

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 19 av 104

Genomgång och test av teorier för sannolikheten att aktieåterköp sker, givet ett bemyndigande.

Uppsatsen avser undersöka vilka variabler som kan påverka sannolikheten för att ett aktieåterköp sker givet ett bemyndigande. Under år 2007 fick 93 stycken bolag bemyndigande av bolagsstämman att få utföra ett återköp av aktier. Av dem valde 59 % att utföra det. Vi inleder uppsatsen med att förklara teorier som kan ligga till grund för motiv till att utföra aktieåterköp. Därefter formulerar vi hypoteser som avser pröva teorierna.

Helvetesakvareller : En studie i akvarell som teknik och uttrycksmedel utifrån den danske bildkonstnären Michael Kviums måleri

In Italy in 1528 the famous author Baldassare Castiglione published the book Il Cortegiano. In words Castiglione portraits the ideal courtiers and provides a lot of advice on how to achieve the ultimate courtier manner. For example he introduces and explains the words sprezzatura and grazia. His advice spread from Italy and influenced the courts around Europe. My purpose with this study has been two folded. Firstly, I have analysed Castigliones Il Cortegiano in order to examine his vision of virtues and ideals.

Religionens roll i konsten och arkitekturen i antika Egypten

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis in religious history, is to examine how religion reflects in the artwork and in the architecture in old and new kingdom in ancient Egypt, also to explore how book of the death reflects in the artwork. By means of using the visual culture theory, I have analyzing the selected pice of art with myths and texts from the ancient religion, to been able to come the the results of this study. It was know that religion had a major part in the artwork of ancient Egypt, especially in the new kingdom. In the old kingdom pharaoh generally was in the centre of the art, but also the gods. In new kingdom they started to illustrate texts and myths from book of the death, and the life after death was of great matter.

Beatrix Potters kaniner : verklighet och fantasi

This master thesis deals with questions concerning facts and fiction in the world of Beatrix Potter's rabbits. The purpose is first and foremost to find the connections between the pet rabbits, that she used as art models, and the rabbits that came to life through her "tales".The method has been to gather facts through biographic reading, and to analyse Beatrix Potter's rabbit tales, using tools developed by Swedish picture book experts. The rabbit characters are thoroughly examined and so are the settings where the tales take place. Matters concerning Beatrix Potter's painting technique and illustration style as well as her literary and pictorial inspirations are dealt with.Conclusions are, that the fictive rabbit characters have indeed a lot to do with the fact that Beatrix Potter was interested in natural history and studied animal behaviour and anatomy in detail. For a long time rabbits, both wild and domesticated, were her favourite study objects which provided conditions for her rabbit fantasies.

Elevers föreställningar om vattnets kretslopp och växtens liv : Har eleverna tillräcklig kunskap inom dessa områden för att diskutera hur miljöförstörning påverkar vatten och växter?

The purpose of this investigation is mainly to study if pupils have enough knowledge concerning the water cycle and the life of the plants?, and what kinds of household word they have, to discuss pollution within these areas. I also studied how the pupils? knowledge are holding up against what the course-plans says, since it have come to light by other investigations that knowledge are insufficient within the nature-oriented (No) subject in school.The survey has carried out on 28 pupils in a 5th grade, with help of a questionnaire survey. Their teacher has been interviewed and I have studied their local course-plans and also the pupils? schoolbooks in No.The result of the questionnaire survey indicates that the pupils had insufficient knowledge within the areas of plants? life and pollution, something their teacher had a presentiment about.The conclusion is that they need to go out more often in the nature and see how the plants and the environment are affected by different factors.

Hur praktiseras open-book management inom detaljhandeln? En studie av tre Maxi ICA Stormarknad

Bakgrund och problem: För att företag ska klara sig i den hårda konkurrenssituationsom råder idag krävs att de ständigt förändras. Dessa förändringar bör genomföras påett sådant sätt att de gynnar företagets prestation genom att öka medarbetarnasmotivationsnivå. Att dra nytta av företagets humankapital blir allt viktigare då det somdriver lönsamhet och tillväxt i ett företag rör sig från utnyttjandet av fysiska resurser tillatt använda sitt icke?materiella kapital optimalt. Utmaningen företagen ställs inför idagär att ständigt förbättra sin prestation för att locka kunder och klara konkurrensen.

Den nödvändiga mediekunnigheten : ? En studie om lärares uppfattningar kring mediekunnighet och skolans medieundervisning

The aim of this study is to examine new interpretations of homosexuality in Islam based on Scott Kugle?s book ?Homosexuality in Islam? and the documentary ?A Jihad for love? by Parvez Sharma. Through a theological perspective, a critical analysis is performed in order to find new interpretations and compare them with each other and with the Islamic legal tradition. Argumentative analysis is also used for both the book and the documentary for this essay.     Both Kugle and Sharma use new interpretations and arguments about love to find space for homosexuality in Islam. They use a Muslim language to have relevance with their discussions to Muslim readers and viewers.

