiösa rörelser och synen på utbildning : en studie i hur medlemmar från nya religiösa rörelser uppfattar skola och undervisning

The previous research in the field of new religious movements has mostly focused on the spectacular parts where phenomena such as ?brainwashing? and the ?charismatic leader? have attracted both media and the scientific studies of religion. Professor Liselotte Frisks has done several enquiries about sects and new religious movements in Sweden. One of her main conclusions is that the relation between these new religious movements and the rest of society has changed; a relation that used to be characterized by conflicts and tension is now becoming more open as both parts are changing.This study does not focus on the spectacular parts. Instead I have studied something more common and general.

Expertis versus Demokrati

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Arkitektur Stockholm : ett resultat av vad?

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Stadsplanering för fysisk aktivitet

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Relational Theory of Contract och företagsförsäkringsavtal

Forming teacher teams is currently the standard way of organizing teachers in Swedish Compulsory Schools. This is the result of a process that started in the 1970s.Traditionally the culture of teaching has been one of isolation. Once the door to the classroom is shut, what happens behind the door is up to the teacher to decide. Over the past thirty years a lot of time has been dedicated to making fundamental changes in the way teachers interact with their colleagues. Today the idea of teachers forming teams is generally accepted but still the core of a Swedish teacher?s job is that of a lone worker.

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One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.

Religiös coping i tolvstegsprogrammet : En studie av tolvstegsprogrammets funktion för icke-missbrukare

The purpose with this study is to examine how the twelve-step program is described by the author J Keith Miller (2004) in his book Steg in i livet and by the author Olle Carlsson (2012) in his book 12steg för hopplösa. The aim for the study is to highlight the twelve steps usage on people without addiction problems. In the study, the two author?s thoughts and experience of the twelve-step program is analysed and interpreted by Pargaments (1997) theory of religious coping. The research questions in this study are: 1.

Planering av en jämställd fysisk miljö

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Urban vindkraft : Ett energialternativ för framtiden?

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Läromedel inom ämnet Teckenspråk för hörande : -

The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how the concept educational materials can be interpreted, as well as to investigate how teachers describe their use of educational materials. The focus of this study is the subject ?Sign Language for the hearing?, at the upper secondary level. We, the authors of this essay, both have a great personal interest in this language. Swedish Sign Language is the sign language mainly used in Sweden.

Nya Möjligheter för Kontroversiella Varumärken-En studie kring kontroversiella varumärkens framfart i sociala medier

As commonly known, Social Media is a rapidly growing area. Since consumers to a great extent are present in Social Media, this new internet environment is increasing in relevance for consumer marketing. For controversial brands that are regulated in conventional marketing channels Social Media is an extra ordinary marketing opportunity, since social media is a legal grey area. More and more controversial brands are taking advantage of this opportunity, but the effects of these marketing activities are fairly unknown. Therefore there is an interest in examining the controversial brands marketing progression in Social Media.


Syfte: Syftet med den studie är att få en djupare förståelse för hur den förändrade kommunikationsmöjligheten via Facebook upplevs av kunder och företag inom dagligvaruhandeln. Vidare är syftet att också få en djupare förståelse för hur dessa upplevelserpåverkar relationen mellan kund och företag inom dagligvaruhandeln.Metod: Studien bygger på både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Undersökningen har genomförts med både enkät och intervjuer, på två företag och 17 kunder.Resultat: Både kunder och företag är överens om att företag ska ha Facebooksidor, och det ärviktigt att företagen är aktiva på dessa. Däremot är de inte överens om vad huvudsyftet med Facebooksidorna faktiskt är, företagen respektive kunderna har olika önskemål. Båda tror att Facebooksidan kan bidra till en ökad relation men om det i praktiken gör det, varierar pågrund av personliga upplevelser och åsikter.Begränsningar: Resultatet är endast baserat på två svenska dagligvaruhandelsföretag och desskunder.

Ingen reklam tack! Men gärna Ikea-katalogen : En studie kring vad som händer när marknadsföringen kliver in i sociala forum på Internet

The social network services (SNS) on the Internet are becoming more common, and are starting to have a higher range of users, which is affecting Internet marketing. We (the authors) have a feelingthat a growing online marketing within social networks could interrupt the order of social standards. That is why we in this paper have tried to figure out what position marketing has ? and might have ? within SNS, and what impact it will have on social relations.During qualitative interviews along with both representatives of public relation offices as well as with SNS users, we became aware of the occurring strategies of online marketing, and the usersunderstanding of it. In the information from the interviews, we found some interesting contradictions on which this paper underlies.

Kommunikation i restaurangbranschen : - en studie om kommunikation i en expansiv bransch

I denna studie undersöker jag kommunikationen i restaurangbranschen i Stockholm idag (2013) och avgränsar mig till fyra restauranger i två segment, de etablerade och de nyetablerade, expanderande restaurangerna. Grunden till uppsatsen är det föränderliga restaurangklimatet i Stockholm stad, och hur restaurangbranschens kommunikation ser ut. Det har det senaste året öppnat fyrahundra procent mer restauranger än 2000.  Det tycks finnas en kutym att man inte genom klassisk annonsering i tidningarna kommunicerar inom restauranger av högre kvalitet och ambition. De restauranger jag har granskat faller alla inom ramen för högkvalitativa restauranger. Jag ställde mig frågan hur de då kommunicerar ut restaurangens varumärke? Hur de befintliga restaurangerna skulle klara sig på marknaden och hur arbetet kring kommunikationen ser ut, hur kommunicerar man sitt varumärke? Jag har också frågat om det har skett en förändring i restaurangernas kommunikation och om det är något man funderar kring. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserat svaren med hjälp av olika teorier rörande relationsmarknadsföring, Service Management, varumärkeskvalitet och Word-of-Mouth. De slutsatser jag kommit fram till är att restaurangerna i dagsläget har en större förståelse för att kommunikation och varumärke än innan, samt en förståelse för att man måste arbeta med aktivt och skapa en tydlig restaurangkommunikation.Konkurrensen är hård och det gäller att hänga med i det föränderliga klimatet, att hela tiden vara aktuell.

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