? Som en genre bland andra?? En studie av barnbibliotekariers uppfattningar om den tryckta barnboken i dagens medielandskap

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to gain insight into the attitudes of children´slibrarian towards the position of the printed Children?s book in today?s medialandscape. The reason for our interest is our belief that librarian?s attitudes to newmedia and their work practice have an effect on how children perceive books andreading. The study is built on qualitative interviews among four children?s librarians.Our theoretical framework stems from a variety of researchers within the fields ofpedagogy and media studies such as David Buckingham, Sonia Livingstone, NeilPostman, Ylva Ellneby and Margaret Mackey.

En retorisk analys av Fahrenheit 9/11 ur ett dokumentärhistoriskt perspektiv

The history of rhetorics in documentary film is a long one. The French brothers Louise and Auguste Lumiére were among the first persons who produced a documentary and their work has had a big impression in the history of documentary during the 1900 century. John Grierson has been called ?the father? of documentary film. He produced films in the English speaking part of the world and he is the founder of the concept ?documentary film?.

Lättläst skönlitteratur för barn i mellanåldern på folkbibliotek

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the promotion of easy-to-read fiction for 10-12 year old children in public libraries. The number of easy-to-read fiction books is increasing on the book market. This can be expected to affect the public library. The hypotheses for the study are: 1) Public libraries expose easy-to-read fiction and use it in their reading promotion activities and, 2) The acquisition of easy-to-read books and the use of easy-to-read books in reading promotion activities have increased over the last five years. A self-completion questionnaire was distributed to 44 public libraries in Sweden.

Skönlitteraturens nya kläder? Elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur: en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio svenska förlag och fyra andra aktörer på det litterära fältet

The main objective of this essay is to present the views of nine Swedish publishers and four other agents in the literary field regarding the possibilities of and obstacles to publishing fiction in an electronic format. Furthermore, whether or not electronic publishing is today actually a viable alternative. A substantial part of the essay functions as background to our interview findings and is based primarily on material originating from the Sociology of Literature field. The introductory chapter expounds the methodological and theoretical basis of the essay and is followed by a chapter placing our study in a larger, international media, context. Chapter three deals with the past decades? restructuring of the publishing sector, the professional functions involved in traditional publishing and Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on the cultural and economic forces at work in the literary field.

Ska pyramiderna rivas?: en studie om mikromakt

It has been demonstrated in this study how people working in frontline jobs in service organizations are exercising ?micro power?. The use of ?micro power? is defined as ?to in ones professional role, without objectively defensible reasons, impose sanctions on a customer?. The interviewees are explaining their use of ?micro power? with mood, working conditions, and customers? behavior.

Elevers tankar kring gemenskap : En kvalitativ studie om sambandet mellan gemenskap och prestation

The aim of this study is to examine new interpretations of homosexuality in Islam based on Scott Kugle?s book ?Homosexuality in Islam? and the documentary ?A Jihad for love? by Parvez Sharma. Through a theological perspective, a critical analysis is performed in order to find new interpretations and compare them with each other and with the Islamic legal tradition. Argumentative analysis is also used for both the book and the documentary for this essay.     Both Kugle and Sharma use new interpretations and arguments about love to find space for homosexuality in Islam. They use a Muslim language to have relevance with their discussions to Muslim readers and viewers.

Barnbibliotekariers förmedlingsarbete med lättläst barnlitteratur

The purpose for this Masters thesis is to describe childrens librarians work in supplying literature to children with emphasis on easy-reader materials. Our main questions are: · What do librarians believe characterizes an easy-reader book, and what do they base their decision on when classifying a book as easy-to-read? · How have the libraries in our study solved the hands-on difficulties associated with easy readers childrens literature? · Which factors do librarians consider to be important when supplying literature to children that are not used to reading or are not good readers? The theories we have used are Aidan Chambers Reading Circle and Karner Smidts view on the librarians professional roles when supplying literature. We have used a case study method, which means that we have gathered information through observation, objective papers and interviews. This has been done at six libraries.

Motivation i andraspråksinlärning : Vad motiverar sfi-studerande att lära sig svenska

The aim of this study is to examine new interpretations of homosexuality in Islam based on Scott Kugle?s book ?Homosexuality in Islam? and the documentary ?A Jihad for love? by Parvez Sharma. Through a theological perspective, a critical analysis is performed in order to find new interpretations and compare them with each other and with the Islamic legal tradition. Argumentative analysis is also used for both the book and the documentary for this essay.     Both Kugle and Sharma use new interpretations and arguments about love to find space for homosexuality in Islam. They use a Muslim language to have relevance with their discussions to Muslim readers and viewers.

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